Sunday, January 28, 2018

Minus FJ Lamentations: The Cloak Of Gyges Protects Chris "Tingles" Matthews :)

Wikipedia notes that "The Ring of Gyges is a mythical magical artifact mentioned by the philosopher Plato in Book 2 of his Republic. It granted its owner the power to become invisible at will". There is no "Cloak of Gyges" although that doesn't stop trumpy bloggers like Minus FJ from mentioning it in numerous comments.

Apparently the "cloak" (AKA ring) protects MSNBC host Chris Matthews. According to the Daily Caller article Minus FJ links to, "NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews" (this occurred way back in 1999).

Following comments from the blog of racist bigoted misogynist trumper FreeThinke.

-FJ: Bye, Bye Chris Mathews! (12/17/2017 at 1:26pm).

The Debonair Dude: Lets hope so. (12/17/2017 at 2:28pm).

Always On Watch: FJ, Good riddance to Tingles! (12/17/2017 at 4:27pm).

So, after NOTHING happened (Chris Matthews still has his job at MSNBC and did not go "bye bye") Minus FJ posted the following comment.

-FJ: The cloak of Gyges still protects the chosen few... :( (12/18/2017 at 10:03am).

From the Daily Caller article...

The woman complained to CNBC executives about Matthews making inappropriate comments and jokes about her while in the company of others. The MSNBC spokesman said that they thoroughly reviewed the situation at the time and that Matthews received a formal reprimand. Based on people who were involved in the matter, the network concluded that the comments were inappropriate and juvenile but were not intended to be taken as propositions.

Reprimanded. "Not to be taken as propositions". Presumably "Tingles" learned his lesson and didn't do it again. Which might explain why Chris still has his job. The situation was dealt with YEARS ago. That MSNBC didn't fire him indicates to me that there is not much to this story. It's OLD NEWS.

As opposed to Matthews being protected by a "cloak". Although, who knows what might happen. I did see this comment when Minus made it back in December. I was curious to see if Matthews would lose his job and decided to wait awhile before saying anything (i.e write a post about it). But enough time has passed, I think. It surely looks like Matthews is keeping his job. As the disappointed Minus notes. LOL!

BTW, if what Matthews did represented a pattern with him (happened repeatedly), I would totally be for him losing his job. That said, it looks like it was a single complaint (about a joke made in poor taste) and that Matthews didn't do it again. No reason to destroy his career over it. Punish him with the "formal reprimand", YES. But destroy his career? No. And MSNBC obviously agrees. Sorry Minus FJ.

Video: "I felt this thrill going up my leg" Matthews said during coverage of the Obama/McCain potus race of 2008. Something that really teed off Republicans. Newsbusters (who put up this YouTube) says they did it to "expose the liberal bias of supposedly objective MSM reporter Chris Matthews". LOL. "thrill going up my leg" somehow became "tingles". How DARE Matthews be impressed with the BLACK candidate's speachifying!

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-24.


  1. Replies
    1. #Meetoo doesn't speak with one voice. In regards to Chris Matthews keeping his job, some people who consider themselves a part of the #meetoo movement might be disappointed, others may not. I haven't read anything that indicates that either thought is the prevalent one (feel free to link to an article of you're aware of one).

      The only disappointment I'm aware of is that of Minus FJ, The Debonair Dude, and Always On Watch. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they're supporters of #meetoo.

    2. One thing we all do relish is the reality of Tingle's being hoisted by his own #metoo petard. :)

  2. Wonkette makes some valid points. I never said I was a huge Chris Matthews fan. My only point was that he appears to be keeping his job. And I seriously doubt Matthews is even aware of this Wonkette article. Go ahead and realish this nothingburger if you want to, Thersites. I don't see any "hoisting".
