Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Nepotism LOL

Magaturds had a problem with a "Clinton Dynasty", but apparently love the idea of a tRump dynasty.

The video above (by the Gregory Brothers) makes fun of how many people who spoke at the "DNC" were related to Dotard. Or dating an offspring of Dotard. And how many times these people uttered the phrase "my father" or "my father-in-law". Apparently Dotard thought his supporters would be really into a nepotism-heavy "RNC".

Nepotism is nothing new, but Trump's is unique.

While many aspects of Donald Trump's presidency undermine the sanctity of the office, nepotism is nothing new in American politics. From the country's earliest years to modern day, presidents have involved family members in their campaigns and administrations. But just because it was commonplace doesn't imply that it was widely accepted, then or now. In 1967, the Federal Anti-Nepotism Statute was introduced to stifle the practice. While the statue has been referenced, especially recently, the important distinction to note between the past and present is that Trump's nepotism is made unique by his family being utterly unqualified for the positions they hold.

Trump follows the nepotism of dictators.

It's common for dictators to place their family in high-ranking government positions. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has taken another page from the dictator's handbook: appointing his inexperienced, unqualified daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner as top White House advisers.

At least when John F. Kennedy appointed his brother Robert Attorney General, we got a highly qualified and competent AG. As opposed to the Dotard family members in advisory roles. Their primary purpose (in being in those positions) is to steal as much taxpayer money as they can.

The shouty Kimberly Guilfoyle says "the best is yet to come". Maybe she means she'll get a salary bump if Dotard is "reelected" and go from "earning" 180k for being Dotard Jr's girlfriend to millions. Closer to what Jared and Ivana Jr are making would mean she could potentially "earn" many times more than her current salary (for what, banging Dotard Jr?).

Do you think Democrats would have been enthused if Hunter Biden had spoke at the DNC? btw, poor Tiffany tRump. Does anyone believe she's going to have trouble finding a job? As per Tiffany, "as a recent graduate, I can relate to so many of you who might be looking for a job". LOL.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-168.


  1. Listen, we all know that if the Trumps had a "D" after their names and not an "R," the MAGAts would have nothing to do with them and MAGAts would condemn them in the worst possible terms. But the Trump Crime family pretends to care about the working classes, while giving huge tax breaks to the 1%, while undermining health care -- Trump PROMISED over a month ago that he'd have "a complete health care package to give to Congress by the beginning of August. That promise came and went, like all of the Trumpian bullshit he spreads around, like so much fertilizer to keep his MAGATs thinking he cares about them nd trying to grow his base. In fact, his base is shrinking.

    He's got the fascist, white supremacist, racits, Boogaloo bois, and law-breakers and rioter votes all wrapped up. Trump's supporters have no problem with him wishing a child sex trafficker and rapist well, and making an excuse for Trumper who crossed state lines to kill people who had nothing to do with him.

    Srsly. If it wasn't for double standards, the Trumpers would have no standards at all.

    1. lol! Anybody remember the D'Allesandro/Pelosi crime family (Established 1926) That's 94 years of crime. Even Nancy's mom was investigated for corruption, and she wasn't even a politician.

    2. She turned a public servant's salary into a $120 million fortune.

    3. Politifact: Congressional disclosure forms don't provide a precise number, but the midpoint of estimates produces a net worth for Pelosi of $97 million... Pelosi's husband Paul is a businessman in real estate and venture capital, and the couple's net worth stems largely from his investments. [end Politifact excerpt]

      Nancy Pelosi didn't turn "a public servant's salary into a $120 million fortune". Her "husband Paul is a businessman in real estate". Like Dotard, except he made his fortune instead of inheriting it. Also, Dotard's and his dad were investigated for housing discrimination because they wouldn't rent to African Americans. And they defrauded the government out of millions in taxes. The tRump crime family has been active since the 1930s.

    4. Nancy's family has been stealing from and corrupting the PUBLIC dime since 1926...

    5. wtf do you care?

      Quote: When I was at the Academy I learned that the laws (Regulations) are meaningless, that the "Authorities" can do as they please. [end quote]

      That is a quote of something you wrote on your blog.

      Dotard's family has been stealing from and corrupting the PUBLIC dime since the 30s. By using illegal schemes to dodge legally owed taxes they deprived the public out of millions. I think some laws need to be written to restrict what venture capitalists are able to get away with, but being a venture capitalist isn't illegal.

    6. You're right, all I care about is what they steal from me. And THAT doesn't please ME.

    7. Dotard steals from you and you don't care. You cheer him on.

    8. Nancy doesn't? Only you give her a lifetime opportunity pass to steal, and Trump has only had 3 years.

    9. Dotard and his father dodged taxes bigly, stealing tens of millions in legally owed taxes.

    10. I didn't vote for Nancy Pelosi. I donated nothing to her campaign or the DNC. I had nothing to do with her getting reelected over and over.

  2. He made it investing Nancy's corrupt payoffs, kickbacks & illegal gains. :)

    1. That's what the forensic accountant investigating the Pelosis told you?

    2. Right. You WISH. Because the story you linked to is fake news. From the "about us" page... BustaTroll.org is a subsidiary of the "America's Last Line of Defense" network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery, or as Snopes called it before they lost their war on satire: Junk News.

      It is far more likely that the IRS will confiscate all of Dotard's assets. Given the FACT that he (with his father when he was alive and with his children now) have and are cheating the IRS out of millions via fraud and tax dodges.

    3. How many undocumented immigrants does the Dotard organization employ, Minus?

    4. 0. Cuz if there were 1, you'd be crying about it. :)

    5. I doubt it. As of the very end of last year they were still trying to purge them. A full year after the Dotard organization said they were going to use e-verify.

  3. Derv, notice how these Trumpfascists can't defend their fuhrer, so they drag out Nancy Pelosi or any other Democrat to change the subject from Trump's criminal behavior to smears on Democrats. BTW, JoeCon and Minus like to point out Mrs. Pelosi's husband's successes in real estate and investments as some indication of what? Again, divert and change the subject from the Criminal-in-Chief who just the other day encouraged North Carolinians to commit voter fraud. The same guy who had to pay a $25 million fine in a law suit that found him guilty of scamming people with his fake Trump U. Yeah. Trump YOU! Anything even approaching that with the Pelosis? No. And there's hundreds of laws suits against Trump and his grifting family for not paying contractors what they owe them.

    Yeah. But let's talk about the Pelosi family? Oh God! Their hypocrisy is repulsive!

    Meanwhile, the hypocrites JoeCon and Minus fail to examine this:

    “Mitch didn’t have money when he went to Washington 35 years ago. Today, he’s one of the richest guys up there … After 35 years, Kentuckians are still waiting for the kinds of opportunities Mitch worked so hard to give himself. With another six years of Mitch McConnell, from the hollow to the horse farm, we’ll still be waiting. And Mitch? He’ll just be richer.”

    If it weren't for double standards, folks like JoeCon and Minus would have no standards at all.

    1. How will you get Congresscritters to agree on limiting their feeding at the trough? They were keen to change the Constitution on presidential term limits, and they did so. Their own term limits?


      Limit Reps to 5 2-year terms and Senators to two 6 year terms. It'll never happen.

    2. Term limits are a great idea that is way past its time. But Shaw is right. Neither republican or democratic congresscritters or senators are ever going to vote limit their number of terms in office.

      And a damn shame it is.

    3. We already have term limits. Elections. Why is getting rid of people because they have too much experience a good idea? btw, Minus is in favor of term limits. Then it must have angered him when Dotard suggested he should remain in office for 12 more years.

    4. Two terms? Who said anything about that? I'm saying you get one term in one office over your entire lifetime.

    5. So, if you're not in favor of Dotard serving a second term, who are you voting for? Or are you going to sit this one out?

    6. JC thinks trump should be presnit for life. Kinda like Kim Jong Un and Vlad Putin.

    7. I doubt he'd have a problem with that. The term limit he wants would just be for every other elected politician.
