Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Trumper Blogger Rusty Shackelford Admits Donald Trump Stole The Presidency By Cheating In The 2016 Election

When I wrote that DJT "won" the 2016 election by cheating (in a comment on the trumper blog Who's Your Daddy) I expected the blogger Rusty Shackelford to respond with something along the lines of "he won fair and square". But no. Apparently Rusty accepts my premise that the Orange Turd "won" by cheating and comments based on that fact.

Dervish Sanders: He cheated. (8/21/2018 at 5:42pm).

Rusty Shackelford: ...and if you dopes let him cheat you out of the WH, how friggin dumb are you folks... (8/21/2018 at 6:01pm).

So cheating is a valid strategy now? Because there was no way that Donald Trump could have won the election fairly. Given the fact that a majority of people knew Trump was "uniquely unqualified" to serve as President of the United States.

As per former President Obama, Trump is uniquely unqualified to be president. Obama also said (prior to the election), that he thought the Republic would be at risk if Trump was elected. A majority of the electorate agreed and voted for Hillary Clinton. Explaining why she won the popular vote, despite Trump's cheating.

Now, in regards to the cheating, they deployed their voter suppression techniques, as they always do. Although this time on steroids. But Kris Kobach's election fraud scheme known as Interstate Crosscheck was just one aspect of their plan to rig the election in their favor.

Democrats always have to contend with this sort of rigging. That, plus the gerrymandering that favors Republicans which they amplified following the 2010 census. Obama was president, but Republicans controlled the House [1]. A fact that allowed them to gerrymander the f*ck out of Congressional districts.

As per the evil GOP operative Karl Rove, "he who controls redistricting can control Congress". Rove called the insidious plan to rig things in their favor the "redistricting Majority Project" or REDMAP. This plan gave the GOP majorities even while garnering fewer votes.

As a result of all the blatant Republican cheating Democrats need to win the popular vote by 11 points to retake the House in the upcoming 2018 midterms (as per a new report from the Brennan Center for Justice).

All this I knew going into the 2016 potus election. Yet I was fairly confident that Hillary Clinton would emerge victorious. Due to the fact that see was the better candidate. Certainly compared to a reality TeeVee show buffon and failed businessman like Donald Trump. Why Hillary Clinton easily bested Trump in all 3 of the presidential debates.

The obvious fact is that Donald Trump is a confabulating idiot who has no business being president. Even given all the Republican cheating and the apathetic electorate (42% of eligible voters didn't bother to do their civic duty), Hillary Clinton STILL should have won. And she would have, except for Russian meddling. That the Trump campaign willingly and knowingly colluded with Russia is what put them over the top.

The images attached to the tweet above are of Lanny Davis and his client (Donald Trump's fixer), Michael Cohen. As per Davis, Cohen is ready to cooperate and confirm that Trump colluded. Not just the Trump campaign, but Trump himself. If true (and I absolutely believe it is), impeachment should follow.

I wonder if trumpers such as Rusty will gloat then? Now he says, in essence, "yeah, Trump cheated. So what? It's the fault of you dummies for not being able to stop him". That might be true, although Trump and crew would surely have cried foul. We see them doing it now. I refer to their BS "deep state" conspiracy theory that had the Obama administration "spying" on his campaign (i.e. looking into the Trump campaign's MANY Russian contacts).

As we know, Nixon was caught and forced to resign. Trump recently tweeted that John Dean is a rat. John Dean would be the White House Counsel who flipped on Tricky Dick, "becoming a key witness for the prosecution".

So, here we have it straight from Trump that he's another corrupt Republican president. A Nixon 2.0 who should surely be brought down by the many "rats" that are turning on him. Current White House counsel Don McGahn (who recently sat down for a 30 hour chat with Mueller's team), Trump's personal lawyer and fixer of 12 years, Michael Cohen (who committed campaign finance violations at Trump's direction), and Omarosa Manigault Newman (who claims to have 200+ ncriminating Trump recordings). Among others (these three being in the news as of late).

According to Omarosa (who says she is working with Mueller's team), "Trump Hell Hour" (as per the Drudge Report) is the beginng of the end for Donald Trump". Let us ALL pray this is true. For the good of the country. The sooner we get rid of this corrupt illegitimate president the better.

Deplorables like Klansman Shackelford might cease gloating then, but they will never accept it if Trump is bounced from office. Civil war? As per the fake Christian trumper Franco Aragosta (AKA FreeThinke) "The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked".

Does Franco believe the "righteous" are trumpers such as himself and the "wicked" are those who oppose Trump? My guess is YES. Sounds to me like trumpers are yearning for violence (the opportunity to kill some "libtards"). At least the more deluded ones like FrancoThinke. A scary thought, although if anything comes of this desire remains to be seen. Beyond Franco snapping and totally losing his mind. The remaining trumpers can return to their racist hidey holes and continue stewing (as they did during the 8 years we had a ni**er as president). Eventual Civil War?

[1] As a result of the 2010 midterm elections "the Democratic Party suffered massive defeats ... The Republican Party gained 63 seats in the US House of Representatives, recapturing the majority, and making it the largest seat change since 1948 and the largest for any midterm election since the 1938 midterm elections".

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-68.


  1. Poor Dervish! Did someone steal your dog turds again? Oh wait… you got punked by Rusty again.

  2. You may view dog turds as having value, but I do not. I throw them out as soon as they are produced. And, no, I will not send you some to add to your collection. Or consume for your dinner. Whatever you do with the turds you "burgle". I don't want to know. Sicko.

  3. I fail to see any admissions in Shackelford's comment.

  4. Dervish is hallucinating after consuming extra strong 'shrooms. He's also quite sore because one of his butt boys stole his doggy turd snacks and consumed them.

    1. Neither "butt boys" nor the disgusting things you consider food are being discussed. Future off topic comments from you of this nature will be deleted. Discuss your love of coprophilia and men's buttocks on your own blog.

  5. Dervish, I will admit I learn from you how liberals think. In fact, I never heard about a rusty trombone until this week. That was something I could have done without, but I learned what it is because you brought it up. Your coprophilia, fecophilia and your fixation on a rusty trombone explains your lust for men's buttocks and the shame you feel when Rattrapper, Donkey's Revenge and I publicly laugh at you by exposing you to the public. And just so you know, Rattrapper is hanging out with me as I write this, making wisecracks about your mutts Kiké and Jigaboos, the 2 mutts you feature on your other hate site.

  6. You refer to your own fixations. I have no dogs with racial slurs for their names. I don't know why you mention that you are hanging out with your imaginary friend. I do not care about your delusions or various mental disorders.

  7. How ya doin' Dervish? It looks like you took a deep breath when you sucked in to blow the rusty trombone. That noise you made when you blew out nearly made me deaf!

    1. I wouldn't give you a rusty trombone even if one of your butt boys had a gun to my head.
