According to the trumpturd fake Christian Mystere, I once wished death upon a blogger who called himself Franco Aragosta. A person who actually died on 10/7/2020.
Looks like I did wish death upon Franco? And my wish came true? Except Mystere only posts my REPLY to a comment authored by Franco. Below is a screenshot that shows my comment, along with the Franco comment I was replying to.
As you can see, my hilarious retort was in response to a vulgar comment by Franco. A comment where he wishes death on House Speaker (at the time) Nancy Pelosi.
All I did was post a reply in which I speculate about what might happen at Franco's funeral. I do not say I hope this funeral will take place anytime soon. So, NO, Mystere, this comment is NOT me wishing death upon Franco. Unlike Mystere, I don't wish death on people. I have never wished for the death of donald tRump or anyone in donald tRump's family.
As per Mystere (in the same post), I "constantly fling curses against the Trump family, wishing they would get killed in some manner". This is a lie. I want donald tRump to live a long time. I would be very disappointed if donald tRump died before (at least) serving several years behind bars. I do not want any other member of donald tRump's family to die before their time either.
Via an imaginary curse I have never cast. Or by any other manner. This accusation of curse-casting is probably projection. Mystere often writes about how "prophets" have predicted the death of Congressional Democrats. Also ex-Democratic presidents. Because Mystere's God is a vengeful deity who strikes down those who displease it.
Mystere's (imaginary) God is a tRumper who bigly supports dotard donald. And is angry Joe Biden "stole" the presidency from the rightful winner of that election. Because Democrats (in Mystere's delusions) are pedophiles who want to abort as many babies as possible. Even after birth.
btw, Franco died before the election, so he never knew donald tRump lost. Something I consider a crying shame. I really would have preferred Franco had lived. At least a short while longer. It would also have been interesting to see Franco's reaction to donald tRump going to prison.
That might have been hilarious. So, did I wish Franco to die? No, I did not. Although I certainly wasn't broken up over his demise.
In the video below Roger Trefethen (aka Franco Aragosta) plays Chopin's Waltz in C#-Minor, Opus 64 #2. According to the person who posted the video, Roger/Franco "began his piano studies with Joseph Erwin of the Juilliard Preperatory School".
So, was there dancing in the streets when Franco died? Probably not. There were most likely at least a few people who were sad. Because Roger likely wasn't as terrible as his online persona. That guy (the online persona) was a horrible person, however. But how much of Franco's terribleness translated to Roger? I do not know.
Mystere, I am 99% convinced, is definitely a horrible person. His online persona (I'd bet) aligns quite closely with his real-life persona. I'd wager money on it. Recently Mystere laughed when I revealed I have health issues that have caused me a lot of misery. According to the religious nutter (who worships a hateful deity), God (his imaginary God) hasn't healed me because I opened the door for Satan to "bonk me around".