Friday, January 3, 2020

Mystere's Internet Crimes Could Land Him In Prison For Many Decades

In my last commentary I linked to a post on Mystere's "Donkey's Revenge" blog titled "Dervish Sanders Wants Beaners To Invade & Occupy The USA". In reaction to me calling out Mystere for his lie (he claims I authored a commentary titled "Beaners Should Get Automatic US Citizenship Immediately") he deleted the post. Then denied authoring it.

The donkey's revenge (Mystere Sockpuppet): Creating that fake link to an alleged post on my site is quite rich, Bernice al homodervish.

Really? That fake link is a nothing burger! (12/30/2019 at 1:18am).

Mystere did author this post. See for yourself by checking out the Google cache. Although Google cached pages don't last forever. Which means that, when the Google cache goes away, Mystere can go back to denying he wrote the post. Because Mystere is a liar.

As for Mystere possibly going to prison for many decades -- this is a sentence that could be handed down in regards to the "internet crimes" Mystere is guilty of. As per a 12/23/2019 post on the low-IQ trumper's blog, the "photoshop smears" he's been creating and publishing might get him into some serious trouble.

Mystere's "photoshop smears" concern a Juvenile court judge in Waverly Tennessee named Anthony L. Sanders. A person targeted by Mystere because he thinks "Anthony L. Sanders" is my true identity (it isn't).

The above images are photoshops created by Mystere which I downloaded from his blog. The titles shown are the file names given to the photos by Mystere. Mystere has Judge Sanders saying he "eats babies" in the first image. Previously Mystere insinuated that Judge Sanders is a pedophile and a member of NAMBLA (on a Mystere site removed by Blogger).

Hmmm. Maybe Mystere should scared because he's about to be sent up the river for "internet crimes"? Crimes for which (as per Mystere) there are Federal laws. "If each charge is served consecutively", Mystere writes on his blog, the offender might be sentenced to many decades behind bars. Although he says this in regards to me (he thinks I might be going to prison). The 2 photoshopped images I attached to my last post are (according to the moron) examples of "internet crimes".

btw, Mystere is a racist. So the photoshops attached to my prior post aren't "smears". They're truths about Mystere he doesn't like being called out on. On the other hand, that Judge Sanders is a cannibal who eats babies is a genuine smear. So, if anyone is going to prison for "internet crimes", I say it's Mystere.

Post from Mystere's blog: monday, december 23, 2019... There Is A Saying. There are a number of Proverbs that say that even a fool can look wise if he or she stays silent. When the fool opens his mouth, he removes all doubt. My blog team has come across a number of bloggers who have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that they are beyond hope. These fools will be subject to finding themselves in plenty of trouble. There are Federal Laws regarding Internet Crimes that will strike them down and send them to prison for decades if found guilty, if each charge is served consecutively. Posted by mystere's moonbat slayer club at 4:03 AM.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders.WYM-140.

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