Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Magamoron Movement Explained

I just found this channel on YouTube. Looks like it is called the "Steve Channel". I'm going to have to watch more of his videos because it seems Steve really knows what he is talking about and does a good job of articulating his thoughts on politics.

The way we got in this situation is pretty simple to explain. Uh, basically when Nixon was discovered having committed Watergate -- people thought the Republican party was washed up. But a clever staffer on Nixon's -- in Nixon's White House came up with an idea for how to get more new Republican voters. Uh, to replace all the people that were turned off by the corruption that had just been exposed. And perhaps save the party. (0:00 to 0:23)

His name was Lee Atwater and he said -- I know where there's all kinds of disgruntled white people. All you got to do is appeal to them over their anger about the end of Jim Crow and about school desegregation and uh, about the the Civil Rights Act. And uh, these are the words that you'll say to kind of trigger them. Then we call these the racist dog whistles. And you will send a message to them that they are welcome in the Republican party. And uh, starting in the mid 70s to the mid 80s there was a massive change in voter registration. Uh, from Democrat to Republican on the part of all these uh, racists and lowlives and ignorant people. (0:24 to 1:09).

At the same time Trump started to have political ambitions. Now it turns out Trump has an IQ of about 73. He barely functions as an adult. If it were not for the fact that his father gave him a lot of money he wouldn't be able to function as an adult. Trump has less money now than he would have had if he just taken the money he got from his father and put it in an index fund in the stock market and just let it sit. But he's gradually played around with it all these years and lost it. In all his lawsuits and so forth. And his six bankruptcies. And uh, it he's dissipated a fortune over his lifetime. Now he's had the Russians for the last 20 years to bail him out. (1:10 to 1:48).

But ordinary people cannot be as dumb as Trump and still function. But Trump came out onto the public stage and started talking boldly -- like he wanted to do things politically and help the people of America. And he speaks like a third grader. Because that's what somebody with an IQ of 73 talks like. Even if they're an adult. Linguists have analyzed his speech and they've made it plain he speaks English at a third grade level. (1:48 to 2:14).

This energized dumb people. Because for the first time they could understand a presidential candidate. And they said things like -- oh, he speaks his mind. He's the first guy that doesn't use a bunch of fancy words that confuse me. Um, now I finally understand what he's saying. And of course what he was saying was a lot of things they wanted to hear. They were the racist dog whistles. (2:15 to 2:31).

And uh, so you had a beautiful Alliance -- from their perspective -- of racists and stupid people. The lower 12% of the IQ distribution corresponds perfectly to Trump's supporters. Now these people are so intelligent that there's actually a federal statute that prohibits their induction into military service. Uh, they didn't want to have a repeat -- Congress didn't want to have a repeat of the McNamara's Morons incident from Vietnam. Which is a notorious thing you look up on your own. "McNamara's Morons" it's called. Basically we had a secretary of defense who had the idea that -- hey why don't we recruit low intelligence people, send them to war and see what happens? (2:31 to 03:13).

And what happened was they died in droves. And of course things got worse. And so they didn't want that to happen again so they actually passed a law. You're not allowed to recruit and induct into military service uh, the lowest 12% on the IQ range. Uh, but they're still allowed to vote. And Trump energized them. He made dumb people think that they finally understood politics. He made people strut around proud of themselves thinking that they had a grasp of the issues. Cuz they could tell on some level that Trump wasn't much smarter than they were. But there he was a big shot, so he seemed like a champion for them. (3:14 to to 3:44).

Now, of course all these people forget that they aren't rich. They didn't have a dad hand them the equivalent of $412 million. And they can't do the things that Trump does. And they can't get away with the things Trump has gotten away with -- and even Trump himself is not going to get away with them indefinitely. But the stage has been set and this is where we're at. Uh, basically we have a fanatical core of low intelligence voters that are solidly behind Trump. They will back him no matter what he does or says because they don't care what he does or says. They just know he's their guy. They understand him they like him. He talks to them in a way that they can comprehend. And they are fanatical in their support of him. (3:45 to 4:26).

He has given them what they see as dignity and strength. And then uh, at the other end of the spectrum, are smart people from all walks of life. I actually used to be a republican myself -- I'm ashamed to admit it now but -- uh, I know. I'm not alone. I mean millions of people who make sure that they turn out to vote against Trump used to be actual Republicans. Because the Republican party is now nothing but a looney bin of the very the low intelligent. And there's just no way that you can you can be associated with him at all. (4:27 to 4:54).

So now it's going to be you know some range of conservative liberal Democrats again. Except that it'll mean something different than it used to mean. I mean those Democrats won't be conservative because they're, uh, racist garbage people from the South. They'll be conservative because they have some other philosophy about the the role of the market. Or of private Enterprise. Or something like that in the economy at any rate. Uh, this is the problem we have. It's basically now just the very low intelligence versus the high intelligence. (4:55 to 5:27).

And the thing is going to be decided by people who don't pay any attention. People in the middle that don't pay attention to politics. Uh, no matter whether the politicians are smart or dumb -- they just show up on election day and try to do their best. Those are the people you have to reach. You have to get them interested. You have to explain to them what's going on. They have to be told [that] ... Trump wants to be a dictator. And he's got a million morons behind him that want him to be a dictator. We cannot let that happen. (5:28 to 5:53). Video: How Republicans captured the low IQ voter. Aug 10, 2024.

I agree with this man's assessment of tRump. Excepting who he thinks needs to be convinced. I think there are far more people that don't show up on election day than people who do and try to do their best. They don't follow politics and don't bother voting. The non-voters are the people Democrats should be going after. Those are the people who should be the focus of the Democratic Party's efforts.

Though, in 2020 tRump himself convinced a lot of these people they should vote. Due to his presidenting being so terrible. Many non-voters saw the danger (because it was so obvious) and turned out in record numbers in 2020 to vote for Joe Biden. Joe Biden did not cheat. d0n-0ld being being such a horrible predisent motivated people who had not voted in the past to do so. It is that simple.

But, now that tRump has been out of office for 4 years, people have reverted to blaming the currently in power party for their problems. Which is a definite advantage for tRump. People's memories are very short. Many of these idiots are easily manipulated by the propaganda that tells them Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats are responsible for everything that they perceive to be going wrong in the country.

In regards to d0n-0ld's IQ, I don't know what the real number is. Snopes says that tRump's IQ is 73 has been debunked. Although Snopes also fake "debunked" that d0n-0ld called White Supremacists "very fine people" when the truth is that he absolutely did. Generally I trust Snopes, but the author of this specific "debunk" definitely got it wrong.

Keep in mind that Snopes only debunked an alleged news article that claims there is evidence to support the allegation. They looked into it and could not find any article confirming that d0n-0ld's IQ is 73. That doesn't mean his IQ isn't 73. Or possibly somewhat higher. Snopes did not debunk that d0n-0ld's IQ is low, only that the article that says his IQ is 73 doesn't exist as far as they were able to determine.

He unquestionably attracts low IQ morons. People with similiarly low IQs. Also racists. Though there is a lot of overlap in those two categories. Also evil richers who want their taxes cut. People like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. And Mark Zuckerberg, who recently declared he is a libertarian. The primary thing these Turds care about is hoarding wealth. They simply do not care who (or how many people) are harmed by their unbridled greed. They are intelligent sociopaths.

These sociopathic wealthy Turds are willing to allow the morons who yearn for Christofasism to have what they want. Heck, transforming America into a fascist state will likely be a very good developement for them. As far as their desire to hoard as much wealth as possible goes. Having a dictator in charge could work out quite well for them. Take a look at Russia and it's oligarchs.

Well, maybe not now. Putin's war on Ukraine has caused some Russian oligarchs some problems. But these Turds absolutely look to Russia and think to themselves that they would like it very much if America was more like Putin's Russia. With d0n-0ld in the Putin fascist dictator role. This is the Tucker Carlson fantasy.

And they have convinced some people who aren't super wealthy that being more like Russia would somehow be beneficial to them as well. People who aren't complete morons. I'm thinking specifically of the pro d0n-0ld blogger Minus FJ. Though he lies and says it is ME who wants America to be like Russia. But he also says I'm a right-winger. Mostly (I guess) because I stand with Ukraine and support democracy. Because supporting democracy is "right wing" apparently.

Maybe thinking we need to bigly strengthen the social safety net is right-wing? And hoping that we can transition from the ACA to a system that covers ALL Americans, that's also right wing? And supporting workers and thinking we need to amp up unionization big time, that's right wing too? In Minus FJ's delusions?

Post authored by the Anti-tRump Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym325.


  1. There is a system that offers free medical care to all Americans. It's called the US Army. All you need to do is volunteer and you get free medical care.

    1. Frederic Jameson died recently. He thought the Army was as close to socialism as you could get.

  2. Wrong.

    Bing: ...not just anyone can join the U.S. military. There are specific requirements and a thorough screening process to ensure that only eligible candidates are accepted. Here are some key points:

    Basic Requirements...

    Citizenship: You must be a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident with a valid Green Card.

    Age: Generally, you must be between 17 and 35 years old. Parental consent is required for 17-year-olds.

    Education: A high school diploma or equivalent is typically required.

    Physical and Medical Standards: You must pass a physical medical exam.

    Screening Process...

    Pre-Screening: A recruiter will conduct a pre-screening to check your education level, criminal history, age, marital/dependency status, and medical history.

    MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station): This is where your physical qualifications, aptitude, and moral standards are assessed.

    Disqualifying Factors...

    Medical Conditions: Certain pre-existing health conditions can disqualify you, such as severe asthma, diabetes, and certain mental health conditions.

    Age: If you are older than the maximum age limit, you may be disqualified.

    Criminal History: A criminal record can also be a disqualifying factor.

    1. You're right, not everyone can join. Even you don't meet the 73 IQ requirement. How come you're not a Trumper then?

    2. Hey, maybe you should recommend an affirmative action program for morons in the name of Social Justice. They can't help it that if much like you, they're so stupid.

    3. btw - Who don't they screen for morons at the border, and just let the morons in? The higher IQ types will then go other places and help fix the world.

    4. We definitely need more Trump voters! SoJus DEMANDS them!

    5. ...because with AI in the house, we're ALL morons now.

  3. I'm not voting for tRump because I am neither stupid nor racist. People who are both make up the majority of tRump's base.

    btw, the border bill you oppose would not have allowed 5000 immigrants in per day. But tRump said it so it must be true? Or you just don't care. Which is what I think is going on most of the time. You parrot rightturd lies because you believe it serves your White Supremacist agenda to do so.

    1. The Border Surrender Bill wasn't real? Now I'm totally confused....

    2. Minus: The Border Surrender Bill wasn't real? Now I'm totally confused....

      No, there never was any such bill. d0n-0ld made it up. Or other rightturds made it up and informed him of their imaginary version of the real bill. Then he either (1) decided he liked what he heard, believed the lies he was hearing, and ran with them. Or (2) knew it was a lie and started retelling it to fool his bigly dupes.

      Either 1 or 2 applies to you as well. You say you are "confused", but I suspect you are not being honest. You claim to be intelligent and I see things that suggest maybe you are. But other things suggest you are not. Like this "confusion" and reference to an imaginary border bill. Those things suggest low intelligence to me.

      Though, again, I think you might know there is no such bill and believe that characterizing it the way you do is advantageous to your White Supremacist agenda. Which is to completely deny the human right to seek asylum to 100 percent of brown people attempting to cross the Southern border.

    3. You can't save them with your White Saviour complex, Dervy. The white and the brown have been banished from entering Eden America and are kept out by ICE cherubim with flaming swords. So stop trying to p*ss on USBPs flames.

  4. Minus: You're right, not everyone can join. Even you don't meet the 73 IQ requirement.

    The US military doesn't use IQ tests to determine enlistment eligibility, but instead uses the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The ASVAB is a test that measures a recruit's general intelligence and other abilities, and is used to determine which professions are available to them.

    My IQ is higher than 73.

    1. So the ASVAB test only correlates to IQ... that's MUCH different. @@

      ...and with a little physical conditioning, you COULD have gotten free health care, you lazy b*stard!

    2. 73... that about 2 SDs below the mean. I wonder what the ASVAB mean is...

      I'll bet that if you climb into a time capsule now, you can be their Not Sure... and experience TRUE SoJus equity.

  5. Pass the popcorn please... Oh wait, it's popped over Dervish's burning turds... Never mind!

  6. The vice presidential debate between Sen. JD Vance and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is living up to the hype as Vance is wiping the floor with Walz, leaving him stammering and staring as though he can't remember anything from his script except "But Trump!"
    The best part of the night so far, in my opinion, was when the CBS News moderators tried to "fact check" Vance on the issue of the Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, even though the rules of the debate were that the moderators weren't going to fact check each other but the candidates could.
    In other words, the moderators falsely fact-checked Vance but not Walz, who was the one actually not telling the truth.
    Go figure. I mean, total shocker, right?
    In any event, good on Vance for not letting the mods roll all over him and in the process creating another infuriating Romney/Crowley debate moment. Not happening on Vance's watch!
    Once again, Vance is rising VERY HIGH to the occasion:

    It was Absolutely Brilliant the whole debate right ther2 was Absolutely Brilliant Well, that plus seeing Walz admitting to being a “Knucklehead” for lying.
    J.D. Vance and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz may have entered the arena on their own steam but it wasn't long before walz was on crutches. One crutch was named Norah O’Donnell and the other crutch, Margaret Brennan.
    The fact that the media isn’t even talking about it much less taking the usual victory lap, is proof even they realize Walz got his butt kicked.
    After Vance used the word "illegal immigrants" to describe the Haitian migrants, the moderators tried to make a big deal out of the fact that they were technically here "legally." But Vance was having none of it and proceeded to explain the "technical" reason why. They tried to force him to move on to the next question but he continued on. In fact, he smoked them so bad that they ended up cutting off his Microphone .
    "The rules were that you guys weren’t going to fact check, and since you’re fact-checking me, I think it’s important to say what’s actually going on…."
