Thursday, June 20, 2019

Racist trumper Pig Mystere Oinks

The images below are from the blog of a racist trumper magaturd who calls himself "Mystere".

According to Wikipedia, "Racism in South Korea has been recognized - particularly by the South Korean media - as a widespread social problem". Additionally Wikipedia notes that "racist attitudes are more commonly expressed towards immigrants from other Asian countries and Africa, and less so towards European, white North American, and white Latin American immigrants who can occasionally receive what has been described as overly kind treatment".

I believe (though I am not 100 percent certain) that Mystere has indicated he is Korean. If this is true, it might explain Mystere's racism. Apparently a large percentage of Korean people favor the White race and dislike other minorities. Although (as per Wikipedia) this concerns Koreans living in South Korea (and I have no idea if Mystere has ever even been to South Korea). But he might have picked up his racist attitudes from his parents and community.

He does make it pretty clear (from his posting of the Confucius meme) he hates Chinese people. "Ching Cong" being a phrase used by bigots when mocking the Chinese language. The Confucius meme is one Mystere posted shortly after posting the picture (cartoon) of a man he describes as a "greaser". "Greaser" is a racial slur used to describe a Hispanic person. It is used in California (where Mystere lives) to disparage people of Mexican heritage.

The Confucius meme, BTW, was included in a Mystere-authored post in which the racist trumper falsely claims I called him a "gook" (racist slur against Asian people). This is a lie. I only asked Mystere (because of his use of the slur "greaser") if he thought it would be OK for me to refer to him as a "gook". Of course the answer is no. But Mystere apparently does not like slur words... if they're directed at him.

If Mystere uses them to disparage other minorities? That is obviously OK by him. Although, although given the fact that he lied about my use of that slur, he might be faking his outrage. It surely would not surprise me at all to discover he is a huge hypocrite.

The last meme (#3) is a misappropriated image from the show "The Big Bang Theory". While I have never watched this program, I very much doubt (the character) Sheldon is bigoted against people who are overweight. Or thinks that they smell. I guess Mystere is indicating that he smells me (?). Even though we have never met and live thousands of miles apart. Also despite the fact that Mystere himself is a "fartso".

"Fartso" is a word Mystere invented by combining "fart" and "fatso". But I've seen images of Mystere in which you can see he has a big gut. While Mystere has seen zero images of me. I know this due to the fact that he has posted pictures of a person named "Anthony Sanders" on his blog. A person he claims is me (but is not). Point is, Mystere does not know what I look like.

Another obvious point is that Mystere (despite being a fat-ass himself) is prejudiced against overweight people. As we all know, trumpers are defined by who they hate. Hispanics (who Mystere calls "greasers"), Chinese people, African Americans (use of racial slurs to describe Black people is fine by Mystere), gay people (even though Mystere is gay himself), and people who struggle with their weight. These are all people who Mystere hates. Nice. And he has the nerve to accuse me of what he is guilty of? F*ck you, Mystere.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-126.


  1. Mystere claims to be Japanese. But he also claims to be straight and Christian, and we know that isn't true.

  2. Apparently Mystere has nothing to say about his heritage, his false claim that I directed a racial slur at him, or the fact that the evidence clearly shows that it is Mystere who is the "racist pig" (Mystere's lie about me).

  3. Speaking of Racists, I thought that you said that all the Dixiecrats became Republicans as part of Nixon's Southern strategy?

    That's not what Joe Biden remembers...

    1. In fact, NONE of the racist segregationists that Joe remembers working with were Republicans...

    2. James O. Eastland,
      Herman E. Talmadge, Robert Byrd, John McClellan, and
      Sam Ervin all remained Democrat Senators long after Nixon's presidency and the so-called Southern Strategy..

      Only Strom Thurmond switched parties in 1964

    3. Re: "I thought that you said"... I don't know what comment you are referring to. You will have to link to it.

      I don't know what a "racist pocket" is. I thought your link would explain, but when I clicked it I found it was another of the silly video game videos you have linked to before. I didn't watch it.

      btw, the Dixiecrats are all dead. The racists (especially in the South) mostly vote republican now. Nixon's Southern Strategy was a success. Why the republicans use it to this day.

    4. How the "Party of Lincoln" Won Over the Once Democratic South (excerpt) The change wasn't total or immediate. During the late 1960s and early 70s, White Southerners were still transitioning away from the Democratic party... And even as Republican Richard Nixon employed a "Southern strategy" that appealed to the racism of Southern White voters, former Alabama Governor George Wallace... ran as a Democrat in the 1972 presidential primaries. [However] by the time Ronald Reagan became president in 1980, the Republican party's hold on White Southerners was firm. Today, the Republican party remains the party of the South.

    5. Gee, none of the Southern Republicans that replaced the segregationist Democrats were segregationists. How do you explain that?

    6. All the segregationists stayed loyal to the DNC... including all their still racist voters.

    7. The did not stay loyal. If they had been loyal they wouldn't have called themselves Dixiecrats and opposed civil rights. And many racist voters moved over to the republican party after being courted by Nixon. Dotard tRump utilizes the Southern Strategy to appeal to racist whites like yourself. FYI, I do not know of any politicians who advocate for segregation any longer. republicans today follow the Lee Atwater playbook.

    8. Says the history books. I didn't quote or link to the NYT so I have no idea why you're laughing.

    9. because if you taKe away all the "Southern Strategy" framing by the Times, Lee Atwaters remarks are quite remarkable in that they demonstrate the complete lack of any racism exercised by the RNC. The Southern strategy was to replace the racial strife of segregation with claass struggle. It became a "universal strategy" and lesson... with a direct line to Trump. The DNC focused on race... the RNC class... demonstrating once and for all that racial identity is all Democraats know.

    10. The Atwater quote I linked to was him admitting that the republican party was ALL ABOUT going after the racist vote... aka the Southern Strategy. A strategy which should now be called the "tRump strategy".

    11. Re: "demonstrating once and for all that racial identity is all Democrats know"... this is the racist repub strategy to portray the Democratic Party as the "Black party" so that racist Whites will vote republican aka the "White party".

    12. Minus: Lee Atwater's remarks are quite remarkable in that they demonstrate the complete lack of any racism exercised by the RNC.

      That is a stupid, perverse, and disgusting lie. As per the first president who implemented the Southern Strategy.

      Richard Nixon: From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats. [Source].

      Additionally (as per Wikipedia) "In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a national civil rights organization, for exploiting racial polarization to win elections and ignoring the black vote".

      Why would an RNC Chairman apologize for something that (according to you) never happened??? Anyway, despite the apology, the Southern Strategy remains in place today. Although the current version (the tRump strategy) is for the GOP to get even more racist than it was under recent republican presidents. Explaining why Dotard received the endorsement of David Duke and Richard Spencer.

    13. Look, there's no doubt that the DNC has successfully framed the Republican Strategy as a racial strategy in the minds of the Black Community. The Democrats have hammered and still hammer that framing message home. But Atwater's actual in-context 20 minute conversation tells the exact opposite story.

      Sure, nip out a few select quotes and you make your point. But take it all in context, his entire argument, and you come away with a completely different story.

    14. Nixon was simply acknowledging the Democrats successful framing. And since his was a larger "class" strategy, it worked to his advantage, as the racists within the White working class now had "reasons" not to vote Democrat.

      Nixon never attempted to weaken enforcement of the voting rights act (keeping the racists in camp). Today's Republicans do, because they're adopted a totally class-based strategy.

    15. btw - In 1968, the year that the Republicans supposedly adopted the racist Southern Strategy, George Wallace ran as an Independent and won 46 electoral votes. Guess who the "racists" had voted for.

    16. from Wikipedia:

      Democratic presidential primaries of 1972 and assassination attempt[edit]

      Green states went to George Wallace in the 1972 Democratic primaries.
      On January 13, 1972, Wallace declared himself a Democratic candidate, entering the field with George McGovern, 1968 nominee Hubert Humphrey, and nine other Democratic opponents. In Florida's primary, Wallace carried every county to win 42 percent of the vote; another of his opponents was John V. Lindsay, the liberal mayor of New York City, who had switched from Republican affiliation to enter the Democratic presidential primaries. In the 1972 campaign, Wallace announced that he no longer supported segregation and had always been a "moderate" on racial matters.[20] This position was an echo of Nixon, who in 1969 had instituted the first Affirmative Action program, the Philadelphia Plan that established goals and timetables. However, Wallace (similarly to Nixon)[58] expressed continued opposition to desegregation busing.[59]

      For the next four months, Wallace's campaign proceeded extremely well. However, it came to an abrupt halt on May 15, 1972, when he was shot five times by Arthur Bremer while campaigning at the Laurel Shopping Center in Laurel, Maryland, at a time when he was receiving high ratings in national opinion polls.[60] Bremer was seen at a Wallace rally in Wheaton, Maryland, earlier that day and two days earlier at a rally in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Wallace was hit in the abdomen and chest, and one of the bullets lodged in Wallace's spinal column, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life. A five-hour operation was needed that evening, and Wallace had to receive several units of blood in order to survive. Three others who were wounded in the shooting also survived.

      Bremer's diary, An Assassin's Diary, published after his arrest, shows he was motivated in the assassination attempt by a desire for fame, not by political ideology. He had considered President Nixon as an earlier target. He was convicted at trial. On August 4, 1972, Bremer was sentenced to 63 years in prison, later reduced to 53 years. Bremer served 35 years and was released on parole on November 9, 2007.

    17. cont.
      CBS News correspondent David Dick won an Emmy Award for his coverage of the attempt on Wallace's life.[61]

      Following the assassination attempt, Wallace was visited at the hospital by Democratic Congresswoman and presidential primary rival Shirley Chisholm,[62] a representative from Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. At the time, she was the nation's only African-American female member of Congress. Despite their ideological differences and the opposition of Chisholm's constituents, Chisholm felt visiting Wallace was the humane thing to do. Other people to visit Wallace in hospital were President Nixon, Vice President Spiro Agnew, Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern and Ted Kennedy. He also received telegrams from former President Lyndon Johnson, future President Ronald Reagan and Pope Paul VI.

      After the shooting, Wallace won primaries in Maryland and Michigan, but his near assassination effectively ended his campaign. From his wheelchair, Wallace spoke on July 11, 1972, at the Democratic National Convention in Miami Beach, Florida.

      Since Wallace was out of Alabama for more than 20 days while he was recovering in Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, Maryland, the state constitution required Lieutenant Governor Jere Beasley to serve as acting governor from June 5 until Wallace's return to Alabama on July 7. Wallace resumed his gubernatorial duties and easily won the 1974 primary and general election, when he defeated Republican State Senator Elvin McCary, a real estate developer from Anniston, who received fewer than 15 percent of the ballots cast.[63]

      In 1992, when asked to comment on the 20th anniversary of his attempted assassination, Wallace replied, "I've had 20 years of pain."[64]

      Democratic presidential primaries of 1976[edit]

      States in pink went to Wallace in the 1976 Democratic primaries.
      In November 1975, Wallace announced his fourth bid for the presidency. Wallace's campaign was plagued by voter concern about his health[65] as well as the media use of images that portrayed him as nearly helpless.[citation needed] His supporters complained that such coverage was motivated by bias, citing the discretion used in coverage of Franklin D. Roosevelt's paralysis, before television became commercially available. In the southern primaries and caucuses, Wallace carried only Mississippi, South Carolina and his home state of Alabama. If the popular vote in all primaries and caucuses were combined, Wallace would have placed third behind former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter and California Governor Jerry Brown. After the primaries were completed, and he had lost several Southern primaries to Carter, Wallace left the race in June 1976. He eventually endorsed Carter, who faced Republican incumbent Gerald R. Ford. Wallace later claimed that he had facilitated a fellow southerner's nomination; in point of fact, no position advocated by Wallace was included in the 1976 Democratic platform.

    18. Then Wallace went back to the Democrats in '72... taking his little racist army back into the Democratic fold.

    19. Minus: Look, there's no doubt that the DNC has successfully framed the Republican Strategy as a racial strategy...

      Because that is exactly what it is. All your bullshit aside. As for George Wallace... guess who all the racists voted for in the 2016 potus election?

      Economic Anxiety Didn't Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did. (excerpt) Our analysis shows Trump accelerated a realignment in the electorate around racism, across several different measures of racial animus - and that it helped him win. By contrast, we found little evidence to suggest individual economic distress benefited Trump. [5/8/2017 article from The Nation by By Sean McElwee and Jason McDaniel].

      Explaining the Trump Vote: The Effect of Racist Resentment and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments. (excerpt) ...indicators of racist resentment and anti-immigrant sentiments proved to be important determinants of a Trump vote - even when controlling for more traditional vote-choice determinants. Despite ongoing discussion about the empirical validity of racist resentment and anti-immigrant sentiments, both concepts proved to be roughly equally powerful in explaining a Trump vote. [Marc Hooghe, University of Leuven. Ruth Dassonneville, Université de Montréal. July 2018]

      A New Study Confirms (Again) That Race, Not Economics, Drove Former Democrats to Trump. (excerpt) Research on Iowa counties that swung from Obama to Trump indicates that GOP success was driven far more by sexism and racism than by economic anxiety. [4/29/2019 Pacific Standard article by Tom Jacobs].

    20. Dervy, you're naught but a supplier of nails for the framers.

      The racial strategy is all DNC now.

    21. The DNC HATES the white working class. That's why they continue make everything political out to be about "racial identity".

    22. You need a class-based strategy. But then, THAT wouldn't be "identity" politics of the traditional Democrat sort.

    23. The DNC did fail the working class re their support for job killing free trade deals*. White blue collar workers as well as African American blue collar workers. That is why I support Bernie Sanders for president. Bernie Sanders has voted NO on all job killing free trade deals.

      tRump lying about being for the "common man" is one reason why he won. But Democrats who decided to take a chance and vote tRump (the ones who didn't vote for him because they like his racist rhetoric) should realize by now that tRump lied and switch back to the Democratic candidate in 2020. Which hopefully won't be Joe Biden. He's a nice guy, but he's not the right guy. Proven by his stupid comments about China... among other reasons.

      *Quote: The shift away from the people was embraced most dramatically when Bill Clinton's New Democrats came to power in the 1990s. Clinton double-crossed labor with NAFTA and subsequent trade agreements, which encouraged the great migration of manufacturing jobs to low-wage economies. [end quote].

      Prior to Bill Clinton the Democrats were the party of the Blue collar worker and the Republicans were the party of outsourcing their jobs. The republican party STILL is the party of outsourcing American jobs. What we need is a trade policy enacted by Congress and not an idiot predisent f*cking things up with tariffs that will go away when he is gone. Something the corporations KNOW and why they aren't moving jobs back to the United States. tRump would need Congressional republicans on his side to accomplish what you THINK he is going to accomplish. But THEY AREN'T. He's doing a good job of screwing farmers, though.

    24. BTW, I agree about the class based strategy. The Democratic nominee needs to be clear that he or she is on the side of workers and against outsourcing their jobs. Dotard lied and said he was for workers (the "common man") when he is actually for the oligarchs. Clinton and Obama were for job killing free trade deals. I blame them for creating the opportunity for Dotard to be elected on a platform of swindling workers with his lies.

      Addressing the concerns of minorities is also important, however. Racism and bigotry (represented by Dotard and the GOP) are still very real problems and voters expect a candidate to address their problems in order to earn their vote. That you think they don't is why most African Americans (and other minorities) don't vote republican. That and the racism. But that's Dotard's strategy. He'd lose the base if he abandoned it.

    25. I agree that you need a class based strategy. But picking minority favorites isn't going to unite the classes. It only sews and maintains racial resentment. Giving reparations to African-American billionaires like Oprah isn't a winning class-based argument. And electing gold-diggers like Kamala Harris is a joke. Segregated Berkeley. Who is she kidding? The only bussing she ever experienced was watching television recreation of the Rosa Parks days. I grew up at an earlier time 30 miles south of Berkeley. My high school was 10% African-American, 10% Asian, and 40% Chicano.

    26. Maintaining the lie of modern minority oppression seems to be the MSM's main job. No one challenged Kamala's story, and no newspapers will expose her deception. Think that help's unify the classes, Dervy? The Cloak of Gyges is the only thing that keeping the Democrat Party from total collapse.

    27. We don't care about the resentful racists. Those people make up tRump's base. They will never vote Democratic. We don't care about the misogynists either. Kamala Harris is a serious candidate despite being a woman. You think she lies about being bused? If that were true no f*cking "cloak of Gyges" (aka your paranoid delusions) would keep the press from reporting it.

      The article you link to suggests no collapse. And why won't Democrats fall in line behind the nominee? As long as it isn't Biden or any of the other Moderates we'll get real change this time. My choice is Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Most of them are pretty progressive, however. Was there a "civil war" when "new Democrat/2nd way" Bill Clinton became the nominee?

  4. Poor Fat Tony! Resorting to photoshopping pictures again? You shouldn't call me a gook, Antoine. That wasn't very nice when you did that on your last retort before I called you out. It must hurt when I use one of your photoshop jobs against you, eh Fartso? I'll acknowledge the Jim Parsons Fat People Meme is from the internet, not 1 of your photoshop jobs. Just remember that when it's your time for the dirt nap, these things will be held against you. By the way, Jesus called the Pharisees "broods of vipers" and their synagogues a "den of thieves" to expose them for what they really were. You're the Chief Of Liars, Fartso.

    1. How am I the "chief of liars" when there are people who lie much more than I do? You, for example. You lie a LOT more than I do. I never called you a gook. And the racist anti-Chinese meme and the racist cartoon image of a Mexican man are from your blog. Why do you hate Chinese people and Mexicans, Mystere?

  5. The racist Chinese meme and the Mexican meme are from my blog? Which blog and blog posts are they from?

  6. HMMM… nearly a half hour has passed and still no oinking, Dervish? Okay, I'll give you just this: I did substitute a CARTOON IMAGE in place of that sick mutt peddler to keep his ugly greasy mug off my blog. Sick dog smugglers and peddlers are vile and disgusting.

    1. I was mostly offline yesterday and did not check this blog. In any case, I see you have removed the racist anti-Chinese meme from your blog. But it was there, liar.

      As per Wikipedia "Mainland Chinese are the largest minority in Japan (according to the 2008 statistics...). Mainland Chinese in particular have been targets of anti-immigrant sentiment along with government, police and media portrayal of them as being likely to commit crime. Indeed, an investigator from the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) said, racism against Koreans and Chinese is deeply rooted in Japan because of history and culture".

      Does this explain your hatred for Chinese people, fartso?

  7. What did you do to my new blog site, Dervish? I noticed you posted a new link for Donkey's Liberal Heel Kick on this site, and now my blog mysteriously disappeared with a tag, saying it's blocked for some violation according to Google. I just recovered my old blog Donkey's Revenge Thursday night after filing an appeal 2 nights ago, with an apology from Google about it being mistakenly removed. You better stop messing with my blog sites, Buttwipe!

    1. I have no idea why your blog was removed. I found it and linked to it (as you noticed). I did nothing else. Even though you would totally deserve me messing with your blogs, given the hacking of my Google account - which you are responsible for. That really made me angry. And, yes - despite you lying about not being responsible on your blog - I know it was you. You alerted me to the fact that the post had been deleted before I knew it was gone.

  8. Hey Dervish? You claim you were mostly offline yesterday? I got some emails from Don Key, Porky and Mystere asking about our blogs being messed with and deleted. Yesterday, I also noticed that Donkey's Revenge was blocked but restored later last night. I also tried to respond to an invitation to Donkey's Liberal Heelkick, only to find out it disappeared. I came by to your site to see what kind of trash you've been posting, then I noticed something strange on the link you posted to my site. I found some fake post link to something allegedly posted to Rattrapper's My Fox Trappings. It says you have a pistol, and you gave it some ridiculous name. I checked my blog directly without clicking your link, as I had left it open to respond to the invitation. I went back to my site to check for any blogs waiting to be published, only to find nothing in queue. I find your excuse questionable, though not necessarily impossible. The funny thing is this: the traffic sources mention your hate site as the source from Thursday. What's your excuse, Dervish?

    1. Mystere using his "rattrapper" sockpuppet: I found some fake post link to something allegedly posted to Rattrapper's My Fox Trappings. It says you have a pistol, and you gave it some ridiculous name.

      That is YOUR fake post title. You write a post, publish it, then delete it - that way it shows up on my sidebar but not on your blog. You've been doing it for awhile.

      I don't owe you any excuse. I already told you I wasn't online yesterday. Also, I can't see your traffic data - my guess is that you lie about what it shows. That, or someone else clicked a link to one of your hate sites on my sidebar.

    2. Encouraged by my acknowledgement that you write fake post titles to write a bunch more, Mystere?

      Re your fake post titles...

      Pookie Toot Toot Relieves Dervish Sanders' Constipation: I am not currently suffering (nor have I recently suffered) from constipation. In any case, there is no "Pookie Toot Toot". PTT is a figment of your imagination.

      This One Gives Head To Dervish Sanders: I've never met "This One". I suspect that you'd like to give him (or me) head. Given that giving head is your specialty.

      Dervish Names His Pistol "My-Dick" And Sucks On It: I don't own a pistol. If I did I won't do something so stupid with it. Is that what you do with your pistol? If you don't want to end up in Hell sooner (rather than later) you should probably keep the safety on.

      Dervish Farted: You think (and likely dream) about me farting a lot, don't you? No doubt you'd love to huff in my farts. But (thank God) you'll never be able to (we will never meet).

  9. You're the one who photoshops insults into pictures, Dervish. That collage is the latest example of insults you photoshopped and accused me of posting on my blog. You're the one who hates Asians and other non white people.

    1. Edward, You're the piece of shit that mocked Joe Biden after his son died of brain cancer. You're fucking garbage, Edward. You make Jesus puke.

    2. All those images come from your blog, Mystere. You lie about the anti-Chinese pic (which you removed). There are no posts or statements you can point to in support of your accusation that I hate "Asians and other non white people". It is a flat out lie.

      Regarding Mystere laughing at the death of Joe Biden's son... he did the same thing in regards to Hillary Clinton's brother Tony.

      Hildebeest's Little Brother Phony Fat Tony Rodham Croaks. [post text] Phony Fat Tony Rodham, the younger brother of Crooked Hildebeest Clinton has croaked. Fat Tony took his dirt nap on Friday June 7th. No announcements yet on when they will bury his carcass.

      I commented on this post saying that it was too bad that it wasn't Dotard that croaked. In response Mystere wrote "Be careful what you wish for, Anthony. God may curse you for wishing evil upon His Chosen One".

      I have no fear at all of being cursed by God for wishing ill upon Satan's "Chosen One", Mystere.

  10. POOR IRL! Did Irl have a bad day at GM? According to the post, Joey The Talking Chicken's boy Bobo has the same goofy grin as shown in the 3 pics. Were you giggling when you choked on a huge piece of coq in your mouth, Irl? I'm betting the guys on the Chevy assembly line came to your aid to pull out the pieces of coq stuck in your throat, Irl. The Chevy guys left some stuffed coq on your security console with a note on the bow tie saying "BITE ME" in bold red letters, eh IRL?

  11. Wow, Edward Endo, you don't even pretend to be a Christian, do you? You worship the fat orange piece of shit staining the Oval Office, with Jesus not even being relevant.

    The more you act like this, the more you confirm what everyone knows: You're a self-hating closeted gay man, pretending to be Christian in order to deny the truth. You're going to die alone and miserable, Edward Endo.

  12. Poor IRL Hudnutt! He's upset because Donald asked him a question whether he was giggling when he saw the post that Rattrapper posted. He was blushing because Don asked him if he choked on some pieces of chicken while he giggled. And Irl wants to blame me over Max's post from 2015 about Bobo Biden having the same grin as his pappy Joey. Now now Irl, did the Chevy slobs laugh at you because you giggled and choked on a piece of chicken while goofing off at the security console?

  13. Was Irl biting into dark meat or white meat when he choked on his chicken?

    1. Dervish, "WTF?" indeed. Edward Endo is an incoherent fucktard. He constantly lies about his identity, writes obscene scatological things on his blogs and in comment sections, and shits on everything Christ stood for. He's about as good a Christian has President Turd.

  14. Uh, Irl and Dervy boy? Did you two just fall out of a tree? You two mental midgets have heard of a delicious dish named Coq Au Vin, haven't you? Or are you two on the 'shrooms again? Don asked a cultured question, and you half wits scrape the sewer with your bent liberal whoppers. Way to go, DUMB AND DUMBER!

    1. I reported all your blogs as spam, Edward Endo. Enjoy!

    2. Dumb, dumber and dumbest are rattrapper, "Don Key", and Mystere. Although ALL THREE are Mystere (Ed and his sockpuppets). BTW, Mystere, everyone knows that "coq" is how you spell "cock". Same as when you go ON AND ON about "white gravy" (you mean semen). That you're a huge homophobe is why you write about people eating "white gravy" and "coq" all the time. When that's actually what you do. Although being self-hating and closeted you'll never admit it.

  15. Posting hate is a foolish thing to do Dervish. This hate mongering site of yours is a vile dump.
