Another SUPER misogynist commentary from the FAR Right trumpy blogger FreeThinke, a VERY frequent commenter on the (possibly shuttered) Rightwing trumpanzee blog Who's Your Daddy. A commentary in which he (again) speaks out in defense of scumbag Roy Moore and against the #metoo movement (without specifically referencing that hashtag).
FreeThinke: "Sexual Harassment" is a fabrication of the Left designed to help overly ambitious Power Whores, unfeminine Lesbians, and angry, envious, hopelessly unattractive women to wrest power from the hands of males by using defamation of character with (usually) unfounded (or distorted and highly exaggerated) allegations of misconduct that only recently has been criminalized by these Leftist Activists for their own power-grabbing convenience – naturally. (FT post: "Sexual Harassment: A Foolish, Possibly Fatal Fad", 11/25/2017 at 6:00am). |
FreeThinke previously wrote that he agrees (as Clarice Feldman writes in her American Thinker article) that "some these allegations are clearly fabrications [and] that certainly seems to be true of the claims against Roy Moore". In regards to the #metoo movement in general, Mr. Thinke likens it to the Salem Witch trials.
An (uncredited) quote Mr. Thinke posts to his blog says that "even spectral evidence (like seeing witchcraft in dreams) was accepted against the accused". A very similar quote to the one by Roy Moore supporter Pastor Earl Wise. "How these gals came up with this, I don't know. They must have had some sweet dreams somewhere down the line" was what this scumbag "pastor" speculated.
Note that Mr. Thinke acknowledges that power resides in the "hands of males". Where Thinke no doubt believes it BELONGS. As opposed to any kind of equality (sharing of power), it is MEN who have been, and should continue to be, in charge. What other word than "misogynist" could be appropriate for such an antiquated worldview? And it's only "power whores, unfeminine lesbians, and angry, envious, hopelessly unattractive women" who desire equality. Attractive women are quite content with their position in life and with men running the show.
BTW, it was in the comment thread of FT's post that I noticed a puzzling comment by one Rational Nation.
Rational Nation USA: From your response I assume your views on feminism runs parallel to my own. (11/24/2017 at 7:44pm). |
Either RN hates feminism as much as FT (who refers to feminists using the Rush Limbaugh neologism "feminazi") or thinks his views on feminism are parallel to Thinke's because Thinke would agree that "America's progressives are marching gleefully towards the neutering block. A place where feminists rule and men are considered evil predators" (as per a 11/20/2017 RNUSA commentary).
That is a tad hyperbolic, I think. RN expresses a legitimate concern, perhaps. But I think the vast majority of women coming forward do so with legitimate and real concerns. There is the danger of some men guilty of far lesser infractions (Garrison Keillor) being swept up in the "hysteria" (absolutely NOT the case with scumbags like Harvey Weinstein and Roy Moore).
Rational Nation doesn't believe (like Thinke) that "sexual harassment" is a "fabrication of the Left" (#metoo starting with Harvey Weinstein, a Democratic donor). So, NO, I would not agree that FT and RN's views on feminism are "parallel".
The obvious misogynist Thinke, despite his extreme, reality denying paranoid conspiracy believing views re feminism (and the very credible charges against Roy Moore), laughably claims (in response to a satirical comment I submitted using the handle "Sexual Harassment Is A Man's Right!") "I am anything but a misogynist".
An assertion to which my response is... BULLSHIT! Thinke goes on to say that "accusations of sexual harassment (in quotes) because most often they are disingenuous". MOST of the time? As with Roy Moore. All of his accusers are liars. The problem, according to Thinke, is "shrewish, overly ambitious, predatory women". Women who (of those making accusations) are the majority. A "majority" of 100%, given that "sexual harassment" is in quotes (indicating that it isn't a real thing).
This denial of misogyny, BTW, is from the same individual who asked (in a WYD comment) "why would any decent, God-fearing, natural-born Caucasian-American accept a dark-skinned MOSLEM into their midst?". When I pointed out how racist such a comment is, Mr. Thinke ignored the "dark-skinned" part and focused on the Muslim part. His comment, he claims, is the same as asking "Why would any sensible person put chlorine bleach in his punchbowl?".
Reminiscent of Donald Trump Jr comparing Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles. Although chlorine bleach in your punch bowl will kill you (or seriously harm you) EVERY time, while DJT only suggested that a small percentage of Syrian refugees will end up killing Americans. With FT it's ALL of them. Just as it is ALL women who allege sexual assault who are liars.
Image: Franco hates Feminazis, which are-men hating women who want all males castrated so they can institute a vaginaocracy. Note that "MRA" stands for Men's Rights Activist. As per Wikipedia "some men's rights activists contest claims by feminists that men have greater power, privilege or advantage than women. [Such assertions] and activities associated with the men's rights movement have been criticized by the Southern Poverty Law Center and some commentators... as misogynistic". Indeed.