Friday, April 13, 2018

Identity Hijacking Asshole Mystere Posts Fake Comment Wishing Death To Alleged Friend

As I revealed in my previous commentary, the asshole who calls himself Mystere fakes comments on his blog. In addition to comments from me, he fakes comments from a blogger who calls himself "This One".

Fake comments the asshole attaches to a post titled "Keep Who's Your Daddy Blogger Lisa In Your Prayers". As per the blogger Lisa, her husband recently discovered he has cancer.

From her commentary, the cancer her husband has sounds quite serious. Yet this SCUMBAG thinks a fake comment wishing death to Lisa's husband is OK? This SCUMBAG thinks that using Lisa's husband having cancer as an opportunity to attack This One (by making up a fake comment and attributing it to him) is OK?

This One did NOT write the comment wishing death to both Lisa and her husband. Mystere did. I don't know about you, but I find using the illness of (the husband of) an alleged friend as an opportunity to further a "cyberspace peeve" to be beyond the pale.

Proof that this Mystere asshole is a scumbag of the highest order. BTW, if I had commented on Mystere's blog, I would not have wrote "I am not a chicken". Given the fact that I was unaware that Mystere was calling me a chicken. Apparently I'm one of the chicken puppets in the image Mystere inserts at the end of his commentary.

I'm too chicken to "spew my hate" on Lisa's blog. I guess. This "warning" from Mystere despite the fact that I had no intention of "spewing hate" on Lisa's blog. Especially in a commentary about her husband having cancer. Mystere, on the other hand, cleary feels very free to spew HIS hate.

In a post where he offers "prayers". Mystere should be ashamed. Maybe he will delete the fake This One comment out of shame. Although, if he does delete it, I doubt he'll admit it was him (not This One) who posted the vile retort. Even though anyone with half a brain could easily deduce that excuse would be bullshit. Just as his explanation that the prior fake "Dervish Sanders" comments were made by someone else is total bullplop.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-37.


  1. Gee, you don't like people forging fake comments from you? Now you understand what your good friend over at Progressive Eruptions was doing to me and others.

    I don't condone what Mystere is doing. But I certainly "understand" it.

    By their fruits ye shall know them.

  2. I think you're basically a fair and decent guy, Dervish. But you have some 'associates' that are. doing nothing but poising wells and burning bridges for your cause.

  3. Thersites, I didn't wish Lisa anything vile. That was This One aka Lester aka Liberalmann, the guy I call Pookie Toot Toot. Dervish and John Burdick aka This One are just upset because I keep laughing at them without using any profane words. I do admit to being a bit snarky at times, though.

  4. One update about the Wordpress post: I did trash that vile comment after a short period of showing how low This One sinks. Lisa knows I didn't write that vile retort. I might mock liberals about some issues but I never wish death on anyone suffering illnesses. That's the dirty work of Satan. I found some digital breadcrumbs leading to This One on that VILE retort, Dervish.

    Oh by the way, Thank you for posting a screencap of that vile retort. I'm going to show that screencap in a future post. You should watch your back before This One exploits you. He exploited another liberal named Elroy on Mike's America a few years ago. Elroy was a polite liberal from Australia.

  5. FACT - You faked comments by me. This I know because I submitted a comment (to another post) and you deleted it and resubmitted it. You didn't change anything excepting linking my name to a gay website. It couldn't have been anyone else (as per your lie) because only the blog owner can delete comments.

    This is proof that you also faked the "This One" comment. So, YES, it was YOU who wrote the "vile retort" wishing death to Lisa and her husband. As for Satan, he is your master, explaining why YOU do his "dirty work".

    BTW, Thersites, I don't condone what Shaw does. But I certainly "understand" it. By their fruits ye shall know them ("Them" in this instance being the scumbag Mystere).

    1. A personal question. Do you think you'll ever "forgive" Mystere for this, or will you, to paraphrase an internet sage, "take your butt-hurt grudge to the grave (or the next 5 years, whichever comes first)?"

  6. Joe Cameltoe, Michael "Dervish" Sanders has taken his butt-hurt grudge to a new low: he supposedly reported it to Gravatar. He's made a number of enemies, too many to count, and some of them probably have Wordpress blogs as well. I'm laughing at him as he flails to look for a scapegoat. I've removed a number of retorts after they cropped up overnight, only to find a few of them crop up again. Pookie Toot Toot has been one of the notorious ones posting vile retorts after getting sent to the trash bin. I've blacklisted Pookie Toot Toot, but not Dervish. I've tossed a few of his comments into the blog trash bin after they appeared overnight, only to find them being re-sent again. I'm wondering if Fake Dervish/Fake RN/Fake Ducky/Fake This One is behind it, trying to get a rise out of Michael "Dervish" Sanders. I could care less if one of Dervish's blog enemies is punking him. I just laugh at him.

    1. I have no idea where you get the name "Michael" from. I have no idea what you're wondering about either. You refer to comments YOU made. YOU are the one faking comments on your blog. Seems it's almost always one by "Dervish Sanders" followed by a comment from "This One". Both fake, both made by YOU.

      And, yes, I reported you. I don't know how seriously Gravatar is going to take the situation. We'll see. If I need to I will just delete my Gravatar account. If they're going to allow accounts to be hijacked (as Mystere has hijacked mine) then I'd rather not have one.

    2. BTW, Mystere, it is YOU who has taken YOUR butt-hurt to a new low by hijacking my Gravatar account. It is one thing to make up an obviously fake parody ID, but YOU have somehow figured out how to comment using my actual Gravatar account. Even though I'd have wagered you to be far too dimwitted to figure out how to do such a thing.

      I changed my Gravatar image and the images for the fake comments changed as well. Proof you are using my account. And even after I changed my Gravatar password, another fake comment appeared.

      My grievance concerns what is right, not "butt hurt". Only the owner of an account should be able to use it, you asshole!

  7. Personally, I can't help but wonder why you put so much energy into PROVING mystere and others of his ilk are the liars and assholes they are Dervish.

    1. Why do rape victims who escape their captors report the crime to police? Until they do, they bear the weight of the injustice alone and upon their own souls. The telling helps lift the burden, so that a "distance" from the crime can be established. And who knows what may follow. If not punishment, then perhaps, forgiveness?

    2. Does restorative justice work? I suspect it only works if the perpetrator and victim share a common culture.

    3. ...for after the Thargelia, the pharmakos is unlikely to be in a "forgiving" mood. Besides, purification is something only a fundamentalist would seek.

    4. ...and our own culture is far too split to find many remaining "fundamentalists".

    5. ...especially after having served as "pharmakos" for the fundamentalist's failure to "progress" as a society.

    6. Hey, I'm not the one who sacralizes reason, and who believes that anyone who disagrees with him is either irrational or stupid.

    7. ...or worse LYING. "Donald Trump is such a LIAR...", sound familiar?

    8. Just proof of your sacralization of reason, and perhaps the falsity of a premise upon which it is based.

    9. No, you are wrong, Joe. People on the Left and the Right have come together to stand against the stupitity, irrationality, dishonesty, racism and hatred of Trump. The trumpers are the ones saying principaled people on the Right are "rinos" who need to be purged from the Republican Party. There is your anti diversity of thought.

    10. Those anti-Trump "Republicans" you so admire for their "prinicples" are the same ones who's cause unites them with the "establishment" Democrats you so hate within your own party. They are only in the party to serve the corporate/globalist interest. Let them unite with like-minded Democrats and take their "interest" and go form a new and more "honest" party, a multi-national corporatist party.

    11. Minus FJ, what pro-Trump politicians don't serve the corporate/globalist interest? Trump is a useful idiot as far as Congressional Republicans go. They got their CORPORATE tax cuts. A fact that points to the falsity of the premise that Trump is any kind of populist. Bernie was the real populist while Trump was (and is) a fake populist.

    12. Bernie isn't a populist. He's a government control 'freak' who has no idea's other than "let the government run EVERYTHING". That isn't populism. It's "monarchism". The king getting all the peasants together to oppose the "aristocrats". Trump wants to make us all "ARISTOCRATS". That way we aren't all living in huts in Sherwood Forest looking for rich passers-by to rob.

    13. Bernie is just Venezuela's Maduro/Chavez on steroids. "For the people" fails when "other people's money" runs out.

    14. Bernie's answer for everything used to be "raise the minimum wage" Now its "Government jobs for EVERYONE!"

      What a buffoon! Democrats are a party of simpletons.

    15. Bernie Sanders does not want the government to run everything.

      Trump does NOT want to make us all "aristocrats" (which is impossible in any case). That you fall for such blatant lies is a good indication of who the simpleton is.

    16. btw - Trump can't sell luxury condo's to "peasants".

    17. A jobs program wouldn't result in government ownership of the means of production. Bernie Sanders is in favor of increasing ownership of business by employees (co-ops) not government ownership of business.

      Luxury condos can be sold to wealthy people. And I certainly could argue that a large underclass HELPS bolster the existence of a wealthy elite (by underpaying blue collar and low skilled workers). The Republican/Trump goal (IMO) is to create more rich people by reducing the number of people in the Middle class. By moving a small number of the Middle Class into the "rich" category (and supporting that move) by moving a much larger number of them into the "poor" category.

    18. QUOTE... Predisent Dotard Trump: We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high, OUR WAGES ARE TOO HIGH. Everything is too high. We have to compete with other countries (Source).

      Trump wants wages for American workers to be competitive with those paid to workers in 3rd world sweatshops... 3rd world countries that have MUCH smaller Middle Classes. More peasants makes more aristocrats possible. The rich parasites at the top want to steal even more from those who do the actual work. Anyone who believes Trump wants us all to be aristocrats is a FOOL.

    19. That's certainly ONE way to create more aristocrats. But there is another. Removing the regulations and controls that "enable" pay-to-play and the corporate siphon that sucks all of the capital out of the local/regional state economies.

    20. Ta-ta to the concept of the single "world" economy. Bye-Bye NAFTA! Bye-Bye TPP!

    21. Bye-Bye Fannie-Mae. Ciao Freddie-Mac (created to steal away CRA $)!

    22. Trump's comments about us becoming more competitive with the world by lowering wages for American workers reveals him to be pro-Globalist. If you're with Trump because you think he is an anti-Globalist you are an idiot.

      The anti-Globalist candidate in the last potus election was Bernie Sanders. He wants higher wages for American workers, not for us to "compete" with the lowest wage earners in the world.

      Trump is an anti-Globalist FRAUD!

    23. Bernie was an anti-globalist in the same way Chavez is one. He thinks we can "tax" our way to prosperity. How IS the government going to pay all those people Bernie's giving $15 an hour jobs to, anyway?

    24. How do private sector employers pay the wages of their employees? Granted, people with government jobs won't be manufacturing goods for sale at a profit, but they will be doing work of value that will bolster the economy. And people with good jobs spend money, further bolstering the economy. A jobs program would be highly economically stimulative.

      BTW, the United States is not Venezuela. They ran into trouble because of their dependence on oil. The United States is also not Greece. They ran into trouble because they gave up the right to print their own currency.

    25. The only time Conservatives concern themselves with paying for things when it's to help non rich people. The recent tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations will add significantly to the debt. This "explains" why fake deficit hawk Paul Ryan is retiring. "Job well done" (adding a trillion to what we owe).

    26. A jobs program would be highly economically stimulative.

      Only if you don't mind putting debt and the deficit on hyperdrive... and never intend to pay it back.

      Government workers add "zero" productivity to the economy.

    27. Read "The Wealth of Nations". If all spending were alike, a man with a factory occupying a thousand workers would contribute the same to the economy as a man with a thousand servants. In real life, the man with the former becomes rich and spends forever, whereas the man with the former goes broke after a month and never spends again.

    28. Only if you don't mind putting debt and the deficit on hyperdrive...

      Congressional Republicans clearly do not mind. As for our servants, we need far fewer military servants. But Trump got the huge increase there that he wanted. We need different priorities. Cut back drastically on the ludicrously excessive military spending, corporate welfare and tax cuts for the wealthy. Then we can easily afford to spend more on programs that help The People.

    29. lol! Whats the difference between military jobs and millions of Bernie makework jobs? You should be arguing for more of them to " spur the economy", shouldn't you?

    30. That's pretty sad if you really don't know the difference. BTW, there is no need for "makework jobs" when there is real work that needs to be done. The predisent keeps blabbering about infrastructure, but it looks pretty certain to me that isn't happening.

    31. look, if you want the feds to employ all Americans (10% or 30 million people) with an IQ under 83, I'm fine with that provided you eliminate all other social safety nets. They're too dumb to even be in the military.

    32. At least we wouldn't need the pretense of affirmative action anymore.

    33. Your racism is showing again, Thersites.

    34. The truth isn't racist, science hater.

      from Wiki: Rushton & Jensen (2005) wrote that, in the United States, self-identified blacks and whites have been the subjects of the greatest number of studies. They stated that the black-white IQ difference is about 15 to 18 points or 1 to 1.1 standard deviations (SDs), which implies that between 11 and 16 percent of the black population have an IQ above 100 (the general population median).

    35. Besides, with an IQ standard for federal employment, you'd eliminate poverty in the country... and take care of the people who really need taking care of. Crime would likely drop to zero.

    36. ...and just between us girls, I don't mind if you want to deny science when it comes to group differences. Just don't complain if others deny your climate science.

    37. Climate science is real science. That Blacks have a lower IQ than other races is pseudoscience.

      SPLC: Arthur Jensen was arguably the father of modern academic racism. For over 40 years, Jensen, an educational psychologist at the University of CA Berkeley, provided a patina of academic respectability to pseudoscientific theories of black inferiority and segregationist public policies. Jensen was responsible for resurrecting the idea that the black population is inherently and immutably less intelligent than the white population...

    38. From The Guardian: The unwelcome revival of "race science". [excerpt] It's defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths [Thersites], but race science is still as bogus as ever. ... The claim that there is a link between race and intelligence is the main tenet of what is known as "race science" or, in many cases, "scientific racism". Race scientists claim there are evolutionary bases for disparities in social outcomes – such as life expectancy, educational attainment, wealth, and incarceration rates – between racial groups. In particular, many of them argue that black people fare worse than white people because they tend to be less naturally intelligent.

      Although race science HAS BEEN REPEATEDLY DEBUNKED by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. [end excerpt, emphasis mine].

    39. From Popular Science: IQ is a really stupid concept [excerpt] Too many of us use the terms “IQ” and “intelligence” as if they're interchangeable [racists like Thersites]. They're not. An IQ score isn't a magical signifier of smarts; it merely quantifies your ability to take a particular kind of test. Wealthy, white Westerners tend to perform among the best on these exams, but that doesn't mean they're smarter than the rest of the world. Research increasingly indicates that the advantages that group enjoys - like better education and healthcare - set them up for success on such evaluations. And it doesn’t hurt that the most expensive education is generally geared toward improving one's ability to fill in the proper bubbles. Access to money, school, and medicine can all change apparent acumen - but IQ ignores inherent intellect. [End excerpt].

    40. Yes, tree-ring and ice-core analysis are the REAL sciences.... LOL!

    41. As per trumpian "alternate facts" (aka lies) I know climate change science is completely fake. A wide ranging conspiracy by corrupt scientists whose goal is to rake in government money investigating a non problem. Guess that isn't going so well for them given the current administration.

      Hopefully that will change once the corrupt pathological lying Russia colluding traitorous Orange Turd is removed from office.

    42. Do you really need a corrupt scientific establishment when the bureaucrats in DC will only fund climate alarmists? The scientists will do what you fund them to do. Follow the money.

    43. btw - Tests that can predict future outcomes are usually considered pretty important. At least to real scientists. Climate scientists, not so much...

    44. The corrupt scientists work for Big Oil. That's where the money is.

    45. They don't take grant money from Ted Turner's IPCC? Who knew?

    46. Didn't Mr Green Jeans give the UN $1B just for that purpose?

    47. From Koch Front Groups Are Defending ExxonMobil's Anti-Science Campaigns [excerpt from the 6/21/2016 article] The Kochs have spent over $88 million in *traceable* funding to groups attacking climate change science, policy and regulation. ... And then there's the "Dark Money ATM" sister groups, DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund. The DonorsTrust franchise... helps donors... anonymize tens of millions of dollars that go to dozens of front groups each year.

      From HuffPo: Exxon Continued Paying Millions To Climate-Change Deniers Under Rex Tillerson [excerpt from the 1/9/2017 article] Exxon Mobil Corp. promised nine years ago to stop donating to groups that spread misinformation about climate change. Yet between 2008 and 2015, the oil giant’s charitable arm gave over $6.5 million to groups that deny that burning fossil fuels is causing global warming, a new analysis shows.

      Via Splinter: How Fossil Fuel Money Made Climate Change Denial the Word of God. [excerpt from the 8/8/2017 article] Conservative groups, funded by fossil fuel magnates, spend approximately one billion dollars every year interfering with public understanding of what is actually happening to our world.

    48. The most profitable industry in human history and you think they don't do everything they're able in order to protect their cash flow? Please.

      From The Guardian: Exxon's climate lie: No corporation has ever done anything this big or bad. [excerpt from a 10/14/2015 article] To understand the treachery – the sheer, profound, and I think unparalleled evil – of Exxon, one must remember the timing. Global warming became a public topic in 1988, thanks to Nasa scientist James Hansen – it's taken a quarter-century and counting for the world to take effective action. If at any point in that journey Exxon – largest oil company on Earth, most profitable enterprise in human history – had said: "Our own research shows that these scientists are right and that we are in a dangerous place", the faux debate would effectively have ended. That's all it would have taken; stripped of the cover provided by doubt, humanity would have gotten to work.

    49. Energy is the most profitable enterprise in human history. But to "progress" we need sources of ever higher energy density (aka - quantuum-nuclear). Yes the Left wants to sell energy from ever LESS dense energy sources (solar/wind/tidal/geo). There can be no "progress" in civilization or mankind derived from these sources.

    50. ...and worse, you demand that everyone become Luddites.

      Don't like CO2? Build carbon sinks/scrubbers. Drop iron ore into the oceans. All burning carbon does is release the carbon stored by these sinks in the past.

    51. "Luddite" is obviously your word for people who believe that humanity should attempt to avert the coming climate holocaust and possible extinction of mankind. Trust me, I'm not that kind of Luddite. Humanity most likely will do nothing to avert disaster, and I accept it. I mean, I think we should try to avert disaster, but I am positive we won't.

    52. Speaking about averting catastrophe's, are you FOR or AGAINST common sense van control?

    53. I am for common sense gun control. The primpary function of a gun is to kill. The primary function of a van is transportation.

    54. There are as many primary functions for firearms as there are uses for automobiles. In fact, guns were used to prevent over 1 million assaults in the USA last year.

    55. Fact: Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year or 6,849 every day. 8 Most often, the gun is never fired and no blood (including the criminal’s) is shed.

      Fact: Property crime rates are dropping (especially burglaries). The chart shows the legal handgun supply in America (mainly in civilian hands) relative to the property crime rate. 9

      Fact: Every year 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms.

    56. God gave man different powers and capabilities, but it was Sam Colt made them 'equal'

    57. btw. - Whats the primary purpose of hunting? Killing? Or eating?

    58. Sorry Thersites, but your NRA "fact" is bogus. The TRUTH is that "an analysis of five years' worth of statistic collected by the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics' National Crime Victimization Survey puts the number of citizens who prevent crimes by using guns much lower than 2.5 million - about 67,740 times a year, according to a Los Angeles Times report. (source).

      Additionally, as per Scientific America, More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows". An excerpt from the 10/1/2017 article reveals that "the claim that gun ownership stops crime is [false]. ...about 30 careful studies show more guns are linked to more crimes: murders, rapes, and others. Far less research shows that guns help".

      I'm not a hunter and I don't understand why people want to kill. Hunting btw, can be quite expensive. Maybe it's for you if you're a Luddite with a raging lust for blood. How many people hunt for food? A small percentage of all hunters would be my guess.

    59. lol! The truth is that we canshop studies all day long. I say it' s

    60. ...millions, and there are studies that back me up.

      As for hunting, I always disliked the killing part, cuz from that moment on, gutting, skinning, aging and butchering was a pain in the ass. Carrying a 200 pound animal back to a road was no fun either.

      Of course there are much easier and more hypocritical ways to acquire protein... but I, for one, dislike being completely dependent upon a corporate food chain. Self reliance is still a virtue, no matter how hard you lefties try and demonize it.

    61. The NRA researchers will conduct the studies that reach the conclusions the gun industry funds them to reach. Follow the money.

    62. And the gun confiscators will do likewise. Follow the "power".

    63. “True power does not need arrogance, a long beard and a barking voice. True power strangles you with silk ribbons, charm, and intelligence”
      ― Slavoj Žižek

    64. “Experts are by definition the servants of those in power: they don't really THINK, they just apply their knowledge to problems defined by the powerful.”
      ― Slavoj Žižek

    65. An excuse for paranoids like Joe Conservative to believe what they want to believe. Is Trump not really in power? It's Obama (behind the scenes) pulling the "Deep State" strings, right? LOL!

      Joe Conservative and like-minded trumpers might be onto something. Or they might be mentally ill. You might be able to guess which one I think explains why trumpers continue to stand behind such an obviously corrupt man.

    66. Evidence of corruption. Oh, that's right. Who needs evidence, when all you need is 'belief'?

      Mr. Mueller, where's your evidence? It's been a year+...

    67. Thersites got his Fox Nooz marching orders. I've heard Pence spouting his straight-from-the-Nixon-playbook one year limit bullshit. How long was Benghazi investigated? How long was Whitewater investigated. A hell of a lot longer than one year. The result? Absolutely nothing (Benghazi) and a failed impeachment over a BJ (Whitewater). Mueller will present his evidence when he's ready.

      Nobody said bullcrap about "belief", btw. There are quite a few facts out there already that point to collusion. Mueller is connecting the dots and will present FACTS.

    68. Why the Avatar change? You went from the homeless looking stoner dude to a respectable looking academic chap. On the other hand, when I got a better view (larger image) by clicking on your profile, he has a bit of a bed head thing going on. Although I suspect you may chastise me for not recognizing either of these fellows. That first guy, I could imagine him living in a campsite 365.

    69. It's a "dig" at/for Mr Ducky. Mr. Ducky often used a picture of a young Jean Luc Godard for his avatar. This is Jean Luc today.

    70. Ducky keeps trying to "out" me as Rusty Shackleford, so I call him beakerkin and change my avatar.

      Beakerkin is a former mutual acquaintance who had a habit of trying to dox sock puppets. Unfortunately, his "hit rate" on accuracy was notoriously BAD. Eventually, he even accused me of being a child molester blogger known @ FPM as 'Socrates'... and from that point on I have created a bevy of sock puppets just to annoy him.

    71. All with their own "parody" blog for identity backstory.

    72. Although Thersites is a special case. I use his blog to save Music videos and overflow info that I just want to save and possibly search at a later time (ala Slavoj Zizek articles).

  8. o/t question - What do Democratic Socialists think of Mao? Was he right to treat the peasants differently from the proletariate workers in the cities, or was that his great mistake? Should "the people" all have to pass through the "abyss of subjectivity"?

  9. Hey Dervy boy? I got good news and bad news for you: The Good News: your avatar on your responses to my blog posts on Mystere's Moonbat Spanker changed from the dog to the Bernie pic. The bad news: all the replies with your name and avatar changed to the Bernie pic. Well, I guess it's all bad news for you because it proves you wrote those retorts you accuse me of faking, or it indicates that a blog enemy you made has stayed a step ahead of you. But, it's good news for me, Mr. E., because it proves I didn't hack your Gravatar account. By the way, I noticed you really like Antonio Villaraigosa as shown in your latest comment on my new post about that slimy sleazeball running for the next California Governor.

    1. I pointed that out already. And I received confirmation from Gravatar that someone else was using my account. Although they just told me to change my password. Which I did. Then another comment was posted to your blog (by you) using MY account. I changed my password again (and also my avatar). I don't know if that will keep you out of my account or not.

    2. Why the f*ck would I submit a comment about how it took an hour to remove an Obama vibrator from my anus? That comment was OBVIOUSLY written by you, asshole!

    3. btw, when I first noticed you were faking comments from me, I submitted a comment pointing this out. That comment was immediately removed and replaced by a comment where I "admit" that the fake comments were made by me. Again, obviously you did this, since ONLY the blog proprietor can delete comments.


    4. Oh Dervy boy, YOU are partially correct. I can delete comments as either the blog owner or administrator. However, anyone who is a hacker with information from your Gravatar or Wordpress account can hack and impersonate you. YOU have an enemy who mocks you with the Stalin Avatar, the guy I call "Pappy Dervish" on Lisa's blog. YOU have a number of enemies ready to mock and humiliate you. YOU brought this upon yourself.

    5. You delete my comment, then one of my "enemies" (which isn't you) comes along and submits a new comment (using my account) that says the exact opposite... and (surprise) you let that one stand?

      F*ck off, liar.

    6. I get it.

      Just checked Mystere's blog and I see another fake comment.

      He was mocking me with his comment above about my "enemies".


      I have enabled two-step verification on my Gravatar account.

      I never paid much attention to Gravatar before, given that I do not use Wordpress, I use Blogger. This ASSHOLE Mystere must know what he's doing... I guess. Given that he keeps getting into my account.

  10. BTW, ASSHOLE, I do not "really like Antonio Villaraigosa". I am not familiar with CA politics and do not know who Antonio Villaraigosa is. I did not make the fake comment in response to that post. I did not read that post. YOU made the comment.

    After taking a look at his Wikipedia page, however, I say you should be so lucky to have him as your next governor. He looks like an excellent candidate. Still don't know enough about him to say I "really like him", however.
