Wednesday, November 29, 2017

FreeThinke's Tirade Of Ugly Misogyny Continues (His Views Re Feminism The Same As Rational Nation's?)

Another SUPER misogynist commentary from the FAR Right trumpy blogger FreeThinke, a VERY frequent commenter on the (possibly shuttered) Rightwing trumpanzee blog Who's Your Daddy. A commentary in which he (again) speaks out in defense of scumbag Roy Moore and against the #metoo movement (without specifically referencing that hashtag).

FreeThinke: "Sexual Harassment" is a fabrication of the Left designed to help overly ambitious Power Whores, unfeminine Lesbians, and angry, envious, hopelessly unattractive women to wrest power from the hands of males by using defamation of character with (usually) unfounded (or distorted and highly exaggerated) allegations of misconduct that only recently has been criminalized by these Leftist Activists for their own power-grabbing convenience – naturally. (FT post: "Sexual Harassment: A Foolish, Possibly Fatal Fad", 11/25/2017 at 6:00am).

FreeThinke previously wrote that he agrees (as Clarice Feldman writes in her American Thinker article) that "some these allegations are clearly fabrications [and] that certainly seems to be true of the claims against Roy Moore". In regards to the #metoo movement in general, Mr. Thinke likens it to the Salem Witch trials.

An (uncredited) quote Mr. Thinke posts to his blog says that "even spectral evidence (like seeing witchcraft in dreams) was accepted against the accused". A very similar quote to the one by Roy Moore supporter Pastor Earl Wise. "How these gals came up with this, I don't know. They must have had some sweet dreams somewhere down the line" was what this scumbag "pastor" speculated.

Note that Mr. Thinke acknowledges that power resides in the "hands of males". Where Thinke no doubt believes it BELONGS. As opposed to any kind of equality (sharing of power), it is MEN who have been, and should continue to be, in charge. What other word than "misogynist" could be appropriate for such an antiquated worldview? And it's only "power whores, unfeminine lesbians, and angry, envious, hopelessly unattractive women" who desire equality. Attractive women are quite content with their position in life and with men running the show.

BTW, it was in the comment thread of FT's post that I noticed a puzzling comment by one Rational Nation.

Rational Nation USA: From your response I assume your views on feminism runs parallel to my own. (11/24/2017 at 7:44pm).

Either RN hates feminism as much as FT (who refers to feminists using the Rush Limbaugh neologism "feminazi") or thinks his views on feminism are parallel to Thinke's because Thinke would agree that "America's progressives are marching gleefully towards the neutering block. A place where feminists rule and men are considered evil predators" (as per a 11/20/2017 RNUSA commentary).

That is a tad hyperbolic, I think. RN expresses a legitimate concern, perhaps. But I think the vast majority of women coming forward do so with legitimate and real concerns. There is the danger of some men guilty of far lesser infractions (Garrison Keillor) being swept up in the "hysteria" (absolutely NOT the case with scumbags like Harvey Weinstein and Roy Moore).

Rational Nation doesn't believe (like Thinke) that "sexual harassment" is a "fabrication of the Left" (#metoo starting with Harvey Weinstein, a Democratic donor). So, NO, I would not agree that FT and RN's views on feminism are "parallel".

The obvious misogynist Thinke, despite his extreme, reality denying paranoid conspiracy believing views re feminism (and the very credible charges against Roy Moore), laughably claims (in response to a satirical comment I submitted using the handle "Sexual Harassment Is A Man's Right!") "I am anything but a misogynist".

An assertion to which my response is... BULLSHIT! Thinke goes on to say that "accusations of sexual harassment (in quotes) because most often they are disingenuous". MOST of the time? As with Roy Moore. All of his accusers are liars. The problem, according to Thinke, is "shrewish, overly ambitious, predatory women". Women who (of those making accusations) are the majority. A "majority" of 100%, given that "sexual harassment" is in quotes (indicating that it isn't a real thing).

This denial of misogyny, BTW, is from the same individual who asked (in a WYD comment) "why would any decent, God-fearing, natural-born Caucasian-American accept a dark-skinned MOSLEM into their midst?". When I pointed out how racist such a comment is, Mr. Thinke ignored the "dark-skinned" part and focused on the Muslim part. His comment, he claims, is the same as asking "Why would any sensible person put chlorine bleach in his punchbowl?".

Reminiscent of Donald Trump Jr comparing Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles. Although chlorine bleach in your punch bowl will kill you (or seriously harm you) EVERY time, while DJT only suggested that a small percentage of Syrian refugees will end up killing Americans. With FT it's ALL of them. Just as it is ALL women who allege sexual assault who are liars.

Image: The truth about feminazis (men hating women who want all men castrated so they can institute a vaginaocracy). Note that "MRA" stands for Men's Rights Activist. As per Wikipedia "some men's rights activists contest claims by feminists that men have greater power, privilege or advantage than women. [Such assertions] and activities associated with the men's rights movement have been criticized by the Southern Poverty Law Center and some commentators... as misogynistic". Indeed.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-21.

Monday, November 27, 2017

As Per FreeThinke, The More Than 50 Women Accusing Bill Cosby Of Sexual Assault/Rape Are Lying

As per a 6/19/2017 CNN article, "more than 50 women have accused comedian Bill Cosby of sexual misconduct". As per the misogynist blogger FreeThinke, a frequent (VERY frequent) commenter on the Rightwing trumpanzee blog Who's Your Daddy, these women are all lying. No doubt in service to the Cultural Marxist's agenda of turning America into a socialist "vaginacracy".

FreeThinke: Poor Bill Cosby! He is a BLACK man who dared to criticize BLACK CULTURE by idenouncung it as the disgusting degenerate self-defating thing it is while espousing traditional WHITE values – in PUBLIC! THAT was Cosby's CARDINAL SIN.

Whatever he did – or did not do – with "women" is really IRRELEVANT – the "McGuffin" chnucally and hypocritically used by the ENEMEDIA to neutralize and punish an APOSTATE BLACK who DARED ti stray from the LEFTIST ORTHODoX CANT and RHETORIC. (11/22/2017 at 5:38am).

So... Bill Cosby is an honorary White man? He is espousing "White values", after all. So whether or not Cosby's 50+ accusers are lying OR NOT... it does not matter. We all KNOW why Cosby's character is being assassinated. NOT because he is a rapist, but because he dared to criticize Black culture.

Mr. Thinke, I'd like to note, believes he is a Christian. A "Christian" for whom drugging women and then sexually assaulting and raping them is a "McGuffin". A MacGuffin being a plot device (in a fictional narrative) that is of no importance itself. It's only importance is the "effect on the characters and their motivations".

So, in Mr. Thinke's mind, that women (in coordination with the "enemedia") are credibly claiming that Cosby assaulted them... that's a nothingburger. Not because Cosby is innocent (he may or may not be), but because it simply does not matter. It's just an excuse for the "enemedia" and members of the "Leftist orthodoxy" to go after Mr. Cosby. To "neutralize and punish" him for telling the "truth" about the horrible behavior of the Blacks.

A position that I find both racist, misogynist and morally repugnant beyond words. As well as conspiratorially paranoid and completely unmoored from reality. Mr. Thinke is exhibiting behavior typical of a mentally deranged trumpanzee, in other words and in my strong opinion.

BTW, note that FT puts "women" in quotes. No doubt because, instead of acknowledging the "fact" that we are all "sexual beings" (and therefore Cosby sexing up all these women is totally natural) these women are allowing theselves to be USED to take down an "apostate Black". Their rapes (IF they occurred) are "irrelevant" (so says the "Christian" Thinke).

My conclusion? Cosby is SUPER guilty. That 50 women accuse him is proof enough of that, IMO. And Mr. Thinke is a repugnant scumbag with a defective moral compass pointing in the wrong direction. That's in addition to being a total nutter. Or someone with a mindset that any normal person would find absurd and insane. The majority of us who voted against Trump, or at least not enthusiastic for Trump, that is.

Not that I do not believe there is something WRONG with anyone who voted for Trump. I'm pretty sure, however, that there were a lot of Republicans who voted for him (thinking they had no choice) but not totally jazzed (like FT) about an asshole being the Republican nominee.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-20.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Dinesh D'Souza Smells Himself (He Who Smelt It Dealt It)

A tweet (turned into a meme) currently (as of the publication of this commentary) at the top of the Rightwing trumpanzee blog, Lisa's Who's Your Daddy (WYD).

"He who smelt it dealt it" is a reference to farting, of course. Farting (as the readers of either this blog or WYD know) is something a trio of commenters known as Eddie Mystere, Ratty Trapper MD and Don Key (AKA the fart bois) frequently (on their blogs and on WYD) write about. How much they love huffing flatulence, that is (a fact made obvious by their repeated reference to something they call a "blog Rikishi stinkface").

In the case of the scumbag D'Souza (author of a fiction novel titled The Roots of Obama's Rage in which he spins libelous yarns about former President Barack Obama) the RAT he smells is himself. Despite pleading guilty in federal court to the crime of acting as a straw donor (using another person's money to make a political contribution in his own name, which is considered an illegal campaign contribution) in 2012, D'Souza later cried about being a "political prisoner" of Barack Obama after serving HARD time for his infraction (eight months in a halfway house). Said crying taking place on a 9/26/2014 airing of Glenn Beck's program.

D'Souza clearly is implying (with his tweet) that Beverly Young Nelson is a coached liar (coached by the hated Gloria Allred, no doubt). An accusation to which I say... of course Allred and Nelson went over what she was going to say before the press conference. "Coaching" is clearly a loaded word, but whatever. I (as well as many Republicans) believe her. Her account of Roy Moore's sexual assault bolstered by the fact that 7 other women have made similar accusations against Moore, saying they were romantically pursued or assaulted by Moore as young teenage girls when he was in his 30's (8 women total as of 11/15/2017 as per ABC News).

And now the predisent has all but endorsed the "Christian" Moore, saying "he totally denies it. He says it didn't happen. And you know you have to look at him also. He says, 40 years ago, this did not happen". Trump also claims that his accusers are liars. Pervs of a feather flock together. A category I'd place WYD trumpanzee FreeThinke into. While I do not know if Mr. Thinke ever sexually assaulted any women, I do know that he defends men who sexually assault young teenage girls.

As per Thinke's 11/21/2017 post, "some these allegations are clearly fabrications". And "that certainly seems to be true of the claims against Roy Moore". Mr Thinke goes on to author the following comment about Moore ("his" post is a copy and paste of an American Thinker article A Fair Hearing by a Jury of His Pervs by Clarice Feldman).

FreeThinke: The DirtyRat party has opened up a new Pandaora's Box with this nonsense.

NOW every bimbo, slut, femma fatale, scorned female, bitter old bitch, gold digger, and would-be celebrity in the universe is going to come out of the woodwork tooth and claw SUING every male with prestige and a few extra bucks for all they're worth.

The CASTRATON of the AMERICAN MALE and the establishment of a VAGINACRACY seems to be the ultimate goal. (11/21/2017 at 4:51pm).

I don't know about you, but MY conclusion is that Mr. Thinke is a HARDCORE misogynist. What, with his way over-the-top conclusion that women coming forward (re #metoo) to tell their stories of sexual harassment equates to males being "castrated" and women seeking a "vaginacracy". As opposed to finally doing something about the fact that (as per a YouGov poll) "60% of women report having been sexually harassed by a man" (a lot of women spouting nonsense, I guess).

Clearly Mr. Thinke wants the status quo to remain (the existing "peniscracy" AKA male privilege). As a man, he thinks men are entitled to sexually harass women. Although I'm sure that (in his eyes), what we're talking about is just "men being men". Also that (as is the case with Moore), allegations of anything of a more serious nature is slanderous coached confabulation by lying bitches eager for attention. Or women who had "sweet dreams" (they are delusional nutters being taken advantage of by the Left for political advantage).

"How these gals came up with this, I don't know. They must have had some sweet dreams somewhere down the line" is what Pastor Earl Wise of Millbrook claims of the accusers. He also speculated that they must have been paid a "hefty sum" (WA Examiner, 11/21/2017). A pastor said this!

Disgusting. I surely hope that what Republican Senator Jeff Flake said (on a hot mic) about the Republican Party being "toast" (for embracing sexually assaulters like Moore and Trump) turns out to be accurate. The former party of "family values" should absolutely have to pay a steep price for what they have allowed themselves to become.

The Deplorable Party, I'd call them. Not that I EVER thought the GOP represented either "family values" or Christianity. Hating gay people, transgender folks and Muslims not being Christian in my book. Or seeking to take away a woman's right to choose. The Bible does not confirm that RWers are correct in believing that life beings at conception (far from it). And where does repressing and disenfranchising Black voters come into play? More "family values"?

FreeThinke claims that "attempts to DENY our essential identity as SEXUAL BEINGS have caused MOST of the MISERY experienced thriogh the ages". However, I (as a self-identifying Christian) say sexuality is something of this world. Will we, as spiritual beings in the next life, continue to be obsessed with sex? Or will boning (after our souls are separated from our mortal bodies) cease to have any importance? I'm thinking the later is more likely than the former.

I like sex as much as any normal man (due to hormones and whatnot), but I do NOT consider myself a "sexual being". I consider myself a intellectual being (my mind being more important to me than my naughty bits). Don't many of these so-called religious God fearing Republicans, in opposition to perversion-embracing sexually immoral Democrats, believe that sex should be for procreation? Another example of their extreme hypocrisy.

For the record, Dinesh D'Souza, author of What's So Great about Christianity (not a question, but a statement), is another pseudo Christian who relishes using his supposed faith as a cudgel against his political opponents. According to D'Souza (pre the 2016 election) "a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote to not only permit, but bring in federal subsidies for abortion" (Democrats want to murder babies).

Also (as a part of his argument for Christians to vote for Republican nominee Donald Trump) D'Souza said, "a vote for Hillary is a vote to put religious freedom - already precarious - into a much more endangered position ("Christianity is under assault from the Left" bullshit). Seriously, f*ck this guy. He isn't morally superior, he's a morally inferior slime.

Tweet at the top of this post in which he sides with the repugnant and self-proclaimed "Christian" hebephile Moore an example of the darkness of his soul. That's in addition to his fabricated fantasies about Obama and blatant lies (and distortions of the historical record) regarding the Democratic Party.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-19.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Mindless Chauvinism Of FreeThinke, As Well As Others Of His Contemptible Ilk

Note that, as with ALL posts on this blog, this concerns either a post or comment from the FAR Right Conservative trumpanzee blog, Who's Your Daddy. Or my thoughts on the trumpanzee cultists who congregate there to speak of their undying devotion and unwavering belief that the lying, narcissistic con-man-in-chief, Donald J. Trump will "make America great again".

This time my post will be about a conspiracy-minded paraoniac who calls himself FreeThinke. This is a misogynistic man who believes that Gloria Allred (the cunt) being involved in the Roy Moore situation (representing one of his accusers) is proof that it's all a hoax. Orchestrated by the Jew media (see WTD-17).

OK, so while Mr. Thinke is a regular and FREQUENT commenter on WYD, this commentary concerns a discussion that took place on Thinke's eponymous blog. A discussion between himself and Rational Nation, a commenter that, while he is HATED with a passion on WYD, is allowed to comment on Thinke's blog (while I am not).

What caught my eye (in a Thinke/RN exchange) was that my name was mentioned.

FreeThinke: Yes, but true LIBERALISM is not Marxian, Utopian, Totalitarianism, Les. Marxism should have NO PLACE in OUR system of government. THere are many isues biut which i m extremely LIBERAL, but I insist always on distinguishing legitimate LIBERALISM from Marxian totalitarianism –– and mindless Chauvinism of any sort, especially of the type exhibited by one Dervish Sanders and others of his contemptible ilk. (11/13/2017 at 2:20pm).

Rational Nation USA: I absolutely agree FreeThinke! My only bone to pick is this, Marx and what he strove for has been HIGHLY and EGREGIOUSLY misrepresented by the capitalist that out of selfish self interests... (11/13/2017 at 4:17pm).

Hmmm. I'm guessing that Rational Nation isn't "absolutely agreeing" with Mr. Thinke's inane comment about me, but ignoring it and agreeing that Marxism has no place in our society. An assessment that I would NOT agree with. Although only because agreeing with the PARANOID Thinke likely feeds his conspiratorial belief that "ninety percent of ALL MEDIA and all ACADEMIA is OWNED and OPERATED by Cultural Marxists" (possibly why FT allows RN to comment).

Of course IF what FT believes was actually true and he was expressing VALID concern, then RN agreeing would make sense. But you'd never catch me agreeing with a nutter spouting pure buncombe. Which is what Mr. Thinke is. A total nutter.

As well as an ACTUAL mindless Chauvinist of ALL sorts. By which I mean he checks off all the boxes when it comes to the 3 definitions. As per Merriam Webster, "chauvinism" can be (1) "an attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex", (2) "undue partiality or attachment to a group or place to which one belongs or has belonged", or (3) "excessive or blind patriotism".

Gloria Allred is a "cunt" and "the American male's chief predator" (check next to definition #1). Unwavering belief in Conservative economics and in Trump himself. To the point that anyone who disagrees with him about Trump is "the enemy". As per FreeThinke I am "the enemy" as well as the "spawn and servant of Satan" (check next to definition #2).

Finally, FT, being a trumpanzee, is a strong nationalist ("blind patriotism" is, I think, a fitting alternate definition of nationalism). No doubt it was one aspect of Trump's message (his ugly nationalism) that earned him Mr. Thinke's admiration. FT believes all "Islamaniacs" should be deported and once pondered "WHY would any decent, God-fearing, natural-born Caucasian-American ACCEPT a dark-skinned MOSLEM into their midst?" (check next to definition #3).

His application of the term to me, I'm guessing, is because he believes I have "undue partiality" to the Democratic Party, while he wants to "drain the swamp" by getting rid of the corrupt politicians of both parties. Which is pure bullplop, as Trump is FILLING the swamp (his selections are as corrupt as he is). The TRUTH is that Mr. Thinke has undue partiality, in that he is a deluded and unwavering member of the mindless cult of Trump.

These cultists do not care if Trump's words are proven to be lies. He tells them what they want to hear. And he angers Liberals. Both are more endearing to these idiots than truthfulness or fulfilling campaign promises. Trump hates who bigots and racists like the WYD crowd (including FreeThinke) hate. And he pisses off Liberals, making Trump the champion they will never abandon no matter what.

(Image: The header from Mr. Thinke's blog. Thinke, as per Rational Nation, is "a seventy something male who displays tendencies toward extreme xenophobia and white nationalism". An assessment I agree with, for sure. MAGA Didadin).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-18.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Jewy McJewerson Of The Jew Controlled Washington Post Offered Money To Women To Fabricate Allegations Against The Good Christian Man Roy Moore Via Robocall. Outrageous!!

This is JUST the kind of bullshit trumpian conspiracy theorists who congregate on the WYD blog would believe. People like FreeThinke, an individual who touts the super paranoid VAST Left wing conspiracy known as "Cultural Marxism". As per the Cultural Marxist caste system, elite Jews rule us all. These would be the Jews who hold positions of power within government (no doubt they are in charge of the "Deep State") and own/are in charge of most of our media and entertainment industries.

"Jewey McJewerson" actually identified himself as "Bernie Bernstein" (still fake sounding) and spoke with a thick stereotypical Jewish accent (think Kyle's cousin Kyle Schwartz on South Park).

He said he was a Washington Post reporter offering a reward for dirt on Roy Moore. It wasn't true. A pastor in Alabama said he received a voice mail Tuesday from a man falsely claiming to be a reporter with The Washington Post and seeking women "willing to make damaging remarks" about Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore in exchange for money. The call came days after The Post reported on allegations that Moore initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl nearly four decades ago... (11/25/2017 Washington Post article by Marwa Eltagouri and Herman Wong).

(Video: Clearly fake robocall from "Bernie Bernstein" offers a reward for "damaging remarks" against Roy Moore. Along with promises that the claims won't be "fully investigated". i.e. the WP is offering 5 to 7 thousand dollars for fabricated stories of sexual assault. 1:35).

So a pastor named "Al Moore" (no relation?) just happens to receive this audio heard by "at least one person" which confirms the Right's response that the WP made it all up? Obviously it's a hit job the Jews at the WP paid for! All they needed to do was to find women to lie for money. And the ONLY way they could do it was by robocall. What a FANTASTIC plan! No chance of a recording making it's way to to the news so Roy Moore could say "see it told you".

Oh no, wait. That is exactly what happened. Or so these idiots would have you believe. Or so these fabricators of fake evidence know trumpian cult members will buy. Jeez! I think intelligent people know that, if this really was a conspiracy, paid liars would be hired with a lot more discretion. As opposed to doing something (making robocalls) that was SURE to be disclosed to the media.

Maybe the "Cultural Marxists" at the WP just aren't that smart. As per Mr. Thinke, "naturally, I do not agree that Judge Moore [step] aside". Why? Because the women are LYING, obviously. I don't know what he thinks about the robocall, but the cunt Gloria Allred is involved (a vile/misogynist word Thinke spells out via the "first letter per poem line" method he is famous for).

Surely the proof that Moore is innocent/this is all a conspiracy is stacking up. I mean, the Washington Post is a "corrupt, depraved and bigoted a Leftist Partisan Rag" and Democratic politicians aren't currently pursuing Bill Clinton for the rape of Juanita Broaddrick. So (until that happens) Roy Moore gets a pass/is innocent (because FT decides not to believe any evidence against him).

Mr. Thinke adds "show me a man who does NOT like younger women, and I'll show you a rotting corpse". So, it was these young girl's fault. For being young and attractive. Moore was just behaving as ANY red-blooded, successful, virile young Christian man would. He didn't sexually assault or make unwanted advances on underage girls! He may have dated such girls, but it was ALWAYS with their mother's consent.

Anyway, after reading Mr. Thinke's thoughts on Gloria Allred's involvement, the Washington Post and the rape allegations against Bill Clinton, I decided to submit the following comment (one I'm guessing will either be removed or derisively replied to).

Dervish Sanders: What about Selene Walters? She's the woman who asserted that Ronald Reagan raped her. If Democrats not pursuing Bill Clinton in regards to Juanita Broaddrick's allegations gives you a pass to disregard any allegations against trumpian politicians (such as Moore), why doesn't Selene Walters' allegations give Democrats a pass to disregard any Bill Clinton allegations? It isn't as if (on the Left) we regard Bill Clinton as a Saint (as Conservatives do with Reagan). (11/16/2017 at 8:45am).

No comment moderation on FT's blog, so the comment was published, although Mr. Thinke did tell me, previously, to "GET the FUCK OUT of MY space, you miserable lying piece of shit". Additionally he warned, "don't EVER try to come back"... and YES, I just checked and my comment has been removed without a trace (in under an hour).

Note that my prior comment on Mr. Thinke's blog was even less confrontational than my comment above. I simply pointed out (this was prior to the 2016 potus election) that (re the Pence/Kaine debate) that Pence refused to defend any of Donald Trump's past statements. He also articulated a policy at odds with Trump's stated (at the time) policy on Syria.

No vulgarities or personal attacks (FT called me a moron before telling me to GTF out). Yet it is Mr. Thinke who says I should "try saying something PLEASANT and AFFIRMATIVE for a change". For the record, I think Bill Clinton actions (at least in the case of Monica Lewinsky) were grossly inappropriate (even though the "affair" was consensual).

I don't know about Juanita Broaddrick. Perhaps the rape occurred exactly as she recounts. The fact remains that HRC is not responsible for her husband's behavior. She was held accountable as an "enabler" during the election. As of late Fox Nooz is claiming that Hillary Clinton is to blame for what Harvey Weinstein did with his penis. While Trump was allowed to skate with a insincere apology and lame excuse. What he spoke of with Billy Bush was sexual assault, not "locker room talk". And 14 other women did come forward and say Trump did to them what he described to Billy.

So Trump said his accusers were liars and that he'd sue, but has not. Moore says his accusers are liars (and one forged a signature from him in her HS yearbook) and that he's going to sue (the Washington Post). Bill Clinton, on the other hand, faced impeachment from Republicans in the House (for his lies about the Monica Lewinsky affair). Will Republicans expel him from the Senate after/if the voters of Alabama say "Moore is our man"? If they do I'm sure the trumpian Right will complain loudly.

I think that everyone is guilty of some level of hypocrisy (it's part of the human condition), but the Republicans are considerably more guilty of this sin. And are more willing to excuse or ignore bad behavior from politicians representing them (or looking to represent them). FreeThinke being a primo example of the egregious levels of hypocrisy that exists on the Right.

I mean, I think the environment is different now. What with the Harvey Weinstein scandal, now this kind of behavior will hopefully simply not be tolerated. Except on the Right, obviously. The accused on the Left suffering consequences for their past bad behavior, while the accused on the Right getting a pass/having their lies believed (it's a CONSPIRACY!).

See Also: I Loathe Al Franken, But It Sure Seems Like He is Getting Totally Railroaded by John Ziegler. Mediaite 11/16th/2017. My summary as follows... Franken, back in 2006 when he was a comedian, participated in a USO tour to entertain the troops. Leeann Tweeden and Franken AGREED that he'd kiss her in some skit they performed, although Tweeden says the kiss was more aggressive that what she consented to. The "groping" was a pic in which Franken MIMES grabbing her breasts. An unfunny and ill considered "joke". Franken issued an apology and called for a Senate ethics investigation into his actions.

This is not comparable to Roy Moore, although Mr. Thinke, in an addition to his post defending the scumbag, does compare them. And suggests Franken should be expelled from the Senate while Moore should be seated.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders, an unknowing "Cultural Marxist", alleged "useful idiot" as well as the "spawn and servant of Satan". WYM-17.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Prelude To A Romantic Weekend Getaway (Rikishi + Mystere = True Love)

Note: This tale is intended to poke fun at Mystere, an extreme homophobe, by accusing him of what being what he hates. Seriously though, this idiot refers to something he calls a "Blog Rikishi stinkface" constantly. Rikishi, I learned, is a professional wrestler... who, as per Wikipedia, specializes in a finishing move called the stinkface, in which the wrestler "rubs his buttocks in the face of an opponent lying in the corner of the ring, humiliating him"*.

Prelude To A Romantic Weekend Getaway (A Truthy Dramatization).

Mystere was so excited when Rikishi told him he was whisking him away for a romantic weekend. He made sure to pack his sexiest negligee, their best sex toys, and plenty of lube. Ratty and Don Key were not excited when they found out, however. "What about our regular Saturday night fart-a-thon" Don Key whinned. "You and Ratty can fart on each other", Mystere replied.

"I want Rikishi stinkfaces" Ratty complained, a sour look on his mug. "Why can't he just be happy for me" an exasperated Mystere wondered. Then he had an idea. "Rikishi will be home from wrestling soon" he announced. "One stinkface for each of you before we depart" Mystere promised his friends. Don and Ratty smiled. The three friends giggled and did each other's hair as they waited.

Finally Rikishi pulled up in his Dodge Pinto. "Fine" he said when Mystere explained the conundrum to him. "One stinkface each for Ratty and Don Key before Mystere and I depart on our trip". "Me first!" Ratty exclaimed, running to the bedroom - Rikishi, Mystere and Don Key following. Upon entering the boudoir Rikishi dropped trou and positioned his enormous buttcheeks directly over the kneeling Ratty's head.

"Open wide" the wrestler commanded as he lowered his fat ass onto Ratty's grinning face. A thunderous explosion hit Ratty just as he spread his lips as far as he could (practically unhinging his jaw). Ratty breathed in heavily as the fart droned on for almost an entire minute.

"Ahhhhhhh" Ratty moaned in ecstasy. He couldn't help but pitch a tent, given how the wrestler's flatulence sexually excited him. His friends took turns pummeling it (Ratty's tiny boner) with pillows, all the while laughing like little schoolgirls.

Image: Is this a picture of Mystere wearing the costume he dons when he performs in what he calls a Queer Pop Band? The name of the band, of which I've heard Mystere is the lead singer? Apparently they (Mystere, Ratty and Don Key) call themselves "The Wiener Wackers". Or maybe their band name is "Eddie And The Meat Spankers". I'm pretty sure it's one of those.

*Wikipedia paraphrase.

Bonus Image: Eproctophiles Mystere, Ratty and Don Key drink in each other's fragrant toots (in a pic snapped by Rikishi during one of their prior Saturday night fart-a-thons). Note that I'm not posting the picture here because such activities turn me off. The image, should you dare to click the link, is not pornographic despite the title, "Pookie Toot-Toot Gang Bang".

Post authored by Dervish Sanders, a proud intellectual thug. WYM-16. TF-1.