Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Voters Are Angry About High Prices... Angry They Aren't High Enough

For the record, I was exaggerating. That was hyperbole. While the price likely won't get anywhere near $20, it certainly could get absurdly high. Why I replied by writing, "No. That's what the d0n0ld campaign proposed". Apparently the voters determined the price of eggs is not currently high enough. That might explain why they voted for d0n0ld who proposes raising prices, over Kamala Harris, who proposed lowering them.

I asked the AI Copilot some questions and got the following responses that explain why the price of eggs absolutely could go up with d0n0ld back in the White House...

Copilot: Not all eggs consumed in the United States are domestically produced. While the U.S. produces a significant amount of eggs, it also imports eggs from other countries. In 2022, the US imported around 15 million dozen eggs, primarily from Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and China.

Donald Trump's proposed tariffs could indeed affect the price of eggs. Tariffs on imported goods generally lead to higher prices for consumers, as importers often pass the additional costs onto customers. If tariffs are imposed on countries that export eggs or egg-related products to the US, it could result in higher prices for eggs domestically.

...chicken feed is imported into the United States. In 2023, the U.S. imported over $4 billion worth of animal feed from other countries. The top exporters of animal feed to the U.S. include countries like Canada, Brazil, and Argentina.

So, if tariffs were imposed on these imports, it could indeed affect the cost of chicken feed, which in turn could impact the price of eggs, even those from US farms.

Video: Aug 16, 2024. Vice President Kamala Harris announced a sweeping set of economic proposals meant to cut taxes and lower the cost of groceries, housing and other essentials for many Americans. Harris unveiled her plans Friday in the battleground state of North Carolina.

The primary thing on people's minds when they went to vote was high prices. Though it turns out their concern was that prices aren't high enough. They made their choice. Kamala Harris put forward a plan to lower prices, while d0n0ld spoke of a plan to raise prices. A slim majority of voters decided that corporate profits are what is important to them.

Aside from White Supremacy and Patriarchy. Those two things are also very important to the voters. They said, "no way" to doing anything to address either. The voters said they like both of these things very much and want more White Supremacy and more Patriarchy.

Does this make any sense whatsoever? Not to me, it doesn't. And I bet many voters will insist they voted for lower prices and maybe even say they don't support White Supremacy and Patriarchy. But they would say this due to being extremely stupid. Also liars. Because, while I don't believe all of them want more White Supremacy and Patriarchy, many do. And even admit it.

But I doubt any of these voters wanted higher prices. Excepting CEOs who are bigly enjoying being able to price gouge. The rest of the d0n0ld voters are clearly morons. Kamala warned that electing d0n0ld would lead to prices going even higher. Many just lacked the brain power to understand the logic behind why that would happen.

Elon is lying. Soon "would happen" will be "has happened". Remember d0n0ld supporters, when that occurs... you voted for this.

Post authored by the Deeply Sorrowful, Depressed and Extremely Worried Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym343.


  1. How come you never feature brown eggs, racist?

  2. Your comment has nothing to do with what I wrote. Looks like you saw a picture of eggs but read nothing. btw, what you wrote is bullsh!t. This is the only picture of eggs I've ever posted to my blog. Also, 90 percent of eggs sold are white eggs. So my picture shows the most common color of eggs available for sale.

  3. Minus: Racist.

    You're telling me what you are? I already knew that about you.

    1. They're your white chickens coming home to roost.

    2. Me, personally? I wasn't here. My family wasn't here and had nothing to do with White Supremacy. I was born here. My father was born here. But my grandfather was born in Europe.

      They're your white chickens. Or America's White chickens. But yes, you're right. White Supremacy has come roaring back. Are you thinking you could walk around in public wearing your white hood and robes and nobody would object? I don't think we're there YET.

    3. Only the robe owners out of the Democratic Party would object... for copyright infringement.

    4. I see what you're doing. Like when I included a picture of the Patriot Front White Supremacist group. Your comments focused solely on the image and ignored what I actually wrote. You're doing it again. I am done talking about a picture of eggs and chickens. How moronic. I write thoughtful comments for your blog, but on my blog all you contribute is stupidity. You probably think it's pretty funny.
