Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Bloggers Silverfiddle And Minus Toot Their Con Propaganda Horns (republicans Don't Suppress The Vote As A Strategy; It's Easy For Black Citizens To Cast Ballots)

The following is from the blog Always on Watch. Apparently Silverfiddle is a contributor. I thought his blog was Western Hero, though the last post there is from 2017. While ALL the recent AOW posts are by Mr. Fiddle. Looks like he's taken over.

In my comment the line "admitted republican strategy" links to a blog post on bluenc. I used this link because it was one of the first results when I Googled for the Paul Weyrich video. The video is right there at the top of the post. And really ALL I wanted Mr. Fiddle to look at. Instead he dismisses what I wrote by pointing out the post is from 2011. So the f*ck what?

The Paul Weyrich video is even older. Paul Weyrich passed away in 2008, but driving down the voter populance remains the primary republican strategy. Why they hate mail-in voting.

I should have went to YouTube to find this video initially.

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote. He complains that fellow Christians have "Goo-Goo Syndrome": Good Government. Classic clip from 1980. This guy still gives weekly strategy sessions to Republicans nowadays. The entire dialog from the clip:

"How many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome -- good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down".

This video was produced by People For the American Way. Posted to YouTube 6/8/2007. http://www.pfa :)

Mr. Fiddle disallowed new comments, so who knows how he would have continued to deny the fact that republicans engage in voter suppression. He still could have used the "it's old" canard to dismiss my point. Despite the fact that republicans attempted to use the pandemic as an excuse to suppress the vote bigly. And, when that didn't work out quite as planned, their Orange Turd leader shifted to lying about how Democrats were going to use mail-in ballots to steal the election.

This is a lie the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ really likes. The "GOP" doesn't suppress the African American vote. It's actually incredibly easy for Black people to get to the polls to cast their ballots for the candidate of their choice.

The following SNL Video makes light of that lie, showing just how "easy" it is for urban denizens to vote. As a commenter on the YouTube page points out, one of the stroller's mention that they are from Texas, "...is a direct reference to Harris County (Houston) TX. -1.4 million voters relegated to ONE drop-in ballot box! Voter suppression personified!"

Keep tooting your propaganda horns, conseratives. We know you lie. Why we will continue to fight to make voting easier. And you will continue to fight to make voting harder. Fortunately changing demographics favor the Democratic Party. Though we should expect their "extensive voter fraud" bullshit to continue. Which they will use (and are using) as an excuse to make voting as difficult to impossible as they can.

btw, "Demoncrap"? What's a "Demoncrap"? Is Silverfiddle a QAnon adherent who believes Democrats are pedophiles who drink the blood of children? I would have said no, but you'd need a pretty extreme reason to believe Democrats are demons, yes?

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-247.


  1. Do you think that voting isn't a serious responsibility or doesn't require serious consideration?

    1. Is there any restriction you would apply to ensure that the people voting had seriously considered the matters upon which they were rendering a judgement that would impact the collective futures of millions of people?

    2. "serious consideration" shouldn't involve a monumental/insurmountable task of overcoming republican voter suppression.

    3. ...but please, name a single restriction that your party would be willing to impose to ensure a fair and accurate suffrage.

    4. How about an age restriction? Nationality/citizenship?

    5. We already have an age restriction and nationality/citizenship restriction. Democrats aren't for getting rid of either.

    6. So now how would you ensure that those two restrictions were complied with?

    7. ...although SOME Democrats ARE pushing for a reduction in the voting age, you disagree? And some are pushing to eliminate citizenship requirements (The City of DC, for instance), disagree?

    8. Some cities and states make concessions for noncitizens who wish to vote. In 2017, San Francisco passed Proposition N, which gave noncitizen residents of the city the right to vote in school board elections if the voter was the parent or legal guardian/caregiver of a child in the city's school system.

      Right now, 11 local governments let noncitizens vote in local elections. Ten of those governments are in Maryland, in the municipalities of Takoma Park, Barnesville, Martin's Additions, Somerset, Chevy Chase Sections 3 and 5, Glen Echo, Garrett Park, Hyattsville, Mount Rainer, and Riverdale Park.

      Eight other states have tried in recent years to enact legislation that would relax the rules regarding noncitizen voters, but with little luck. All have been either voted down, stalled in one legislative chamber or another, or is still pending. Since 2003, the state of New York has tried unsuccessfully four times to change laws restricting noncitizen voters.

    9. People comply because they don't want to go to prison. As for lowering the voting age, you said there should be an age restriction... you didn't say what you think the minimum age should be. I'm open to lowering it to 16/listening to the pro/con arguments re consideration by Congress of actual legislation. I don't expect this to happen any time soon, though...

    10. You aren't a fan of states' rights I guess. I don't live in any of those places. btw, someone can be in the country legally and be a non-citizen. If the people in those communities want such people to be able to vote in local elections, that's their business. It doesn't sound like a horrible idea to me.

    11. Like voting on a single day in November? lol!

      You want to get rid of early voting?

    12. So you would rely soley upon people's "fear of prosecution". Given the number of cases currently being prosecuted in the US, is it a reasonable assumption that people like Ruby Freeman would refrain from committing fraud when offered $100 to scan a few illegal ballots? Seems to me that the "risk/reward" ratio might favor increased fraud. What say you?

    13. btw - Have public officials ever gotten rich from their service? Are there inducements to vote fraud that come with control over the distribution of funds controlling 1/3 of the American economy that might somehow outweigh the penalties of getting caught?

    14. You think it possible that organized criminals might ever target the American voting system in hope of getting criminal members elected to public offices? Isn't that what you believe the Trump organization to be?

    15. ...but no, your recommendation is that we allow those who ultimately control 1/3 of the American economy to "self police".

    16. Ruby Freeman hasn't been accused of or charged with any crime. Voter fraud is statically insignificant so there is no need to put any laws in place to curb it. Such laws would prevent more people who are legally entitled to vote from doing so than it would stop people who aren't supposed to vote. Although this is the very reason to do it... from your point of view.

    17. Perhaps Ruby Freeman should sue Rudy Giuliani before he's taken to the cleaners by Dominion. Given that his lies are (I believe) wholly responsible for the conviction (of people like you) that she's guilty of bigly election fraud. When she was just doing her job.

    18. The fact that Ruby was paid $100/hr to run fraudulent votes is well known. The fact that she isn't being charged is a reflection on your stupidity and an indicator of just how deep the corruption of the US voting system goes..

    19. It might be "well known", but that doesn't make it true. That you believe so is a result of your stupidity.

    20. Snopes: Outside of conspiracy-theory circles, Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman is not suspected of any wrongdoing.

    21. That's because the GA SoS signed a false certification.

    22. The same guy who gave Dominion Voting Systems a $103m contract for vote rigging machines.

    23. ...and the same guy whom the ACLU claim illegally removed 198,000 from the voter rolls causing Stacey Abrams to lose her election.

    24. Meanwhile, if Ruby Freeman did such a good job, why'd Ruby Freeman's boss get the boot?

    25. Yes, the GA SOS is a corrupt Dotard toady. He stole the election from Stacey Abrams. He would have stolen the election for Dotard had he been able to without it being incredibly obvious. It's funny that you're now throwing him under the bus. Still republicans fail to learn by example. Loyalty to Dotard is not repaid in kind.

    26. I'm not creating an account at "The State" to read about Ruby Freeman's boss. I don't give a shit about whoever he/she is. Ruby Freeman has not been charged with a crime.

    27. No, you prefer that your sources of truth remain firmly ensconced in urban mythologies.

    28. I clicked the link. They wouldn't let me read the article unless I created an account. I left. But I had been willing to look at it. I doubt I'd have considered it a "source of truth", however.

    29. Funny, they let me read it without creating an account.

    30. Obviously I'm lying. I didn't see the article for a few seconds then get rerouted to this page.

    31. and I get:

      Fulton County election board votes to fire election director
      FEBRUARY 16, 2021 02:47 PM

      Officials in Georgia on Tuesday voted to fire the man in charge of overseeing elections in the state’s most populous county, which was frequently in the spotlight last year after a disastrous primary and attention from then-President Donald Trump.

      The three members of the Fulton County Board of Elections who were in favor of terminating Rick Barron said problems caused by the coronavirus last year highlighted weaknesses in the county’s election management. They said change was necessary to modernize election processes and to restore voter confidence. Two members voted against firing Barron.

      The vote came during a sometimes contentious video conference during which the board heard from elections department staff who expressed support for Barron, as well as some county residents who said he needed to go.

      In a text message after the vote, Barron said he'd hold off on commenting until after a Fulton County Board of Commissioners meeting scheduled for Wednesday. “This vote could get rejected tomorrow,” he wrote. The chairman of the Board of Commissioners did not immediately return an email seeking clarification on whether the election board's decision needs to be approved by the commissioners.

      When asked whether the commissioners' approval is necessary, county spokeswoman Jessica Corbitt replied, “That is our understanding.” She noted that the Board of Commissioners must sign off on the hiring of an elections director.

      “The legal question is whether that applies in reverse,” she said in a text message to The Associated Press.

    32. continued...

      The county election board is made up of a chairperson appointed by the Board of Commissioners, two Republican appointees and two Democratic appointees. Democrat Vernetta Keith Nuriddin, the election board vice chair, joined Republicans Kathleen Ruth and Mark Wingate in voting to fire Barron. Chairperson Mary Carole Cooney and Democrat Aaron Johnson opposed termination.

      Fulton County, which includes most of Atlanta, faced intense criticism last year after it had numerous problems during the June primary election, including hourslong waits at polling places and absentee ballots that were requested but never arrived.

      Barron said many of the county's problems stemmed from the coronavirus pandemic. Processing of absentee ballots was slowed after some staffers tested positive for COVID-19. The virus outbreak also caused poll workers to drop out, complicated poll worker training on a new election system and led to a significant number of polling places having to be changed or consolidated.

      The secretary of state's office, which has consistently been critical of Fulton County's handling of elections, opened investigations into the county's handling of the primary and in October entered into a consent order with the county to address problems. The county agreed to make a number of changes and to have an independent monitor oversee progress and compliance with the order.

      In the two months following the general election, as he refused to accept his narrow loss in Georgia, President Donald Trump and his allies alleged widespread election fraud in the state and focused intently on Fulton County. They relied on selectively edited video and theories that election officials have consistently said are unfounded.

      “I think this is an unfortunate situation that we're in,” Johnson said during a discussion among election board members before Tuesday's vote. He acknowledged that the June primary was a mess, but he said the elections staff recovered well under Barron's leadership and turned things around for the November general election and the January runoff election.

      He also worried about the effect Barron's departure would have on the elections department and its staff: “I just think it's going to cause chaos in our department.”

      Cooney noted that during an annual review a year ago, the election board gave Barron top marks. What changed in the last year was an extraordinary increase in the use of absentee ballots and other challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic, she said.

      “We have not given ourselves the opportunity to realize what an enormous challenge this last election cycle has been,” she said.

      Nuriddin, who made the motion to fire Barron, said she was initially impressed by Barron and that he made improvements early on, such as increasing the number of early-voting locations. But she said the county's elections have been plagued by issues, and not just in 2020.

      “It's about the consistent problems that this department has had,” Nuriddin said.

      Ruth acknowledged that the 2020 election cycle was “truly unprecedented" and noted that there were improvements between June and November. But she said last year's elections “did highlight many vulnerabilities in the Fulton election system — errors, sloppy and inefficient processes — that really are unacceptable.”

  2. ps - Playing SuperMario Karts isn't going to postpone Biden's dementia symptoms for much longer.

    1. “Joe Biden, Playing as Luigi, Wins in Mario Kart Race Against Granddaughter at Camp David,” Newsweek’s headline, published Monday, reads.

    2. Your link: If you're between 55 and 75 years old, you may want to try playing 3D platform games like Super Mario 64 to stave off mild cognitive impairment and perhaps even prevent Alzheimer's disease.

      Joe Biden isn't between 55 and 75. Joe Biden does not have dementia. Joe Biden is mentally and physically fit. Dotard is neither. Being president is mentally and physically demanding. Joe Biden is up to the task. Dotard didn't even do the job. Instead he watched teevee for hours a day and ate fast food. When he did get exercise playing golf he needed a golf cart to haul his fat ass around. We went from an "F" president to an "A" president. Why Joe Biden's approval ratings are higher than Dotard's EVER were.

    3. How did Joe Biden relax during his first Presidents Day weekend as president? By playing MarioKart with his family.

      During his weekend retreat at Camp David, Biden and his granddaughter Naomi played the racing video game, and he won. Naomi shared a video to Instagram that showed Biden competing against her on the Arcade GP DX machines, complete with chairs and steering wheels.

      Biden sat on the right as Luigi, and Naomi is Princess Peach on the left, GameRant noted. Despite not being at the same gaming level as his granddaughter, the commander-in-chief came out victorious.

    4. Why would the US Government buy two FULL SIZE Mario Kart games for Camp David, and not simply give Biden a Playstation version if NOT for Biden's DEMENTIA PROBLEM?

    5. That's a $22,799 expense if you bought them on EBay.

    6. I imagine this "dementia" bullshit will continue for 4 years. Meanwhile, Joe Biden will continue to competently do the job of president. Something Dotard was NEVER able to do. Then he will run on his record of competency and the American people will give him another 4 years.

    7. The Nintendo Switch edition is only $99.

    8. Joe Biden's Mario Cart cost SIGNIFICANTLY less than Dotard's golf outings. 142 million over 4 years according to Forbes.

      FYI, Dotard's dad had dementia. You'll laugh at Dotard if he develops it? A possibility much more likely than Joe Biden ever developing dementia.

    9. Teleprompter Joe won't be going off script? How comforting. No more hairy leg stories. What a relief!

    10. Way preferable than comments from Dotard about how he'd like to date his daughter. Yuck!

    11. Having small children run his leg hairs is less creepy? Who knew the Q people were so on to something...

    12. When China Joe goes to Camp David, the Secret Service make him wear a name tag to help facilitate his relocation during the almost hourly Silver Alerts...

    13. Sure, a non-sexual story from Joe Biden about the hairs on his leg is a lot worse than Dotard talking about how he'd like to f*ck his daughter. Right. What does Q have to say about these "hourly silver alerts"?

      Q sells a world of make believe. I think that secretly you're ALL in. Just as you're all in re the White Supremacy. trumperism is all about White Supremacy and Q delusions.

    14. What makes you think that the story was non-sexual when made by a pizza loving paedophile.

    15. A person who is empathetic and cares about other people is not a paedophile. You're thinking of Dotard. He cares only for himself and sees females as sexual objects. Including the very young ones. Just like his ex-buddy Jeff.

    16. FYI, the placeholder was Dotard. He was an abberation between Obama and his VP (now president). The American people realized what a HUGE mistake they made in electing Dotard. Why so many people came out to get rid of him.

    17. Dotard's placeholder status is confirmed by the fact that he never had above 50 percent approval. Joe Biden has already bested that by 12 points.

    18. DJT was never surrounded by the world's vastest tribe of fawning sycophants

    19. You know the tribe I'm talking about, the professional ass-kissing tribe that relies upon State power for it's very existence.

    20. LOL. Dotard DEMANDED fawning sycophants. Telling him the truth instead of what he wanted to hear was a sure way to get fired. Or bypassed.

    21. It's a shame that so many people still believe the truth to be an absolute, and not relative, prediction. :(

    22. Joe Biden wants facts and honesty from his team. Dotard demanded lies that fit his narrative and fawning adoration. And that is the truth. It's a shame you think you can get away with endless bullshit.

    23. Dotard is the one who just got fired. And he went postal.

      Joe Biden was just hired and will be on the job for at least 4 years. As we have seen, impeachment does not work. Dotard absolutely deserved to be impeached and removed, but republicans refused to do the right thing and he remained. Unless he dies, Joe Biden isn't going anywhere. And I think dying is unlikely. Given the fact that Joe Biden is fit and in good health. And receives the best medical care money can buy.

    24. Please, Joe has already been exiled back to his basement, only to be wheeled out and displayed for ribbon cuttings and commemorations.

    25. Please. Dotard watched tv for hours a day (his "executive time"), played golf, held rallies, etc. He enjoyed the trappings of the presidency but spent little time doing the job. Joe Biden is the opposite: a workhorse who WANTS to do the job and make things better for the American people.

    26. the whole world knew Dotard wasn't up to the task of being president. And Cory Bernardi is full of shit. He does not speak for the world.

    27. The laugh of UN cynics is merely a reflection of their own cynical claims to greatness.

    28. It was a reflection of how stupid Dotard's claims were.

    29. No, it was a reflection of just how empty theirs were.

    30. Yes. Dotard's delusions of grandeur were (and remain) laughable. Hence the laughter.

    31. Cynical laughter has a different sound. And THAT was the sound of it.

    32. Slavoj Zizek There is an old Jewish joke, loved by Derrida, about a group of Jews in a synagogue publicly admitting their nullity in the eyes of God. First, a rabbi stands up and says: “O God, I know I am worthless. I am nothing!” After he has finished, a rich businessman stands up and says, beating himself on the chest: “O God, I am also worthless, obsessed with material wealth. I am nothing!” After this spectacle, a poor ordinary Jew also stands up and also proclaims: “O God, I am nothing.” The rich businessman kicks the rabbi and whispers in his ear with scorn: “What insolence! Who is that guy who dares to claim that he is nothing too!”

    33. It wasn't. Dotard's claim was absurd. People laughed because they realized he really meant it. They couldn't believe the US had elected such a fool.

    34. Yes, he really MEANT IT...and THEY NEVER DID.

    35. It wasn't true, though. And you imply other leaders made similar claims but I've seen no evidence of that. And your rabbi story concerned people bragging about their humbleness. Something Dotard would NEVER do.

    36. Trump gave the first SotU speech in history? Who knew?

  3. Mr. Fiddlesticks is carping abut "Maoist State of America" and the "cancel culture" because some minor tv personality got fired from her series for making racist remarks. So Fiddlesticks gets all lathered up about "Maoists" on the left. Meanwhile he totally ignores the "cancel culture" on the right where the various state RNCs try to cancel via censure the Republican senators who voted to find Trump guilty in his SECOND impeachment.

    Fiddlesticks ignores the cancel culture of Donald J. Trump, whose insurrectionist mobs tried to cancel an entire American election by attacking the US Capitol and killing and attempting to kill people because Trump believes he's still president.

    Fiddlesticks has become increasingly bitter and aggrieved over the past few years.

    1. It's only "cancel culture" when Democrats do it.

    2. You are the ones who invented "cultural capitalism" (1968)...

    3. Capitalism actually exists in many cultures albeit more as a mixed economy. Just like the USA to one degree or another.

    4. The Chinese laugh at America's cultural capitalist consuming Baizuo. A sucker is born every minute.

    5. You lie. All Chinese people don't think exactly alike. This video from when Obama was president definitely suggests the Chinese who hate the American Left are a minority.

    6. They don't hate you. They just can't believe how unbelievable STUPID you all are.

    7. Chinese citizens can't believe how unbelievably stupid Dotard supporters are.

      Wang Yiwei, director of the Institute of International Affairs at Renmin University in Beijing: "Many ordinary Chinese people want Trump to win, because they think Trump has destroyed the American system and its alliances. So if Trump continues to do that, there may be opportunities for China". [Time, 9/29/2020].

    8. There's no doubt about it that when America withdraws from globalism, the Chines will be given "opportunities". What they miss is that the global system doesn't work when the American 'market' becomes inaccessible to them.

    9. When is that going to happen? According to you Joe Biden is a bigly globalist who wants to send all American jobs to China.

    10. Anyway (as per the quote I gave you) Chinese citizens weren't the least bit concerned about Dotard's trade war. They didn't miss anything.

    11. The Biden Plan to Ensure The Future is "Made in America" by all of America's Workers ... If we make smart investments in manufacturing and technology, give our workers and companies the tools they need to compete, use taxpayer dollars to buy American and spark American innovation, stand up to the Chinese government's abuses, insist on fair trade, and extend opportunity to all Americans, many of the products that are being made abroad could be made here today. And, if we do these things with an unwavering commitment to bolstering American industrial strength, which we will power using clean energy that we also harvest here at home, we will also lead in making the cutting-edge products and services of tomorrow. Biden will do more than bring back the jobs lost due to COVID-19 and Trump's incompetence, he will create millions of new manufacturing and innovation jobs throughout all of America.

    12. Trump's Trade Deficit Legacy: Three Largest In History In Four Years. ... Both as a candidate and a president, President Trump decried trade deficits. While he is not the first to bemoan deficits nor will he be the last, Trump made taming them a key part of his campaign. On that score, he will have failed. The three largest U.S. deficits in history will have occurred during the Trump Administration.

    13. The three largest U.S. deficits in history will have occurred during the Trump Administration.

      Congress had nothing to do with it? Who knew?

  4. PS. Your resident Qers are still bitching about President Biden. LOL! It's going to be a looooooooong and painful 4 years for these sad, disappointed little Q-men.

  5. Silverfiddle was once a fairly reasonable guy, 8 or 9 years ago. But like so many he fell hook, line,and sinker for the con. There are millions of Silvefiddle's.

  6. Rush Limbaugh is dead.

    And with that announcement, I remembered this Mark Twain quote:

    "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”

  7. "Mr. Fiddle disallowed new comments, so who knows how he would have continued to deny the fact that republicans engage in voter suppression."

    I agree with RN. Silverfiddle is smart and talented in many ways, but he got lost in the morass of Trumpism and either refuses to or can't see the damage that Trump did to this country. Hell, he and his pals would have swallowed their tongues in rage had a Democratic president done what Trump did on January 6. But he and his kind are in a tribe and it is tribalism that's killing this country.

    I admit I feel more comfortable with liberals than I do with, say, conservatives, although my brother who lives in Tennessee is a stalwart defender of Trump (and, sadly, Limbaugh!). But if a Democratic president had incited a crowd to attack the US Capitol and people were killed as a result, I KNOW I would not defend it. Ever.

    The truth is that Trump incited an armed mob, and they attacked the very foundation of our democracy, and Silver and his friends seem not to be too concerned. That's tribalism in its worst form.

    And it's killing our democracy.

    1. No, what's killing our democracy is the Left's miasma theory of white racism.

    2. White Supremacy is mui miasma. It isn't a theory, it's the driving force behind trumpism.

    3. Your transparent denials aren't funny, they're pathetic.

    4. "-FJFebruary 19, 2021 at 9:24 AM
      Funny, it ain't driving me."

      Maybe because you are already there?

    5. No, what's pathetic is your claims of abilities to read the hearts of men.

    6. Nobody is reading hearts. We read comments. And your comments make your support for White Supremacy clear. As well as your support for Dotard.

    7. That you see White Supremacy in MY comments and DJT's actions are a reflection of your delusional character, not me or him.

    8. That you deny White Supremacy in your comments and Dotard's actions is a reflection of your delusional character, not me or the majority of Americans that acknowledges reality.

    9. Please, the majority of Americans are sheep, easily cowed into adopting the Left's cultural lean du jour.

    10. A lot of Americans are sheep. Look at how many believed Dotard's fact free claims about how the election was stolen. Luckily the sane majority turned out and gave the White-Supremacist-in-chief the boot.

    11. The majority cowered in their basements and let Democrat fraudsters steal the vote with phony absentee ballots.

    12. You falsely call mail-in ballots phony because you were totally down with Dotard's plan to use the pandemic to steal the election. Your link doesn't prove the BS claim in the comment it follows. AT ALL.

    13. It didn't?

      And, perhaps unsurprisingly, the biggest spikes in mail voting occurred in places that went the furthest to encourage mail voting (i.e., those that automatically sent every registered voter a ballot), especially those with little history of mail voting prior to 2020. These include New Jersey (where only 7 percent of voters voted by mail in 2016, but 86 percent did so in 2020), the District of Columbia (12 percent in 2016 versus 70 percent in 2020) and Vermont (17 percent in 2016 versus 72 percent in 2020).

    14. No. People encouraged to vote by mail voted by mail. That isn't proof of fraud.

    15. No, but mailing out unsolicited absentee ballots is.

    16. Today's headline: Massive Crowd of Two Supporters Welcomes 81 Million Vote Recipient Kamala Harris Back to Her California Home (Video)

    17. Mailing someone an "unsolicited" absentee ballot is not fraud. If you don't want to vote you don't send it back. btw, Dotard said the number of "unsolicited" ballots was going to be 80 million. Politifact ruled that claim to be MOSTLY FALSE because "...at most, 7.5 million or so ballots will be sent... to voters who have not requested them".

    18. That's 7.5 million opportunities for Fraud that didn't exist before the ballots were mailed.

    19. ps - Try mailing out 7.5 million copies of your car keys and tell me that the chances of your car getting stolen hasn't increased.

    20. 6 ways mail-in ballots are protected from fraud... Voter fraud is very rare, whether people vote in person or by mail. That much is clear from a large body of research. One of us is a political scientist at the University of Washington, and the other is a former elections commissioner who now studies voting laws. We can explain why voter fraud is so rare – especially for mail-in ballots ... 1. Only valid voters can get a ballot in the mail. ... 2. It is very hard to make fake ballots. ... 3. Voters must affirm their identity. ... 4. It’s very hard to duplicate mail-ballot envelopes ... 5. The Postal Service will notice oddities. The Postal Service coordinates with state and local election departments to flag any ballots that deviate in even minor ways from typical procedure. ... 6. Voter fraud is a serious federal and state crime. (The Conversation, 9/17/2020).

      US election 2020: Do postal ballots lead to voting fraud? ...the rate of voting fraud overall in the US is less than 0.0009%, according to a 2017 study by the Brennan Center for Justice. And Federal Election Commission head Ellen Weintraub has said: "There's simply no basis for the conspiracy theory that voting by mail causes fraud". (BBC News, 11/6/2020).

  8. Maisma theory of white rasism.

    Being absolutely ambivalent to your anticipated distraction and denial Joe the Con Extraordinaire (aka -FJ and other sp's) I can only conclude your juiced on Trumpserum.

    Either that or you're one DMF.

  9. Were the majority of Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 sheep? Or are they sheep only when they differ with your politics? Do you not understand how foolish you sound?

    We do.

  10. What better place to visit to witness the exercise of repetitive BS from the right. Oh, that's right, WYD and Geeeez has even more repetitive BS to offer!

    Since the tRump butt hurt things have really gotten out of control. LMAO!

  11. Negative FJ

    The polar opposite of the real thing, baby!


    1. Good to see ya +FJ! Always nice to see a reasonable, rational, and reality minded dude. Keep the faith baby!

      PS, I've got to make a point of getting over to your site.
