Monday, July 15, 2024

Fake donald tRump "Assassination Attempt" Staged For Political Capitol

Fascist republiturd candidate for potus donald tRump suffered a minor ouchie on 7/13/2024 when "shot" by a gunman duped into taking action. He was told he would be "saving democray" from the "Joe Biden totalitarian dictatorship". Magaturd shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was recruited by the Secret Service members protecting donald tRump to do a false flag.

As per Congressional republiturds, "He just won the election". Two people were shot and one of them died. I'm not counting tRump among the people shot, btw. As you can see in the video, tRump puts his hand to his ear as if a mosquito bit him. Only later do we some a small amount of blood. I say he wasn't shot at all. When the Secret Service members pushed him down to "protect" him, one of the agents injured his ear, as per the plan.

The press dotard donald is receiving after this fake "assassination" attempt has got to be worth millions -- if not tens of millions. It is a boon to his campaign. Even if the assassination attempt was real, that doesn't mean donald tRump was shot. I heard on the news that donald might have been hit by a richochet or flying glass.

On the 7/14/2024 airing of MSNBC's "Prime Weekend" hosted by Katy Tur -- Erin Autenreith, an eyewitness who was in the front row at the dotard rally said, "They must have hurt his ear on the podium when they pushed him down".

As per tRump "I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. ... I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening".

As far as I know only donald tRump has "confirmed" he was shot. Every news reporter seems to just taking his word for it. But donald tRump is a pathelogical liar. So, until I hear that donald tRump was shot from an official source, I will consider this to be a probable lie. Or he could simply be wrong. He was cut by some flying glass and thought he was hit by a bullet. How would he know the difference?

News Conference from Butler PA with FBI, Secret Service. Featuring Kevin Rojek Special Agent in charge of the FBI Pittsburgh Field office. This aired live 7/13/2024 on NBC News. I saw it the next day when I pressed play on my DVR recording of Saturday Night Live. Except there was no SNL. (excerpt transcribed by me).

Reporter: Was donald tRump hit by a bullet? Do you know for sure? Or was it potentially something else?

Kevin Rojek: I don't have that specific information in regards to the injuries to the president.

republiturds are taking FULL advantage of this GIFT to the dotard campaign. donald tRump rose (after the shooter was killed), raised his fist in defiance, and chanted "fight, fight, fight". Again, as planned. According to the Telegraph "this image may win Trump the US presidency" (image at the top of this post). "A picture is worth a thousand words and the assassination attempt against Donald Trump may have just altered the course of history" says the article deck.

Of course republiturds immediately blamed the rhetoric of Joe Biden. That rhetoric being his truth-telling about donald being a sexual assaulter who will end democracy in America. The hypocritical Turd JD Vance, a shameless liar has been awarded for his shameless lies with the Vice Presidency slot. JD's absurd, offensive and false Tweet pinning blame for the fake shooting on Joe Biden is proof positive that donald tRump has no interest at all in unifying the country.

As per Lee Papa aka The Rude Pundit, "Republicans are absolutely giddy that this happened". I agree. In his 7/14/2024 blog post, Papa writes, "I don't buy the idea that this was a false flag or some other conspiracy [but] I do think it's hilarious to call it a false flag just to piss off MAGA goons who call every mass shooting that". Again, I agree.

False flag or not, this was a huge boon for the tRump campaign. One they will be milking like crazy. Registered republican Thomas Matthew Crooks, by attempting to kill tRump (if that was what he was trying to do), but failing, did donald tRump a bigly favor. btw, if donald tRump HAD been killed, I'd say the chicken (donald tRump's inciteful rhetoric) had come home to roost. donald tRump incited violence against minorities and Democrats while predisent. And he continues to. Yet he largely gets a pass.

Remember that donald tRump made fun and joked about the savage hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul by trumpturd David DePape.

Trump joins conspiracists stoking doubts about Pelosi attack. Politico article by Meridith McGraw. 11/01/2022. Excerpt.

During an appearance on the Chris Stigall radio show that aired Tuesday morning in Philadelphia, Trump called the attack a "sad situation" but questioned if there was more to the story being detailed by law enforcement.

"Wow, it's -- weird things going on in that household in the last couple of weeks. Probably, you and I are better off not talking about it. The glass it seems was broken from the inside to the out so it wasn't a break in, it was a break out. I don't know, you hear the same things I do", Trump said.

The "break out" comment was a reference to an absurd conspiracy theory (based on the fact that Paul Pelosi was in his underwear in his own home) that Nancy Pelosi hired David DePape for a gay sexual encountner with her husband. Given that DePape had been invited in to the Pelosi home, a window was broken to make it look like a break in. By someone inside the house.

But it was a break in. There is video showing DePape outside the Pelosi home breaking the glass (see 1:30 into this YouTube).

Also remember donald tRump's biggliest incitement to violence on January 6, 2021. Previously (during the pre-election tRump/Biden debate) he instructed his shock troops, the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" (though first he pretended to not know who the Proud Boys are. Same as he did when David Duke endorsed him).

In the video above incumbent predisent donald tRump instructs the neo-fascist Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by". 9/29/2020.

As for the shooter's "real" motives, those are not known at this time. Apparently not much could be found re his motivation. No manifesto and no online babblings. Unlike with DePape. His online babblings confirmed he was a trumper.

Obviously Thomas Matthew Crooks was also a trumper. And this "assassination" attempt was a false flag orchestrated by Secret Service trumpers. donald tRump's detail. They approached Crooks and convinced him to participate. Because (they said) he would be allowed to get away. And that (if he helped with the fake assassination) donald tRump would be guaranteed to be elected predisent.

So Crooks went along with the plan. And killed someone in the audience -- to further sell the assassination as being real. Instead of a failed assassination attempt -- we know it was real because someone was actually killed. But Crooks never tried to hit tRump. tRump was not shot. And then Crooks was killed. As part of the cover up.

Where is the statement from the medical professional that treated tRump's "bullet wound"? I'm not aware there has been any. Because, that tRump was not shot is being concealed. And the media is just going along with this BS claim from donald that he "felt the bullet ripping through the skin".

Lee Papa aka The Rude Pundit.

Post authored by the Proud Joe-Biden-Voting blogger Dervish Sanders. wym316.


  1. Your right. Trump hired Alec Baldwin to write, direct, and film the whole media production.

  2. Welcome to the hyper-real world of amateur hyper-reality production.

  3. From the 7/16/2024 airing of the Stephanie Miller Show...

    Stephanie: Oh my God, are you kidding me with that ridiculously cartoonishly large bandage!

    Jody Hamilton (daughter of Carol Burnett and SMS executive producer): He wasn't wearing one yesterday.

    Which isn't to say that Stephanie Miller or Jody Hamilton believe the conspiracy theory that the tRump fake assassination attempt was staged. They agree with The Rude Pundit who said (as I note in my blog post) "it's hilarious to call it a false flag just to piss off MAGA goons who call every mass shooting that". (note: The Rude Pundit is a regular Stephanie Miller Show guest).

    BUT -- the point of the large bandage was very likely to draw attention to his ear. To keep it in people's minds that donald tRump was "shot" due to the "rhetoric of Joe Biden". It was Joe Biden that "incited violence against donald tRump". WHY JD Vance was chosen as his VP. That tweet where he lies about Joe Biden being responsible for the "assassination" attempt earned him the VP slot.

    That, and the fact that he (while being a NeverTrumper previously) went full maga. And, no, I do not for one minute believe he had a change of heart (as he claims). He has acted cravenly due to a lust for power. Well, if he gets in the White House, he will have it. The VP being next in line to be potus in 2028. It might be Harris versus Vance.

    Mike Pence suffered the consequences for having some integrity. JD Vance has said that he would not have certified the 2020 election. Another statement that contributed to his earning the VP nomination nod from the Orange Turd.

  4. I don't think Alec Baldwin and donald tRump like each other and would work together. That is an absurd scenario. But, yes Stephen Baldwin is a tRump supporter. Daniel Baldwin (Alec's other brother) is not a fan of tRump.

    Hailey Baldwin (daughter of Stephen Baldwin) said "I love my father, he’s an amazing dad, but we so strongly disagreed on (the election)". Hailey Biden endorsed Joe Biden in 2020.

    Stephen Baldwin Tweet: Many are called, few are chosen! Gospel is truth. battle already won ✝️ #Trump2020

    He is a christianist nutjob like Mystere.

  5. FYI, tRump has NOT called the family of the man who was killed at his rally, while Joe Biden did call (but his widow declined to take the call because she believed her husband would not have wanted her to). Corey Comperatore's widow says she does NOT blame Joe Biden for her husband's death.

  6. I think that Mr. Trump is making a BOLD fashion statement. During the next pandemic, we'll all be encouraged to wear masks on our ears! Studies show they nearly match the effectiveness of an N95 mask over your mouth!

  7. FYI, tRump has NOT called the family of the man who was killed at his rally...

    I'm sure she's had plenty of robocalls from politicians already. I don't answer them either.

  8. I don't think the attempt on Trump's life was a false flag. I also don't believe the MAGAs saying his ear was almost blown off. Why haven't we heard from the doctors who treated his injury? Until we do, we can assume what he suffered was a grazing by a bullet that almost got him. That in itself is bad enough.

    Trump is a malignant narcissist and thinks only of himself, so why would anyone think he'd call the widow of the man who was killed and offer condolences to her and her family, or even to the other two people who were seriously injured. That's not how Trump operates. He is milking this for as much as he can, and his cultists are happy to make fools of themselves in order to show their undying and slavish allegiance to the convicted felon.

  9. Shaw: I don't think the attempt on Trump's life was a false flag.

    Me neither. But I do think the shooter was not a lefty. Because he was a registered republican. And I do not believe Joe Biden's rhetoric had anything to do with whatever motivated him.

    The Rude Pundit: "I don't buy the idea that this was a false flag or some other conspiracy [but] I do think it's hilarious to call it a false flag just to piss off MAGA goons who call every mass shooting that".
