Monday, March 25, 2019

Bill Barr Farted

The tRump MAGA assault on our country continues. MAGA standing for "massive ass gas attack", of course. William Barr (the new AG selected by predisent Dotard after Barr submitted an unsolicited written opinion that said the Dotard could not possibly obstruct justice) has found that the predisent has not obstructed justice. This, after Robert Mueller turned in a report in which he, for some reason, punted on the obstruction question.

Giving the man who lead the Iran-Contra cover-up the opportunity to once again break wind bigly. This according to the low IQ trumper Edward T. Endo, an eproctophile who calls himself Mystere on Blogger. As per a 3/25/2019 Mystere "commentary" on his "Moonbat Spanker" site, Liberals got stinkfaced. As a result of the Bill Barr summary of the Robert Mueller report.

Well, if Liberals got stinkfaced, obviously it is because someone farted. That someone is William Barr. His four page summary of Robert Mueller's report quotes incomplete sentences and now the Orange Turd is claiming "complete exoneration". Even though one of the quotes says tRump has NOT been exonerated.

Was Barr "brought in to put the knife into the investigation" (as per Malcolm Nance)? It surely is looking like that might be the case. Especially if Barr tries to suppress the FULL report. But this moron Mystere, buying the trumper fake news narrative, thinks "Mueller's investigation turned up nothing".

Uh, no. Bill Barr might have passed gas and delivered a "stinkface", but it was a stinkface to the country. How ridiculous it is that the media is jumping on board with this narrative that tRump has been "exonerated" and IGNORING all the collusion and obstruction that took place IN PLAIN SIGHT. Something seriously STINKS here. And it's more than Bill Barr's (metaphorical) toot. The Dotard ABSOLUTELY colluded with Russia, I am 100 percent convinced.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-103.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Majority Of The American Electorate (People Whose Choice Was The Popular Vote Victor HRC In 2016) Laugh At Our Idiot Predisent

Because the Trump Corporation is named after it's entitled leader (a company that would not exist if it's founder had not been born on 3rd base) the idiot-in-chief assumes that ALL corporations are headed by CEOs with the last name of the company. For example, Tim Cook doesn't head Apple, "Tim Apple" does. And Marillyn Hewson doesn't head Lockheed Martin, "Marillyn Lockheed" does.

predisent Dotard tRump: " really have you've really put a big investment in our country. We really appreciate it very much, Tim Apple" (YouTube Video Published 3/6/2019).

Initially the Dotard denied saying "Tim Apple". The Dotard claimed, when speaking to a group of donors at Mar-A-Lago, that "he actually said Tim Cook Apple really fast, and the Cook part of the sentence was soft. "Fake news" the Dotard said.

Then the Dotard claimed that saying "Tim Apple" was to "save time". This lie due to his enormous ego which make it impossible for him to admit he misspoke and laugh at himself.

Here is another example...

predisent Dotard tRump: ...Marilyn Lockheed, the leading woman's business executive in this country, according to many. And, we buy billions and billions of dollars worth that beautiful F-35. It's stealth, you cannot see it. Is that correct? It better be correct (YouTube Published 10/24/2018.

The stealth F-35 CAN be seen by the human eye. Stealth refers to aircraft "designed to avoid detection using a variety of technologies that reduce reflection/emission of radar, infrared". The F-35 is not invisible and most certainly CAN be seen. Both by the human eye and by radar, because "no aircraft is totally invisible to radar".

I mention that because a tRumper might argue that, "of course" tRump wasn't implying that the F-35 is invisible to the human eye, he was talking about the plane not being able to be detected by radar. First of all, I think he was saying the plane is LITERALLY invisible. Second of all, even if that isn't want he thinks, he is still wrong. And an idiot. Although I seriously think he could be suffering from old-age-related or syphilitic dementia.

It is actually quite frightening that someone who is clearly mentally not well is in charge of the country. And has the nuclear codes. Obviously we HAVE to get rid of this mental defective as soon as possible. Until then a little laughter might alleviate some of the stress of living under the rule of a dangerously unfit predisent.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-102.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

White Nationalist Dotard tRump Incites More MAGA Terrorism

MAGA stands for hate. Magaturds want to make America (or whatever country they reside in) "great" by hating non Whites. Their goal is to reduce the numbers of non Whites in their respective countries. Or AT LEAST reduce the influx of non Whites. That was the view of the Australian perpetrator of the New Zealand Christchurch mosque shootings of 3/15/2019. This "freedom fighter" was fighting for the survival of the White Race.

As per the killer's manifesto, Dotard tRump is "a symbol of White Identity and common purpose". Of course. The Dotard himself announced to the world that he is a White Nationalist in a speech in front of adoring and cheering brainwashed cultists at a rally for Ted Cruz in Houston on 10/24/2018.

"I'm a (White) Nationalist" Dotard said. The "White" was implied. It was a signal to his racist base. Just as the hiring of Steve Bannon of Breitbart was (and his continued employment of Steven Miller as an advisor is). As was his Muslim ban. Remember when Dotard said "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on"? Then there was the Dotard's defiant pronouncement that people marching and chanting "Jews will not replace us" are "very fine people".

Now, Minus FJ (a frequent commenter on the WYD blog) says Dotard isn't a White Nationalist because he doesn't want a White Homeland. No, he only wants to admit a lot fewer immigrants from "shithole" countries. As well as an expensive and ineffective wall on our southern border to keep the brown invaders from rushing in.

btw, to be a White Nationalist one does not necessarily believe Whites need a homeland. As per Wikipedia, "White nationalism... espouses the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity". Additionally White Nationalists "hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and economic dominance, and that their cultures should be foremost".

Now, following the New Zealand terror attack (and the shooter referring to tRump as a "symbol of White Identity") the Dotard claims White Nationalism isn't a rising threat because "it's a small group of people". Sure they may be a small group of people, yet they got their guy into the White House.

According to former Grand Wizard of the KKK, white supremacist and white nationalist David Duke, "That's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back". He's talking about taking the country back FOR WHITES. And, despite DJT's denials (and the denials of the trumper known as Minus), DJT's dog whistles to the Alt Right PROVE he is one of them (a White Nationalist).

Image: Yes, this is staged picture of a look-a-like, but this IS how the rest of us (the majority who voted for HRC) view the current occupant of the White House. Also how the Alt-Right White Nationalists view him, albeit positively. Sorry Minus, but you are overruled.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-101.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Uranus Is My Home Planet

Greetings. Time for yet another post by me, Fartbreath Mystere (making it TWO in a row!). Today I shall revel a true fact about myself that very few people are aware of. That fact is that I originally hail from Uranus. I refer to the planet that smells like farts.

Now, you may believe that Uranus, being located so far away from the sun, is uninhabitable. Earth "scientists" say that Uranus is an ice giant and that it's atmosphere is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium. Having spent my formative years growing up on Uranus, I can reveal to you that this is fake news.

Uranus is actually very much like earth with a few exceptions. The primary exception being that the atmosphere is comprised primarily of methane. A good thing for us Urani, as all the methane caused a runaway greenhouse effect that warmed the planet. As for the source of this methane? You may think I joke, but the answer is farts. Not farts produced by the Urani people, but by an animal very much like your Earth cow.

My people, the "Urani", have learned to live by breathing cow farts. Instead of oxygen, Uranis such as myself breathe in methane and exhale some other gas. I am not a scientist, so don't ask me for any further details. Fresh, clean oxygen, such as you have here on earth, is offensive to the Urani nose. Which is why very few Urani (such as myself) can be found here, on Earth.

Now you may be wondering how someone born on Uranus could have possibly travelled to Earth. A journey that would take many years via traditional space travel. But I did not travel from Uranus to Earth via spaceship. It so happens that I was transported from Uranus (my home planet) to Earth in the blink of an eye via teleportation technology.

Not of my own free will, mind you, but because I was exiled. For being such an asshole. Among other reasons. Uranus is ruled by a one world Socialist government. It is an actual utopia. Free health care, free schooling through college and jobs (and income) for everyone. Yuck.

Here is some more news that you may find shocking, but a few decades ago (Earth years) a great man with orange skin attempted a coup. His name was Frederick Trump. Frederick Trump, because he tried to overthrow the Democratic Socialist ruling order, was the first Urani exiled to earth. That Urani man married an earth woman and that woman gave birth to our current President, Donald J. Trump.

So, my parents got swept up in a second revolution. A group of Urani who, inspired by the writings of Frederick Trump, decided the time was right to attempt a second coup. A coup that failed. My parents and their compatriots were put on trial. The verdict? Exil to Earth. For me as well, even though I was but a child. Not because I took place in the coup, but (like I said) just for being an asshole.

Now, I am but a simple moron, so I really have no idea how teleportation technology works. According to what I've heard, the technology somehow harnesses the power of the Van Halen Belt. The Van Halen Belt is similar to the Van Allen Belt, but different. In any case, this belt is the key that makes teleportation possible.

After my parents were found guilty, they (and I) were teleported to Earth (a one way trip). My parents and I then disguised ourselves as an Asian-American family. Something that was easy to do because Uranis are transmorphs. My parents decided that their last name would be "End0". And they also decided to call me "Edw@rd". "Fine by me" I said. Mystere is my Urani name, but would obviously be unusual for an Earth person.

In our true form Urani look very much like earthlings, but our skin is much oranger. Plus we have two buttholes. Also, like I said, we breath methane. Although farts will do the trick. The fact is that, without farts to imbibe, I would die. Humans need oxygen to live and the same is true of Urani and methane. Although Urani are able to "hold our breath" for hours at a time. I do like to carry with me a few farts (purchased on the black market), just in case.

Wikipedia/Flatulence: A flexible tube, inserted into the rectum, can be used to collect intestinal gas in a flatus bag. This method is occasionally needed in a hospital setting, when the patient is unable to pass gas normally.

My black market fart dealer does not ask why I'm buying farts (or what I'm using them for). I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm using them for sexual gratification. Instead of to live. Although the really smelly ones do tend to give me boners.

For the record, Donald Trump is only half-Urani. Explaining why his skin is so orange. With limited transmorph powers, he got as close to human-looking as he could. Although the doctors were quite shocked when he was born. They thought they were dealing with a seriously deformed baby.

Donald Trump knows socialism is evil. Why he decided to go down the same road as his father did on Uranus. Which would be to stop socialism by running for United States president. Luckily, with the help of Vladimir Putin, he was able to achieve his goal.

Post authored by Fartbreath Mystere's Eproctophilia Club, a White Nationalist/Trump-supporting phart sniffer. WYM-100.

Monday, March 4, 2019

I Love Farts! (A Fartbreath Mystere Commentary)

Howdy. Time for another rare post by me, Eddie Mystere, AKA Fartbreath Mystere. As you likely know, I am known as "Fartbreath" because I really enjoy eating farts. Also huffing them. Seriously, I love farts; both the smell and the taste.

Anyway, the reason for this post today is to address the ongoing feud between myself and the primary author of this blog, Anthony Sanders. Although he goes by "Dervish" for some reason. As opposed to using the name he was given at birth, which is "Anthony".

It seems that Anthony (aka "Dervish") is quite upset with me for revealing his true identity and address. Also calling him by MY nickname, "Fartbreath". For the record, I am known by "Fartbreath" because of my love of farts. Mr. Sanders, as far as I know, is not a fellow eproctophile. I did ask him if he wanted to join my phart sniffing club, but he told me "no way". He told me he thinks farts are disgusting and not an odor to be enjoyed. As I enjoy the odor.

Personally I do not understand why more people don't love farts as much as I do. Gas expelled from the ass smells fantastic as far as I am concerned. My sense of smell must be superior to that of the ordinary human. But I accept that most people (oddly) do not love farts as much as I do.

Anyway, back to the feud between Dervish and myself... he says I am going to regret messing with him, but the truth is he is going to regret messing with ME. I WILL make him pay. By writing posts on my blog about him farting. Also, how much I would like to smell those farts. That will show him.

And I will continue exposing him. Soon I will be reopening my blogs and posting additional secrets that Anthony would rather people not know. Secrets that will embarrass Anthony so much that he will almost certainly threaten to sue in order to get me to stop. But I laugh at these threats of lawsuits! Try it Anthony, and you'll end up disbarred for sure. Because I will file a countersuit.

You can't get away with trying to stifle my First Amendment rights, Anthony! The world has the right to know about your sexual perversions, Anthony! Much as you surely want to keep them hidden. Because Anthony's secrets being revealed will most assuredly get him disbarred and result in him losing his job as a Judge.

btw, you may be asking yourself WHY THE HELL would Anthony allow me to post my "lies" on his blog? The answer is that (as Anthony told me) he's allowing me to "expose myself as an idiot". Sure, Anthony. Keep believing that. As long as you keep allowing me to post on your blog, I don't care what you think.

Also, you're wrong. The truth is that I have exposed myself as being incredibly smart. A "stable genius" like our magnificent president. Evidence of my smartness? I followed the digital breadcrumbs and discovered your true identity, Anthony Sanders. Something that got YOU spooked, Anthony!

Image: Anthony Sanders and his peepaw Ralph Sanders.

Post authored by Fartbreath Mystere's Eproctophilia Club, a White Nationalist/Trump-supporting phart sniffer. WYM-99.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Mystere Got Spooked

So, I recently noticed that Mystere deleted 5 of his blogs, including the blog where he authored a post that accused me of pedophilia. Imagine the brass balls this guy must possess, to attack a rich, powerful and respected Judge such as myself. LOL. I kid, of course. The real reason (one that is surely obvious to all), is that Mystere is an idiot.

Which is why I'm surprised it occured to Mystere that I could sue his ass. Something, in fact, I was planning on doing. Correction -- something I am STILL planning on doing. Mystere might think he can deny authoring posts on his blogs in which he attacks me with lies, but he is mistaken. The fact is that I have submitted legal documents to Blogger informing them that they need to turn over digital copies of Mystere's deleted blog posts. This evidence I will use when I file my lawsuit against the incredibly stupid individual who calls himself "Mystere" (although I know his real name).

Mystere, in an idiotic comment on the WYD blog, incorrectly asserted that I was, by threatening to go after him for his libelous statements, violating his 1st Amendment rights! Something the low IQ imbecile suggested I could be disbarred for. Sorry, Mystere, but that isn't how it works. The First Amendment does not give you the right to libel me on your blog. I advise you to hire a lawyer ASAP, because I plan on crushing you like a bug.

In court, I mean. When I am through with Mystere he will be begging for mercy. He will also be destitute. I guarantee Mystere will regret messing with me to the end of his days. I bet he wishes now that he had not followed the digital breadcrumbs and discovered my true identity and address. Although, given how stupid Mystere is, he probably doubts what I say. It will not be long before he finds out how wrong he is. It will not be long before Mystere finds out that he was right to get spooked.

But deleting your blogs won't save you, Mystere. Because Blogger keeps copies of recently deleted material. I contacted the President of Blogger and we had a long chat. After he called up the deleted material on his PC and read a few of Mystere's posts, he agreed that I had been libeled. "The person who uses the Blogger ID Mystere has clearly violated our TOS" the president of Blogger concluded. "And, if he had not already deleted the material himself, I would remove his blogs right now".

By the way, instead of being worried about Mystere having any nude selfies I might have taken and posted online while intoxicated, I recently discovered that it is Mystere who should be worried. Because I found HIS nude selfies. I had a hunch that Mystere might have posted such photos online. Specifically I did a search of gay hookup sites, and SURE ENOUGH I found many nude photos of Mystere.

Personally I wouldn't post pictures of my junk online if my assets were as underwhelming as Mystere's assets are. Will I email these photos to Mystere's parents? Probably not. I could change my mind, however. I seriously do not give a hoot about Mystere's sexuality. By which I mean the fact that he is gay. And married to another man.

Also apparently in the closet. You want to stay in the closet, Mystere? Stop threatening me and libeling me. Not that it matters, given that I doubt anyone reads your idiotic blog. But I need to put a stop to this on principal. I mean, a peabrain such as Mystere can not be allowed to get away with bad mouthing an august Judge like myself. Period.

Now, Mystere may laugh at me if this threatened lawsuit never materializes. To be clear, there is the possibility that I'm just yanking Mysytere's chain. He already deleted 5 blogs based on the possibility that what he wrote could get him into trouble. Thinking he might be sued could cause the little shit to piss his pants and/or soil himself. LOL.

But seriously, it is really worth my time to sue Mystere? It might be something to do just for fun. On the other hand, I have important cases to rule on and my time is valuable. Much too valuable to spend any of it crushing a scumbag like Mystere. Much as he might deserve it. And he surely does deserve to be taught a lesson.

Anyway, the point is that I might cut Mystere a break. So long as he doesn't resurrect his blogs and resume libeling me. The fact is that he was right to get spooked because I have the paperwork ready and am prepared to file my lawsuit. Also, eviscerating him in court would bring me a lot of joy. I'd even be willing to use vacation days to see it through.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. wym098.