Wednesday, September 6, 2017

#trumpdupe Sez Liar-In-Chief Is "A Man Who Came To Save Us From Hitler's Big Lie"

Note that (as with all commentaries on this blog) this post concerns comments from the Right-wing trumpanzee blog Who's Your Daddy. This is a blog that has attracted some of the most duped of the #trumpdupes. People who will be with Trump until the end, in that they will never turn on him and will defend him no matter what.

A fact proven (yet again) by an exchange that took place recently (betwixt me and 3 #trumpdupes). A conversation that started with a comment from an idiot calling himself "Minus FJ". This would be the idiot who proclaimed that tRump is our savior. What he's saving us from being the "big lie". Which presumably Barack Obama engaged in (lying to the American people "big league" in order to "fundamentally transform America").

Some of these lies being that global warming is real (as opposed to a hoax invented by the Chinese) and that the minimum wage is good for the economy. Minus was also very appreciative of Trump being White (following the "racist" Black president).

My response to this idiocy was to point out that tRump is a documented liar. He lies constantly and his lies are easily disproven. Past presidents have bent the truth (as all politicians do to some degree), but tRump is in a league of his own, as a majority of people acknowledge (a PPP poll from 7/18/2017 found that 57% of respondents don't think tRump is honest and 52% say he is a liar).

In response to my comment another #trumpdupe chimed in with a stupefyingly moronic response (my comment followed by the moron's reply).

Dervish Sanders: Donald Trump is the biggest liar ever to assume the presidency. As of Trump's first 6 months, Trump has been lying at the rate of 4.9 lies per day. (9/4/2017 at 10:10am).

The Absolute Marxist: 4.9? That low? The average man speaks 15,700 words per day. Estimating Trump's average sentence length to about 10 words, that's 1,570 sentence, of which 4.9 are lies. So are you saying he's truthful 99.7% of the time? Wow, it really is more impressive when you reduce it to numbers. (9/4/2017 at 10:26am).

The Absolute Marxist: ...and btw, thanks for proving Trump a pathological (99.7%) truth speaker. (9/4/2017 at 10:28am)

Can you figure out why his response is so stupid? BTW, he's an "absolute Marxist"? I think not.

Dervish Sanders: That is some truly moronic spin. The counted lies refer to on-the-record supposed factual statements (where Trump is asserting something is a fact but it is proven not to be). Yet you (with your words per day BS) are counting private and off the record conversations. As well as statements in which no facts are asserted. If Trump says to someone "hello, nice to meet you" (which could be a lie but wasn't looked at) you give him credit. If Trump tells the WH cook he wants a well done steak for dinner, again, the Absolute Moron congratulates the liar-in-chief for his 99.7% truth-telling. Dumbass. (9/4/2017 at 4:29pm).

I failed to mention that a tRump lie likely would consist of several sentences (at least). Not that it matters, as this argument from (alleged) Marxist that Trump's lies are low (if you look at them as a percentage of sentences spoken) is idiotic. For the reasons I pointed out. This didn't stop a third #trumpdupe from leaping into the exchange with a moronic comment of his own.

Beantown AntiFacist: Take it up with the supplier of the 4.9 number, moron. All AM did was use your own lie against you. (9/4/2017 at 5:03pm).

What "lie"? That Donald Trump lies an average of 4.9 times a day? No, I think he's talking about the "lie" that this is a lot of lying. As far as lying goes, 5 times a day is GREAT. In the minds of the #trumpdupe, that is. They LIKE it when Donald lies to them. Much more so than when the Black guy lied to them. Something he probably did a lot more than 5 times a day (they likely believe). (BTW, the "Antifascist" is another dishonest handle. Just like the "Absolute Marxist" isn't a Marxist, Beanie has nothing to do with the Antifa movement. Despite the fact that he fabricated a blog in which he pretends he is).

Anyway, the volume of tRump's lying IS unprecedented, as the NYT points out in a 8/7/2017 article titled "Many Politicians Lie. But Trump Has Elevated the Art of Fabrication".

...President Trump, historians and consultants in both political parties agree, appears to have taken what the writer Hannah Arendt once called "the conflict between truth and politics" to an entirely new level. From his days peddling the false notion that former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya, to his inflated claims about how many people attended his inaugural, to his description just last week of receiving two phone calls — one from the president of Mexico and another from the head of the Boy Scouts — that never happened, Mr. Trump is trafficking in hyperbole, distortion and fabrication on practically a daily basis. (9/4/2017 at 5:03pm). defines "practically" as "in effect; virtually". The 4.9 lies a day is an average. There are days that Trump might tell no lies (possibly). If he makes no public statements, for example. Other days he might tell a boatload more. So, that Trump lies on "practically a daily basis" is accurate. The average being 4.9 times a day.

And, no, that isn't a low amount of lying (as the #trumpdupe "Absolute Marxist" claims). It is a LOT. 52% of the American people say he is "a liar" (as per the poll I cited at the top of my post). "Historians and consultants in both political parties" say he's taken dishonesty to a new level. But it's a level that the #trumpdupes are in denial regarding.

Trump's lying isn't "unpresidented", but lower than you'd expect. He's actually a 99.7% truth speaker! As per the bullshit mental gymnastics of an "Absolute Marxist".

Update 5/10/2019: As I later learned, all three handles I mention above (Minus, Absolute Marxist, and Beantown) are ALL sockpuppets controlled by the same person. In fact, this person has many more (more than a dozen).

Post authored by Dervish Sanders, a Liberal/Progressive Proud Bernie Sanders Superfan. WYM-9. WYM2-9.

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