Thursday, June 29, 2023

Alec Baldwin Committed Murder On Orders From Hillary Clinton

As per the idiot Mystere's blog, when Alec Baldwin shot and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins with a prop gun -- it was not an accident. It was an intentional murder.

The article Mystere links to? If you click his link it says "Oops! That page can't be found".

Google says the husband of Halyna Hutchins is a corporate lawyer in Latham & Watkins' Los Angeles office. Also, apparently two Latham & Watkins attorneys who represented Michael Sussmann also work at the Perkins Coie lawfirm.

Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussman was employed by Hillary Clinton during her 2016 campaign, and was indicted (but found innocent of lying to the FBI) in John Durham's bogus investigation.

So, does that make Matthew Hutchins "Clinton connected"? Tangentially. Which means "in a way that relates only slightly to a matter; peripherally".

Conspiracy PROVEN! Alec Baldwin, on the orders of Hillary Clinton, murdered Halyna Hutchins to send a message to her husband. Which was... "you better find a way to fix the trial. Or else you're next". Clearly it worked, as Sussman wasn't convicted.

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-288.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Democrat Nazis Fabricating Evidence To Take Down tRump

The Biden administration wants to "get tRump". Because Joe Biden knows the American people want donald tRump back in the White House.

Regarding the recent indictment by prosecutor Jack Smith, CNN says there is an audio tape on which donald tRump admits he "retained secret military information he had not declassified". But the audio tape was fabricated to take down The donald.

A commenter on Minus FJ's blog who calls himself "Q" saw through (and called out) CNN's false reporting.

Under the Biden administration the United States is becoming a totalitarian shithole. A shithole where evidence is fabricated to take down The People's choice for president. aka we're becoming JUST LIKE Nazi Germany!

According to this "Q" idiot, at least. Me, I think the tape is real and that it is damning evidence that will (hopefully) result in dotard donald being sent to prison for a long time.

Regarding where the tape came from, turns out it isn't a deep fake. Nor did it originate with a CNN wiretap.

"The recording was made in the summer of 2021, and includes Trump speaking with individuals who were hired to help Mark Meadows, Trump's final chief of staff as president, with researching a book he was writing at the time" (Link).

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-287.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Democrats Weaponizing Another Virus To Kill Americans

Never forget that Democrats attacked America (with China's help) by unleashing the coronavirus. This is a virus that was engineered by Chinese scientists to use as a bio-weapon. Why? To harm donald tRump's reelection chances. Anthony Fauci sent US taxpayer dollars to Chinese scientists to look into modifying the coronavirus so that it would spread rapidly among the world's human population. AKA gain of function.

Now they're planning another attack. Why? To justify wide-spread mail-in ballots being sent out. That would be my guess. The conspirators include Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The image below is from the Mystere blog "Donkey's Revenge".

Looks like this is another "prophecy". God told one of his prophets that the evil Democrats are trying to kill Americans. With the Monkey Pox. Or "Monkee Pox".

The post also says that Anthony Fauci's last name is actually spelled "Fowchee". Because (although he doesn't look it) he is Chinese? Apparently so. He must be a Chinese agent, sent here to destroy America.

Bill Gates is motivated by his desire to kill as many people as possible. In order to depopulate the earth and drive down carbon emissions. Thus solving our global climate change problem. Thank you, Bill Gates!

tRump hater and Nazi collaborator George Soros paid NY AG Alvin Bragg to persecute The donald with bogus charges. Porn star Stormy Daniels blackmailed tRump, saying she'd go to his wife Melania and falsely claim they had an affair unless he paid her off. HOW is that a crime? Shouldn't Stormy Daniels be the one who was charged?

What about WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus? Turns out he's a for-real Leftist terrorist. Wikipedia says he is a member of the The Tigray People's Liberation Front which "is a leftist ethnic nationalist paramilitary group [which] was classified as a terrorist organization by the Ethiopian government.

These people are enemies of America. And the world. Luckily God's prophets say their evil scheme will fail. This evil Leftist plot will backfire bigly. And God's Chosen One (donald tRump) will be president again.

Above is a screenshot of Mystere's response to my post on another blog. The Democrats plan to release a bacterial flesh eating virus was exposed? When? Why wasn't this big news? Because it did NOT happen. Yet Mystere (due to being completely insane) thinks it was.

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-286.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Anti-Vax trumpnutter Mystere Retweets Catturd BS Re Jamie Foxx Hospitalization Being Caused By The COVID Vaccine

Add Jamie Foxx to the list of celebrities who have died (or suffered serious health consequences) after taking the Covid vaccine.

The trumpturd Mystere (who goes by "Mr. E" on Twitter) is a bigly anti-vaxxer. Previously he blogged about how "Sex And The City" actor Willie Garson died after getting the vaccine.

Now he's retweeting a fake story about actor Jamie Foxx being "partially paralyzed and blind after being pressured into getting the COVID booster shot ahead of filming a new movie".

That Jamie Foxx's medical issues were caused by the Covid vaccine were refuted by a representative for Foxx. Entertainment Tonight says "Jamie Foxx's rep shuts down conspiracy theory about his health issues".

Betty White is another celebrity who died after receiving the covid vaccine. Though I couldn't find anything about it on Mystere's blog. Surprisingly.

Mystere is also praying for the deaths of Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. A post on his "Donkey's Revenge" blog says "Dervi$h og-al bin §atan-§ander$666 will be throwing a hissyfit when 2 of his fake god idols in Congress and the Senate pass away on the same day".

The most likely cause of death? Old age would be my guess. Mystere says two of these people will die on the same day. According to a "prophecy". The post is titled "2 Will Die On The Same Day Prophecy Coming To Pass".

Mystere (a hate-filled fake Christian) believes God hates who he hates. And he (God) is taking out Democrats. Because God gave Democrats a chance to repent but they didn't take it. So now they will pay with their lives.

"Who knows which 2 wicked liberal clowns will croak and keel over on the same day?" Mystere writes. Which of the many fake prophets Mystere listens to made this prediction? The post does not say. It could be Mark Taylor again.

Mystere posted on another of his blogs a "prophecy" from the fraud Mark Taylor that Chelsea Clinton, her husband and her 3 young children will be sent to Gitmo and executed.

btw, as per "Celeb Investigator", "Eric Marlon Bishop, known professionally as Jamie Foxx ... is a fervent supporter of the Democratic party [who] donated $30,400 to the DNC (in 2009), and a few years later ... another $17,900 to Barack Obama's reelection campaign".

Mystere probably wishes death upon Mr. Foxx as well. Though his retweet of Catturd (real name, Phillip Buchanan) says it's "horrible" (that Jamie's health problems are due to the Covid vaccine).

So who knows. Mystere surely agrees with "MagaDONian Princess". She writes (in a reply to Catturd's tweet) that Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates should go to prison.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-285.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Evil Fake Christian Mystere Posts False Prophecy Saying Chelsea Clinton, Her Husband And Their Young Children Will Be Executed

Above is a doctored image from the blog of a trumper who calls himself "Mystere". Chelsea Clinton isn't reading a book to her daughter Charlotte titled "Nanna Goes to Prison". The actual title of the book is "I'm a Big Sister".

This image is one of several attached to a post from Mystere's blog. The post says the (fake) prophet Mark Taylor made a (false) prediction that Chelsea Clinton, her husband and her young children will face military tribunals and be executed. Chelsea Clinton's children are 10, 8 and 5 years old.

The Cabal Will Crash and Crumble
Posted on June 10, 2023 by myfoxmystere

The prophets and prophetesses of God Almighty have spoken. When Part 2 of the Mark Taylor prophecy "2 Will Be Taken, 3 Will Be Shaken" resumes its course, the cabal will start crumbling badly. Part 1 was the death of George H.W. Bush. At the funeral, several people got summons, notifying them that their days are over. Part 2 will start when the death of Jimmy Carter comes to pass.

When Carter passes, it won't be too long afterwards that Slimy Bubba Clinton will keel over and croak. Crooked Hildebeest Clinton won't have Slimy Bubba's carcass to deflect the charges of corruption off her flea ridden carcass, nor will her witch's spells be working.

God's prophecies never come back empty. When He warns people to repent and they refuse to, they get dealt the consequences for disobeying God. The Clintons and the Clinton run Democrat Party have been given the chance to repent, but refused to repent. Chelsea Clinton is not innocent either. She has aided and abetted the Cabal with her crooked husband, a nephew of George Soros. She will likely face execution in the upcoming military tribunals, along with her husband and children.

I don't know if the execution of Chelsea Clinton's children is a part of Mark Taylor's fake prophecy, or if this is just commentary added by the hate-filled and bloodthirsty fake Christian Mystere.

Mark Taylor (a retired fire fighter) is a false prophet who claims God told him donald tRump would win the 2016 election. God also told Mark that tRump would be reelected in 2020. Now God is telling Mark that Chelsea Clinton, her husband and her 3 children will be executed?

As per Mark's false prophecy, "2 Will Be Taken". But the "2" are George HW Bush, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton? That's 3 people. George W. Bush's father has been dead for almost 7 years. Jimmy Carter is receiving in-home hospice care. The purpose of hospice care is to keep a person comfortable until they die. This is a prophecy?

Except for Bill Clinton, one of the "prophesied" deaths already occurred. Quite awhile ago. The second "prophesied" death will likely occur fairly soon.

The post also says Chelsea Clinton is married to George Soros' nephew. As per PolitiFact, there is no evidence Mark Mezvinski is George Soros' nephew. PolitiFact's rating is Pants on Fire False.

I don't need to fact check the claim that Hillary Clinton is a spell-casting witch, do I? Or do a fact check to find out if the government would execute young children after they have been found "guilty" (of being the offspring of Chelsea Clinton?) by a military tribunal and put to death?

Why would the entire family of Chelsea Clinton be executed (including Chelsea herself) while "Nanna" (Hillary Clinton) only goes to prison?

Other images on Mystere's blog indicate that he thinks (in addition to HRC) Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden will end up behind bars. They are a part of the (Mystere-imagined) "cabal" that is going to "crash and crumble". Presumably soon.

For how long will delusional trumpturds like Mystere continue to believe this BS? That the "cabal" will be incarcerated is something they've been predicting for quite awhile. Remember that donald tRump was going to "lock her up"? Yet, even though donald tRump had the power of the presidency for 4 years (and this was a "campaign promise"), Hillary Clinton is still a free woman.

As is Barack Obama. He hasn't been arrested yet. Though (according to Marjorie Taylor Greene) House republicans have evidence that proves Joe Biden and his son Hunter took $10 million in bribes while the elder Biden was Vice President.

So it might only a matter of time before Hunter is charged, convicted and sent to prison. And his father is impeached and (possibly) removed from office for being bigly corrupt. While the charges against tRump (the ones being brought by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith) will "go poof" due to evidence against him being fabricated.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym284.