Sunday, September 6, 2020

Commander of Cheese Disrespects Soldiers As "Suckers And Losers" -- As Confirmed By Fox

Young Turks YouTube: Fox News Confirms Trump Called Veterans "Suckers" and "Losers".

Cenk Uygur: ...Jennifer Griffin, Fox News correspondent, has confirmed the story. She said, "I've spoken with two senior US officials who were on the trip to France, and they confirmed to me key details in the Atlantic article and the quotes attributed to the president". That is Fox News confirming that, yes, the president called fallen soldiers suckers and losers. The Fox News correspondent continues -- "The president said about American veterans, what's in it for them? They don't make any money". ... if you're a veteran and you supported this guy -- he thinks you're an idiot. You did it for patriotism? Then you died or were captured? You're a sucker. That's what he thinks of you.

The daddy of Cadet Bone Spurs got a doctor he knew to write a fake diagnosis to keep him out of the Vietnam war thinks our soldiers (beloved by the Right because they "protect our freedoms" by killing Muslims) are losers. And this he says as the "Commander in Cheese" (according to the departing Kellyanne Conaway) :P

Remember when Dotard got in a feud with the Gold-Star father Khizr Khan, "whose son Capt. Humayun Khan was killed during the Iraq War in 2004? Even if Dotard was convinced he was right, that is something a CIC just should NOT do :(

Also remember that Dotard couldn't remember the name of a fallen soldier when he made an obligatory call to his widow. Dotard callously remarked to the wife of La David Johnson that her husband "knew what he was getting into".

Dotard also called John McCain a loser (in the context of McCain losing to Barack Obama), but he also says McCain is only a war hero because he was captured. But Dotard doesn't think much about that because he likes people who weren't captured :(

Don't forget that Dotard has basically ignored, downplayed and lied about Russian bounties paid to Afghan fighers for killing our soliders (saying it is "fake news").

Dotard doesn't care if Putin paid bounties to have our soldiers killed because Dotard doesn't care about our soldiers. I completely believe Dotard said our soliders are suckers and losers. Because that is consistent with his past interactions, comments and actions -- i.e. making a soldier's widow cry, attacking the Khans, attacking John McCain's service, and calling credible intell concerning bounties paid by Russia on the lives of our soldiers serving in Afghanistan "fake news" and a hoax :(

Dotard denies disrespecting our soliders I (of course), but we know he lies because (aside from the fact that he lies constantly) one lie he concocted this time was quickly debunked. As per Dotard, "I called home, I spoke to my wife and I said, 'I hate this. I came here to go to that ceremony'". The problem with that lie is that "she was on the trip with the president and was also scheduled to visit the cemetery".

Why such a dumb lie? Because Dotard does not care if he is caught lying. His idiot supporters either believe him or love it that he tells easily debunked lies (it's another example of "sticking it to the libs". Dotard does not even give enough of a shit to come up with a good lie).

trumpers? They're going to deny this as "fake news". Or just ignore it because their cognitive dissonance won't allow them to acknowledge that their cult leader is really an unAnmerican POS.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-169.

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