Monday, June 3, 2024

The Van Impe Prophecy. Proof I Am A Real-Deal Prophet?

Monday, September 10, 2018.

Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. Matthew 16:28.

This could just be a coincidence. I mean, I prophisized that an 87 year old man was going to die eventually. So, I'm not a prophet? ON the other hand, Jack Van Impe (of Jack Van Impe Ministries) was completely convinced that he would never die. Instead he would be swept up in the Rapture and be transported to Heaven bodily. That is, he would go to Heaven without dying. But he did die. On January 18, 2020.

So, my prophecy that Jack Van Impe would not make it until the Rapture occurred turned out to be accurate. Though I do not believe there will ever be any "Rapture". It is not in the Bible @

The Second Coming is another way that Jack Van Impe could have avoided dying. If he was still alive when Jesus (as per the Christian belief) returns to rule over the Earth. Wikipedia says "A 2010 survey showed that about 40% of Americans believe that Jesus is likely to return by 2050". Obviously Jesus has not returned. Also, Jack Van Impe is definitely dead.

But Jack Van Impe thought he would be among those swept up in the Rapture. And that he would depart Earth (bodily) to be with God in Heaven. While those Left Behind would have to go through the Tribulation. Before the 2nd coming. Well, I don't know if he thought he personally would absolutely never die. Only that some people of the generation that is living wouldn't.

In the video above "The Rapture Explained" (posted 13 years ago) Jack Van Impe says (10:39) "we are the generation that will not die". And, near the end of the video (14:51), Van Impe says "I can hear the knock right now, it's that near. It could very easily be December 21, 2012. But I won't set that date".

At 47:12 in this video Jack Van Impe says "the generation that lives to see what I've just told you shall not pass from the earth. We're going up. Amen, Rexella".

"We can know that HIS coming to the Earth is right in the future. Because every sign is here. Israel a Nation and controlling Jerusalem. and he says when you see those two that's it. So we now know that every sign pointing to his coming of the earth is here [the second coming]. Therefore we go home earlier seven years before that" [in the rapture] 48:23.

So, from 2012 going forward, Jack Van Impe thought the Rapture could happen at any moment. He lived 8 years more (2012 to 2020). So, if the Rapture had occurred in that timeframe, he would have been caught up in it. FOR SURE. In his mind. In reality*? I don't know (*a reality in which the Rapture is something that will ever happen).

I looked it up, and it turns out Jack Van Impe bigly supported donald tRump in 2016. Of course. It seems all these religious hucksters are for tRump. Google says "Jack Van Impe is an American televangelist who has a net worth of $2.5 million". They are also all millionaires. Or there are surely a LOT of them who are.

It seems giving people hope there is life after death is bigly profitable. These "prophets" are telling people what they want to hear, as opposed to telling people things they don't want to hear. And they want to hear that donald tRump has been "chosen" by God. That he is "God's chosen leader".

The fake prophet Mark Taylor knows this. He went from a being a retired fireman to a published author. His book, The Trump Prophecies was made into a movie. Even though the movie lost money, I'm sure Mark Taylor was paid.

Taylor is still presenting himself as a "prophet". Even though he said donald tRump was going to be reelected in 2020. But he was (obviously) wrong. Now he's saying tRump will return to the White House in 2024. So, what's he going to say when Joe Biden is reelected to a 2nd term? (not a prophecy, just something I think should happen).

On 9/10/2018 the blog turd Mystere falsely prophesied, "we will see President Trump serving as President until 2025". This was an incorrect prophecy/prediction that Mystere included in a commetary on his "moonbat slayer" blog (linked to above). This is the post I replied to when making my correct prophecy.

How is donald tRump going to serve as president until 2025, Mystere? He's going to be elected this year, then croak immediately after taking office again?

Post authored by the Pro-Choice real-deal prophet Dervish Sanders ;) wym308.


  1. YOU are a real-deal prophet AND mind-reader!

  2. I just saw this on MSNBC...

    They want to take God out of the country. They want government to be God.
    Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick.
    May 2024 Texas GOP Convention.

    This is one of the dumbest f*cking things I have ever heard.

    Minus ALWAYS has the talking points down...

    Woke Moral "Values" Superiority in Action. When FACTS no longer matter.

    Woke: The 5 Essentials

    1. Woke-ism is Go(o)d for the Imperium. <<<<<
    2. Woke-ism is a (but not the) Civil Religion.
    3. Guilt Pride is at the Heart of Woke-ism.
    4. Academics Are the Priests of Woke-ism.
    5. Woke-ism is Militant.

    Me: Woke isn't a religion.

    Minus Stupidity: Is that why they all "take a knee" at football games? It's not to pray to Zer Black Deity?
    I hate to tell you this, Derv, but when you start publicly displaying religious gestures and symbolism, you've arrived at religion.

    FYI, I *do* believe the Left's moral values are superior. FAR superior.

  3. Then you are the white superior, Dervy, the white saviour in all the movies with African-Americans in them. It's always been you.

    1. That is an absurd conclusion.There are MANY African Americans that make up the Democratic base. Vote Democratic. It isn't Whites "saving" Blacks. I think (actually) many African Americans might say the "saving" is falling far short. Because The Democratic Party (which includes MANY African Americans) isn't doing enough. I'm not claiming that I have "saved" anyone by voting for the Democratic Party. But the Democratic Party represents the interests of working class and poor people of ALL skin colors.

      But I'm sure you can give examples of Democrats who pander to the wealthy donor class. Though IMO the republiturds are WORSE on this issue. But the Democrats are definitely falling short. And are NOT the "saviors" of Blacks. Not when MANY elected Democrats are Black. FAR more Black elected representatives are Democrats than republicans.

    2. FYI, Black people are INCLUDED in the "far superior moral values" category. It isn't just White Democrats that have far superior moral values, but Black Democrats as well.
