Wednesday, October 7, 2020

It's Over For Typhoid Dotard

LOL? Dotard ripped off the mask. Both literally and metaphorically. Many more people (especially our seniors) are finally seeing what an idiot this man is.

Hopefully what this means is that President Biden will have a Democratically controlled House and Senate and we can get stuff done. Maybe (because of republicans on the Judiciary committee contracting covid) ACB's nomination can be stopped?

Although republicans will likely push her nomination through after Dotard loses the election. Negative public opinion (if that is what they attempt) being the only thing that might stop them. If not, Biden better approve of expanding the court.

Guardian News Video: Footage suggests Trump was short of breath during maskless photo op at White House (0:59). [Description] After a three-day stay at a military hospital to treat symptoms of coronavirus, a contagious Donald Trump returned to the White House and immediately took off his face mask while posing for cameras.

btw, I'm not saying (with my prediction) that Dotard won't try to steal the election and that he absolutely won't be successful. But, unless republican-controlled states pass legisltaion to give their electors to Dotard (which apparently is legal?) regardless of what the citizens of that state want, Joe Biden will win both the popular vote and the Electoral college vote.

In regards to Dotard having covid, still being contagious, but leaving Walter Reed anyway, the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ said, "I could swear that I saw him board Marine 1 and then wave to me after sprinting up the steps into the White House". Sure, Dotard sprinted. Just like he sprinted down that ramp. And he waived specifically to Minus. LOL. Maybe Minus is on steroids too?

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-184.


  1. Derv, what Trump, nor anyone else in White House can, or will, answer is when President Trump last tested negative for Covid. Because that answer will explain why stuff like an economic stimulus, seriousness about Covid and the death of over 200,000 Americans of all ages continue to plague us.

    President Trump is refusing to answer the question because of the reality... he was positive going into the Cleveland debate, had not tested negative that day, as required by the Cleveland Clinic, or in the extreme, has never been tested.

    Evidence mounts everyday to support the probability that the president himself is the superspreader event health officials have feared. How else to explain the growing number of positive cases around the president, in the White House and currently crippling the Administrative branch of the country?

    In the world's epicenter of the Coronavirus, DC in general and specifically the White House, have become the epicenter of the epicenter.

    1. As of today:

      34 people connected to White House, more than previously known, infected by coronavirus: Internal FEMA memo

      Also reported but not verified Chris Christi in ICU and on ventilator.

      And yet folks like the Marxist still willfully live in an alternate world. They cannot, will not face reality. I pity them.

    2. Those movements represent realities you (as a racist misogynist) are in denial of. The rest of society is onboard. It's called PROGRESS.

  2. Gotta love those Lincoln Project Never Trumpers. They were as wrong in 2016 as they are today...

    1. The Lincoln Project didn't exist in 2016. The opposition to Putin's Puppet on the Right is putting a lot more effort in this time (and money) to make sure Dotard doesn't steal a second term.

    2. Members of the Lincoln Project are all under 4 years old? Who knew?

    3. I had suspected that they were infantile, but you've conclusively PROVEN that they are infantile.

    4. LOL.

      Psychology Today: The core Trump dissonance is that he's an elderly man who possesses the outward appearance and trappings of adulthood -- and who occupies the public role we most strongly associate with adulthood -- but who is on the inside predominantly infantile. [end quote]

    5. "Psychological science...." Psychology isn't a science. :)

    6. Derv, have to hand it to ya. You really do get the most unbelievably empty headed trumpers. It must really hurt to be them.

    7. Perhaps you should contact the Association for Psychological Science and tell them they need to change the name of their organization.

      Quote: Psychology is a science because it follows the empirical method. The scientific status of any endeavor is determined by its method of investigation, not what it studies, or when the research was done, and certainly not by who did the investigation. All sciences use the empirical method. Empiricism emphasizes objective and precise measurement.

  3. Gotta love the stubbornly wrong Trumpers like the Marxist who will cling to the abject failure Trump as he goes down in history as the worst of the worst American presidents.

    This isn't 2016. If the Marxist and JoeCon and the rest of his puppets don't understand that, then they deserve pity and ridicule. But mostly pity.

    1. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that he could work with Joe Biden in a new administration, citing common ground he shared with the Democrats over a shared embrace of Soviet ideology.

      ...shared ideology. LOL!

  4. OMG, Minus cites something from a murderous authoritarian former Communist who helped Trump get elected in 2016! Imagine believing that what the former Commie KGB head said is true! And not seeing that statement for what it is intended to be!

    Cultists gotta cult!

    Really. How child-like they are in their dedication.

    They are to be pitied!

    1. Minus also believes that White Supremacist leader Richard Spencer seriously endorsed Biden. Or he SAYS he believes the endorsement. But knows Spencer is just trying to get his White Supremacist stink on Biden. And approves of the tactic.

    2. Dervish actually thinks that White Nationalist infiltrators have acted as agent provocateurs in turning peaceful BLM protests into riots... lol!

    3. Derv, don't spoil JoeCon's delusion with facts. Delusions are all he has to hang onto as President Covid sinks further in the polls. I'm not sure his kids will vote for him. Junior worried in public tweeting that Don was off his rocker only a few days ago. Such drama!

    4. The FBI confirmed that all those black window breakers in the video I posted. were white nationalists? I never realized that white nationalists were so diverse....

    5. must be that Enrique Tarrio influence.

    6. Strawman. I've never said ALL the violence has been due to White Supremacist infiltrators. And I certainly never said all specific instances of window breaking (re the video you linked to) or vandalism/property damage has been confirmed by the FBI to be the work of White Supremacist infiltrators :P

  5. The seniors Dervish are finally waking up and seeing their lives in danger. Like never before. They can't see grandkids, can't go to Back to School Night, can't go visit their friends all because of a growing fear of dying. From Covid. A virus some say is nothing more than a tougher flu. A virus that has killed more Americans since March than we lost to annual flu seasons in the last five years.

    Look, I don't count Trump out, but it's not looking good. And GOP Senators have finally seen that, evidenced by their slight willingness to go public with at least some criticism of Trump. Witness McConnell and Cornyn.

    Now add in the fiasco in Michigan, where you can bet Trump won't get the words right, and another swing state falls.

    Interesting indeed...

  6. Must be frank. Which I acknowledge may not always be the best path. But truth is truth and the cons of trumplandia are the dumbest, most egregiously uninformed sheeple on the planet.
