Thursday, July 18, 2024

d0nald tRump Says Alleged Ear Wound "Felt Like The World's Largest Mosquito" -- My Prophetic Vision Confirmed

Image: donald tRump & rfkjr collude to steal the 2024 potus election. Also, tRump confirms he was not shot. As per leaked audio.

On 7/15/2024 I wrote (in a post on this blog) "As you can see in the video, tRump puts his hand to his ear as if a mosquito bit him".

Video: Donald Trump has compared being grazed in the ear by a bullet to being attacked by the "world's largest mosquito" in a leaked call to his presidential rival, Robert F Kennedy.

Lis Smith: (DNC Communications Advisor) "RFK Jr. was recruited to run by MAGA Republicans, his candidacy is funded by MAGA's biggest donor, and now we learn he's colluding with MAGA to help Donald Trump win. (Rolling Stone, 7/16/2024).

This leaked audio confirms that tRump and jfkjr are colluding to get tRump elected. jfkjr's campaign is fake -- same as donald tRump's ear "bullet wound" is fake. Also confirmed? That I am a genuine prophet.

The Stephanie Miller Show, 7/17/2024. Stephanie Miller and Bob Cesca discuss the fact that no details regarding donald tRump's alleged wound have been released. Transcript excerpts.

Stephanie Miller: You retweeted Daily Beast -- "Neither the Trump campaign nor the hospital where he was treated on Saturday in Butler PA, have released any information on the former president's treatment, diagnosis or condition".

You said "to be clear, I'm not disputing the injury, I'm pointing out tRump's ongoing compunction to conceal or falsify his medical condition. Why is that? I'm also asking why the press hasn't been briefed by anyone about the injury and treatment. Why the secrecy?".

Obviously we have seen him on the golf course with no bandage. And then he decided to go with the "Kotex look" for the convention.

Bob Cesca: The injury was supposed to have nicked the top of his ear, and he has the giant bandage covering his whole ear? Don't tell me he isn't playing this up. The fact is donald tRump has a long history of falsifying and concealing his medical records. Remember he dictated his medical report to Dr Bornstein while sitting in his limousine outside the doctor's office. Then, for some reason, right as donald tRump became president, he sent his bodyguard in there, Keith Schiller to steal all of donald tRump's medical records from Dr Bornstein's office. Why is that?

He sent Ronny Jackson out into the White House press room to lie about donald tRump's medical status. And now this. The latest report comes from NBC News. They're saying "a tRump advisor on Tuesday declined to answer specific questions about the former president's injuries, telling NBC News that any statements about tRump's health, his condition and medical care related to his ear would come directly from the former president".

There's a reliable source **sarcasm**. ... And then we heard that Ronny Jackson -- or "Ronny Johnson" as donald tRump called him a couple of weeks ago -- tweeted that he changed the dressing on donald tRump's ear on the plane to Milwaukee. So, another "reliable" source treating donald tRump, and we're not getting any information about that. And now it's getting to the point of being suspicious. Why are they concealing this? What are they trying to hide?

If they want to quash all of the conspiracy theories, they should at least release a report from the doctors who treated him on the day. And we're not getting it.

Well, that tRump was seen golfing without a bandage after he was "shot" has apparently been debunked. The AP says "the photo was taken nearly two years ago". Hmmm. Still, why the secrecy? All the points raised by Bob Cesca are valid. There is definitely a cover up re donald's supposed ear injury.

Ex-RNC chairman Michael Steele also has questions.

Image: large mosquito similar to the one that bit donald tRump.

Do I think that donald tRump was actually bitten by a mosquito? Hell no. That's dumb. My point is that tRump SAID his flesh was ripped by a bullet. But (to rfkjr) he says it felt like a mosquito bite. Obviously he lied when he claimed to know a bullet grazed his ear. Proven by this obvious cover up. What's being covered up? That he wasn't shot? Maybe. It could be that he was hit by flying glass (as I mentioned in my prior post). It would be a number of other things and not a bullet.

Which isn't to say it definitely wasn't a bullet. But why the cover up? It's just what tRump does? He has always hide his medical info. Even though presidents are expected to disclose that stuff. Joe Biden is expected (and does) disclose it. But (as always) tRump breaks the rules and gets a pass.

btw, f*ck rfkjr. Why aren't we hearing more about how he and tRump are cheating to get tRump elected? Via a fake presidential campaign. rfkjr has fooled dupes (both Democrats and republicans) that he has a chance. When he knows he can't possibly become president. He knows he is running as a spoiler. He confirmed it to tRump. And now (unintentionally) to the public. Via the leak of his phone call with tRump.

What a Turd. This should end the fake rfkjr potus campaign (aka Kanye West for potus 2.0).

Post authored by the confirmed prophet Dervish Sanders. wym318.


  1. Dervish, you have a unique ability to frame issues in such a way that out of the box thinking rules the day.

    But, knowing the conspiratorial mindsets of Frick and Frack, and their overwhelming tendency to bend towards ignorance and delusion, as well as lying, your analysis is certainly plausable.

    Hey -FJ, interested in aviation are ya?
