Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Plot To Destroy America -- donald tRump Is Key To Putin's Plan

The following is from the 6/26/2024 airing of The Stephanie Miller Show. Host Stephanie Miller and Malcolm Nace discuss Vladimir Putin's plans to help donald tRump return to the White House in 2025.

Stephanie Miller: [reading from a Vanity Fair article] Vladimir Putin and his strategists are eager for tRump to retake office in order to realize their geopolitical goals. ... From the moment Trump was elected, the word Yalta became one of the most popular among Kremlin officials -- a reference to how Stalin was able to convince his then American and British during WWII to legitimize his sphere of influence. ... Putin simply believed that Trump was morally close and understandable to him -- a fellow cynic who also thought that money solved everything.

The fantasies of Kremlin strategists involved Trump and Putin meeting ... to carve up the world together. Putin's current advisers are confident that the US will eventually disintegrate, breaking into several pieces like the Soviet Union ultimately did. This would require the right conditions and a leader who could plunge the country into chaos. You might be surprised, but the nickname used for Trump in the Kremlin is the American Gorbachev.

For former KGB officers, Gorbachev is a demagogue and a narcissist who desperately wanted to please the audience but had no plan of action; a president whose policies were so chaotic that the empire began to fall apart, with different parts declaring their independence. ... Putin believes his dream is not so unattainable. [Putin Is Banking On a Trump Win for His New World Order BY Mikhail Zygar. 6/25/24].

Do not vote for the people America's enemies want to win. This is kind of terrifying, isn't it?

Malcolm Nance: Yes, it is terrifying. ... Russia has a strategy. We do not. Our strategy is to go to the polls and let good people try to outvote the other side. The other side's strategy is to side with the enemies of democracy and utterly destroy it. America is on the cusp of descending into a right-wing evangelical dictatorship. Moscow will piggyback back-to-glory as the United States disintegrates.

Post authored by the Pro-democracy & Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. wym312.


  1. Who knew that two American idiots were so close to Putin and his strategic advisors that they could read his thoughts? Do they broadcast out of the Kremlin?

  2. I so love experts and their privileged sources of knowledge.

  3. Wait, isn't she the Neoliberal-Left Jimmy Dore?

    Stephanie Catherine Miller (born September 29, 1961) is an American political commentator, comedian, and host of The Stephanie Miller Show, a Progressive talk radio program produced in Los Angeles, California, by WYD Media Management and syndicated nationally by Westwood One.[1] In 2017, Talkers Magazine ranked her the 23rd-most important radio talk show host in the U.S.[2] Miller has leveraged her talk show via various platforms including online, as well as via her Sexy Liberal Tour live comedy show.

  4. Dore is an 'actual' progressive-left liberal. Miller's pure neo-liberal left.

  5. Stephanie Miller is NOT "Neoliberal-Left". Stephanie Miller is genuine progressive-left liberal :P

    Jimmy Dore is NOT "actual progressive-left liberal". Jimmy Dore is a trumper :P

    Miller and Nance are anti-Kremlin. Dore is pro-Kremlin and a pretender. That is why he was kicked off the Young Turks. Dore went rightturd for $$$$$.

  6. YouTube: Right-Winger Jimmy Dore Goes Full MAGA By Selling Out To Trump & Ron DeSantis. The Young Turks.

    Description: Fake progressive Jimmy Dore announced on his show voiced his support for the “anti-war” Republican Party led by Donald Trump. Wonder if Jimmy remembers Trump’s infatuation with bombing and drone striking civilians in the Middle East, orchestrating multiple coups in Venezuela, and having to be talked off the ledge from striking Mexico with missiles. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. 2 years ago.

    Transcript Excerpts...

    Ana Kasparian [8:29] ...He avoided trump's stories like it was the plague during the trump administration all he did was focus on democrats and criticizing them.

    Cenk Uygur [8:51] It's not an accident he's sitting there trying to help the republican party in every single way while pretending to be a progressive. It's the oldest grift. Dave Rubin did this... Jimmy, you're a retread -- two unfunny so-called comedians who always have the same one like one trick pony. That's that's all they are ... your main job is to fellate republicans. You're lying to your audience for money like a whore.

    Cenk Uygur [13:30] ...he's obviously lying to you ... 98 of his audience is right wing and they love it -- "look, oh left wing. Or Jimmy Dore, left winger. Glenn Greenwald, left winger. Dave Rubin -- they all agree with us". [said while doing air quotes for "left wing" and "left winger"].
