Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Senile Predisent

Which one of the two candidates for president in 2024 has dementia? Is it Joe Biden or donald tRump? Accusations exist in regards to both of them. Both are very old. Joe Biden is 81 and donald tRump is 77.

So, the man with dementia is obviously Joe Biden, right? Given that he is 3 years, 6 months, 25 days older than donald tRump, who, at 77 is a still a young man with incredible stamina and youthful vigour. While Joe Biden is a decrepit and ancient bicyclist. And ALL oldsters eventually get dementia, right? It is inevitable.

Video: Sept 142023. We've all watched Donald Trump's mental decline for years. It's time for Fox News to tell the truth, which is that he is too old and senile to run for President. The Lincoln Project.

The rightturd blogger Mystere sez (in a post on his blog) "Bidet tooted a bigly butt blast while his brain farted again: He called President Trump Congressman Trump".

See the video below for "proof".

Well, that proves it, yes? Biden is definitely senile and should not be running for president. Except, these are clips from a long speech, edited down to make Biden look bad. Everyone knows Joe Biden has a stutter. People who have a stutter are not all senile.

Also, Joe Biden did NOT say "Congressman tRump". He said "Congress and tRump". That's according to the AI generated transcript. AI is not biased in favor of Joe Biden. It didn't change Joe Biden's words to cover for him. The AI listened to the audio and spit out what it heard. Which is "Congress and tRump". Joe Biden does not think donald tRump is a Congressman.

Here is another debuking of a infamous quote attributed to Joe Biden. Supposedly Joe Biden yells (in response to a reporter's question) "My butt's been wiped". But that is false.

Video: Did Biden Actually Say, "My Butt's Been Wiped?" Listen to Enhanced Audio. I enhanced the audio. Did #Biden say #MyButtsBeenWiped or not? Debunking from the Representative Press.

Joe Biden did not say "My butt's been wiped". Screenshot below including captioning of what Joe Biden actually said, which is "Must what be what?". A reporter asked Joe Biden, "must immigration be in reconciliation? Must it be in reconciliation?".

Joe Biden did not hear the first part of the question due to the loud helicopter noise in the background. The reporter asked "Must it be in reconciliation?" And the president (not hearing the first sentence) asked "Must what be what?"

It is NOT Joe Biden who is senile, it is donald tRump. He has a history of senility in his family. His father Fred tRump went senile. Google says "The average lifetime risk of developing dementia is 10%–12% and increases to 15%–25% for individuals with a family history of dementia".

btw, (slightly off topic, but in regards to the dementia suffered by donald's father, Fred tRump) donald used his father's dementia to try and steal all his father's money.

Trump's sister Maryanne Trump Barry was recorded by her niece in January 2019 expressing outrage over her brother's efforts to change the will as their father's mental capacity was declining. "Dad was in dementia", Barry said.

Barry said that when she was asked by her father in 1990 to review the proposed changes, she consulted with her husband, John Barry, an attorney familiar with estate law who died in 2000. "I show it to John, and he says, Holy s--t. It was basically taking the whole estate and giving it to Donald". Barry said.

Barry helped convince her father to reject her brother's effort. As a result, Donald Trump "didn't talk to me for two years". Barry said during one of several conversations her niece recorded. link (follow link to listen to the audio).

donald tRump is a horrible human being. WHY anyone would support this racist misogynist Turd is beyond me. Yet trumpturds like Mystere still do. Despite donald tRump being horrible (he tried to steal from his siblings. He DID steal from his brother's children).

Yet, despite donald tRump obviously being in some sort of mental decline, trumpturds attack our mentally sharp president Joe Biden of with false accusations that acutally apply to their Orange Turd cult leader.

btw, Robert Hur lied when he described Joe Biden as an "elderly man with a poor memory" in his report. "at another point during the depositions, Hur actually went out of his way to praise Biden's memory. [Hur said] You have -- appear to have a photographic understanding and, and recall of the house, Hur told Biden, referencing the president's Wilmington home.

That's from the tapes of the deposition. The lying Turd Hur did not include any evidence that disproved his incorrect characterization of Joe Biden in his written report. fyi, Robert Kyoung Hur is an American lawyer appointed by Donald Trump to serve as the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland from 2018 to 2021.

"Can't make it up": Experts say transcript shows special counsel Robert Hur "lied" about Biden. The full transcript undercuts Hur's claims that Biden could not remember his son's death and had "poor" memory. Salon 3/12/2024.

Dervish Sanders: Can you tell me about Joe Biden's exercise regimen?

Copilot AI: Certainly! Joe Biden maintains an impressive fitness routine to stay active and healthy. Here's what we know about his exercise regimen...

Weights: At 78 years old, Biden uses dumbbells as part of his workout routine. Weight training helps slow down muscular atrophy, a process where muscles weaken and waste away as we age. By using weights, Biden ensures he stays strong and healthy.

Treadmill and Peloton Bike: Biden has a gym in his house with a treadmill and a Peloton bike. The Peloton bike allows him to engage in virtual spin classes, which is an excellent cardiovascular workout.

Morning Routine: Biden tries to get out of bed by 8 am and heads to his home gym. After working out, he takes a shower and has some food.

Post authored by the Joe-Biden-voting blogger Dervish Sanders. wym310.


  1. On June 27th we'll find out which side had the best anti-senility drugs. I hear that Joe's been playing a lot of SuperMario Karts with his grandkids in the Camp David Rec Room in prep. I wonder if the audience-less forum will allow Joe to consult his earphone, or possibly a teleprompter. I guess we'll soon see how well TotUS performs.

  2. I wonder if Joe's Deep State controllers can get him one of Musk's NeuraLink implants before the debate. Is there still enough time?

  3. I have not read any stories aside from the one years ago about Joe Biden playing Super Mario Kart with a grandchild. You can link to a RECENT story? Whatever scientist discovered that Super Mario Kart delays/mitigates the effects of dementia for years should publish his findings. Maybe he or she has, and you can link to an article in a scientific journal? Are doctors currently prescribing Super Mario Kart for their dementia patients and getting fantastic results? Are the makers of Super Mario Kart marketing their game as a treatment for dementia? Maybe you can link to an advertisement? "Super Mario Kart is a dementia WONDER treatment!".

    fyi Neuralink says its first in-human brain implant malfunctioned. There is no way they would implant this in Joe Biden's brain. Aside from the fact that isn't FOR dementia. It is for quadriplegics to operate computers. It has no effect on cognitive function. That is not it's purpose. Even *if* Joe Biden had that problem, which he does not.

  4. Please, the scientist at MIT use neural controllers to race cockroaches... and they have a much higher intelligence than the veggie president, Joe Biden.
