Saturday, May 14, 2022

Illegitimate Supreme Court To Overturn Roe V Wade

The original vote affirming a woman's right to privacy in the matter of abortion was bipartisan. The vote to overturn will be 100 percent one-sided. With 3 of the justices voting to strip women of this fundamental right being donald tRump appointments.

7 Voted For
William O. Douglas (FDR D)
Thurgood Marshall (LBJ D)
Harry Blackmun (Nixon R)
William J. Brennan Jr. (Eisenhower R)
Warren Burger (Nixon R)
Lewis Powell Jr. (Nixon R)
Potter Stewart (Eisenhower R)

Two Voted Against
Byron White (JFK D)
William Rehnquist (Nixon R)

donald tRump Appointments
Neil Gorsuch (stolen seat).
Boofing Brett Kavanaugh (unfit to serve on the court).
Amy Barrett (stolen seat).

ALL three tRump appointed justiced lied under oath during their Congressional hearings, insisting that Roe was settled law, and therefore they would not overturn it.

And there is also the fact that donald tRump was an illegitimate president and should have appointed ZERO supreme court justices.

Post authored by the pro-choice Christian blogger @ Dervish Sanders. WYM-277.


  1. Rattrapper [May 14, 2022 at 11:44 PM] Figures you advocate butchering babies, Assface Dervish! You should be very careful what you ask for, Assface Dervish. Let's see what you begged for on your retort, Assface Dervish:

    Apparently, you want women to butcher their babies, eh, Assface Dervish bin Satan Sanders? It is written "You shall not commit murder" Assface Dervish. And the prophets whom you call puppets of Satan said God will overturn ROE VS WADE. You've already been warned, Assface Dervish. And don't bother, as your blog has been screencapped already.


  2. Thought Criminal [May 14, 2022 at 2:59 PM] Nearly 50 years and millions of aborted pregnancies later, the Supreme Court has figured out it had no constitutional grounds to create abortion rights from thin air in the first place. This will not be the first time the Supreme Court has reversed a prior decision that was grounded in Constitutionally indefensible warbling. What's the big deal?

    Dervish Sanders [May 14, 2022 at 4:11 PM] Re "the Supreme Court has figured out..." Bullshit. The Supreme Court was radicalized via 3 stolen seats. The anti-choice cloak has no relation to reality whatsoever.

    Thought Criminal [May 14, 2022 at 4:28 PM] You probably shouldn't making appeals to reality in the same comment that implies Presidents can't nominate and Senates can't confirm Supreme Court justices to the job of interpreting the US Constitution in judicial matters that come before them. Just exactly how much meth did you smoke today, Derpy?

    Dervish Sanders [May 14, 2022 at 7:13 PM] I didn't imply what you say I implied. How much meth did you smoke today?

    Thought Criminal [May 15, 2022 at 1:02 AM] Apparently not enough meth to believe the Supreme Court is radicalized (i.e. left-wing) and was made that way by three stolen seats. The Supreme Court isn't bent really any particular way (they regularly disappoint every faction) and all of the justices got their seats legitimately via the Constitution.

    So, I haven't smoked meth. How much meth made your comment deviate from the observable universe so much? Look, I enjoy honest debate, which is why I constantly remind you that you're a blithering idiot. I have confirmed this by the sheer volume of times I've had to remind you that you're a blithering idiot. I'm being as courteous and patient as I can be with someone of your obvious intellectual disabilities. I wouldn't lie to you. You are a blithering idiot. Please don't stymie yourself further with meth smoking. Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.

  3. Why do you engage with these radicalized right-wingers and Trumpists? They will never agree with the truth that President Obama had a Supreme Court nominee and justice stolen from him. But facts are stubborn things. With almost a year before a presidential election Moscow Mitch wouldn't even bring the nomination to the floor for a vote because Moscow Mithc (a lying liar) said "the people should decide, and we were too close to an election -- 9 months out.

    Then comes the death of RBG, two months before a presidential election, and BAM! Moscow Liar Mitch slams ACB's nomination and confirmation through while Americans were voting.

    Why bother to talk to those folks who refuse to see what's in front of their noses? Most of them are self-satisfied hypocrites who will never admit to what Moscow Mitch did to this country.

    I'm grateful to be living in a Blue state where my family, friends, and neighbors are sane, educated people who understand what the Trumpublican Party is doing to this country. I don't have to put up with radicalized proto-fascists like the ones you engage with on WYD and AOW. They're besotted with FAUX NOOZ lies and a Christo-fascist idea of what they want America to become.

    You'll never get them to see beyond their noses.
