Sunday, August 16, 2020

Bernie Sanders Urges Progressives To Not Help Dotard Finish Destroying America

It seems that some Progressives (people who say they support Bernie Sanders) won't listen to Bernie Sanders. Not unless he tells them what they want to hear. What these Progressives want to hear (apparently) is that they should protest the selection of Joe Biden (by the primary voters) by staying home on election day. Or by not mailing in their ballot. Or by writing in "Bernie Sanders". Or by voting third party.

Doing things to get Dotard "elected" to a second term, in other words. These Progressives believe the DNC (and America) needs to be punished by leaving Dotard in office. After the DNC learns this lesson they will say "hey, we need to make sure our candidate is a Progressive next time".

This is, of course, very stupid. Democracy is on the line. Who knows if, after Dotard continues destroying America for four more years, there will be another election? And, even if there is, surely the damage Dotard will have wrought will be even greater than the damage he has done so far. The clear priority here is getting rid of Dotard Drumpf.

Yet some supposed Progressives are ready for another Dotard term. And others are trying their darnedest to make that happen. The Dotard-supporting blogger Minus JF posts videos from these people on his blog (a good indication of who the efforts of these people is benefiting). Krystal Ball is a Progressive who used to be with MSNBC but currently has a program on The Hill. Ball dislikes Biden and spends a lot of time running him down (along with her conservative co-host).

Another Progressive useful idiot that Minus likes to post videos from is Jimmy Dore (formerly of The Young Turks). Dore (like Ball) denies the obvious collusion that Dotard engaged in with Putin to steal the 2016 election. Dore loathes Barack Obama and hates Joe Biden equally (or possibly more). Both of these people have decided to spend a lot of time (after Joe Biden was selected by the primary voters as the Democratic nominee) helping Dotard by running down the only other viable candidate.

Our next president will be Joe Biden. Or America will be doomed via the "reelection" of Dotard Drumpf. An "autocratic outsider" according to Minus. Being an autocrat is a big plus in the opinion of Minus. Despite autocracy being contrary to our democratic form of government. Under American democracy, power is split between three co-equal branches. Obviously a fan of autocracy would be desirous of destroying American democracy as we know it. Given that autocracy vests power in one person.

Bernie Sanders (the candidate I voted for in the primary) knows this. He knows that a second Dotard term would be bad. Bad for democracy in addition to being bad for the American people. In regards to their pocketbooks and preference to not die by catching covid (or seeing their loved ones die). Which is why Bernie Sanders has endorsed Joe Biden and is working to get Joe Biden elected. Unlike the previously mentioned "Progressives" who endorsed Bernie Sanders but are working to get Dotard "elected" to a second term.

From MSNBC, 8/16/2020.

Ali Velshi: ...some Progressive voters [are] concerned. They're worried that a Biden-Harris ticket doesn't adequately represent Progressive voters and, despite the unity between the Biden and Bernie camps, the dissatisfaction of the Left wing of the Democratic Party has some Moderate Democratic voters and Party leaders concerned that low turnout of Progressives could leave the country with Donald Trump as president.

Here with me to discuss how... coalition building between Progressives and Moderates as well as the vice presidential pick will effect the election is Vermont senator Bernie Sanders. Good to see you Senator. I want to ask you about this... Are Moderates expressing concern to you that Progressives may not turn out in the numbers they were hoping?

Bernie Sanders: ...I can't speak for everyone who voted for me, or for every Progressive in America. But Ali, this I do know -- the overwhelming majority of Progressives understand that Donald Trump is the most dangerous president in the history of this country. ... What Progressives, and I hope most Americans understand, is that we have a president is seeking to end democracy and move us toward authoritarianism. Everybody, not just Progressives -- Moderates and Conservatives -- have got to come together and say to this president -- sorry... heroes have fought and died to protect American democracy, and you are not going to destroy it. We are going to defeat you.

After the election I intend, with the Progressive community -- with working class people all over this country -- to do everything we can to move the Biden administration to be as Progressive as it can. So we have a government that represents working people and the elderly and the children and the sick and the poor. And not just the 1 percent and wealthy campaign contributors.

So that's goal -- short term, defeat Trump, elect Biden. Longer term -- rally the American people around a Progressive agenda. Which, if the Democrats have control of the Senate, the House and the White House [will enable us to] make significant progress, I believe.


Ali Velshi: [asks Sanders about the situation with the Post Office]

Bernie Sanders: This is not just about the Postal Service. I am a strong believer in the Postal Service. We have got to adequately fund it. Make sure everybody in America gets the mail delivery they need ... This is about American democracy. Now, as you know -- and the viewers know -- just a few days ago Donald Trump... this guy lies all the time, but a few days ago he was actually honest -- he said we want to defund the Postal Service. In essence we want to destroy the Postal Service because we don't want people to be [able to] mail in [their] ballots. I guess what they believe is that, if you can suppress the vote -- make it impossible for millions of people to vote -- they think it works in their favor. ... but I believe that is beyond outrageous. We need to fund the Postal Service, not force people to make a choice between putting their lives on the line by getting sick. ...

Bernie Sanders must not be "intellectually honest". Minus says that is what Progressives like Krystal Ball and Jimmy Dore are. Even though Ball and Dore (they claim) supported Bernie Sanders they don't listen to Bernie Sanders when he says we have to vote for Joe Biden. Minus is hoping that Progressives will not vote for Biden because not voting for Biden is a vote for Dotard. That is one of the tactics they are deploying to steal the election. Again.

In addition to accepting foreign help (again) and sabotaging the Post Office. A new suppression strategy that the pandemic could ensure is effective at filtering out more votes cast by the "wrong" people.

Bernie Sanders is sounding the alarm. Why, if you're a Progressive, you need to be "intellectually dishonest" like the candidate you voted for. The priority is getting rid of Dotard by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Then prosecuting Dotard for the many crimes he committed before and during his presidency (and well as the complicit members of his administration). Something that future VP Harris has said she supports

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-162.


  1. So Dervy, would you have voted for Nancy Pelosi or Shahid Buttar in the primary. Methinks you/re a Pelosi man... :)

    1. Democrats are getting primaried all over the place. The time for Progressives to take over the DNC is now. They can't do THAT if most settle for Joe & Kamala in 2020. They need to do what Republicans did to the Neocons in 2012. Anyone but Romney.... even if it meant four more years of Obama.

    2. You don't care about Progressives getting the candidates they want. You want an autocrat. I'd take Romney over Dotard. ANYONE but Dotard.

    3. No, I want the parties to split into their natural constituents. The Main Street vs Wall Street parties.

    4. "China virus" = Dotard's racist attempt place the blame elsewhere. As opposed to where it belongs -- on HIM. If you're a citizen who has the right to vote and don't vote for Joe Biden -- you're voting for national suicide.

  2. Ya probably think Biden's going to pull in all the Obama voters, but for some reason, he just can't keep his own damn mouth shut. It's worse than Trump's Tweets.

    1. The YouTube you link to is fake. Key & Peele ended their show in 2015. The "you ain't black" comment (which was a joke) is from earlier this year.

    2. Oh, that's right... you like things that are fake. Why you voted for a fake businessman with a fake wife who was fake successful to be our fake president. And why you believe all his fake promises.

    3. Biden's gonna pass a Green New Deal.... BWAH!

      Citizenship for Dreamers.... HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-hA!

    4. Yes, we need a Green New Deal and Dreamers should be able to attain citizenship.
