Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wish Dotard A Very Crappy Birthday

Today I received an email from the Dotard 2020 campaign with the subject "sign president trump's birthday card". Looks like the birthday boy is going to be turning 73, making him (in addition to being our most corrupt president) our oldest president.

Dervish, President Trump's birthday is coming up on June 14th, and we want YOU to be a part of it. We're surprising him with a HUGE card with signatures from Trump supporters across the country wishing him a happy birthday. Our goal is to get 2 MILLION signatures to let President Trump know how thankful we are for his incredible leadership in our shared mission to Make America Great Again.

Sign the ONLY Official President Trump Birthday Card before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to make sure President Trump sees your name.

We sent President Trump a card last year, and he loved reading all of the encouraging messages from Patriotic Americans across the country. Be one of the FIRST to sign his card and make sure your name is one of the first that he sees when he opens it. Sign the ONLY Official President Trump Birthday Card before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to be one of the first to wish our fantastic President a happy birthday.

Thank you, Team Trump 2020

"Team Trump" says Dotard "loved reading all of the encouraging messages" he received previously (his last birthday in office). I don't buy it. They probably read some messages TO him. As everyone knows, Dotard is barely literate. So I doubt he will ever see the message I sent him.

F*ck you, Dotard tRump! You are an illegitimate Putin puppet. Also a racist, bigoted, misogynist, narcissistic low IQ massively corrupt loser who wears orange clown makeup for some reason.

I was going to ask him to resign, but decided to stick with the insults. Even though, given his reaction to the protests against his England visit, it is clear his narcissism won't allow him be believe that everyone does not love him. Except a few psychos and losers. Everyone else (in Dotard's diseased mind) thinks he is providing "incredible leadership". Ugh.

See the link above if you want to sign the card yourself. But I doubt ANYONE will read what you write. I've submitted similar messages in the past - and yet I am still on their mailing list. And they continue to believe I am a "loyal friend" of Dotard. And that I believe in the Dotard Administration agenda of enriching the plutocrats while screwing working Americans (while lying and saying he is helping them).

Thank you for signing the President's Birthday Card. You have certainly proven yourself to be a loyal friend of President Donald J. Trump through your steadfast support for our shared agenda. Your continued support is critical to Make America Great Again! Please make a special contribution today to commemorate the President's birthday.

If my support is critical, then they (given my non-support) are going to fail? No, they're talking to the dupes - and I am not a dupe. Which is why I sent no money. I did (as I have before) enter a large NEGATIVE amount. Unsurprisingly that doesn't work. So I closed the tab. I wonder if Minus or Mystere reads this - if they'll click the link and donate?

Although they must already be on the mailing list (and may have donated already). Even though the commander who is a thief is stealing this money for himself. "Fake news", no doubt.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-120.


  1. MY Note to Shaw Kenawe

    Ms.Shaw, for you to post those disgusting pictures of those sewer Rats displaying themselves like the ANIMALS they are, by dishonoring our President on a day so Sacred as today The 75th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion where 10's of Thousands of American lives were lost in order to give people like you freedom .
    I for one think that You are a DISGUSTING PIG!

    1. You're at the wrong blog. This is my blog and I am not Shaw Kenawe. Clearly you're not very smart. I don't know how anyone could get confused about such a thing.

  2. Replies
    1. Minus/JC is confused as well. Remember I told you I rarely click your YouTube links? I don't know what these 2 concern and probably never will.

  3. Be careful what you wish for on others, Fartface Dervish. When you take your permanent dirt nap, your wishes will bite you back for eternity.

    1. I'd warn you that your wish to fart in my face might "bite you back for eternity"... although Satan's demons farting in your face for eternity is probably your idea of Heaven.


  4. You're a mentally ill liberal, Dervish. Your fantasy of sniffing my buttocks will never come true.

    1. You're a mentally ill trumper, Mystere. YOUR eproctophilia fantasy of sniffing my buttocks will never come true.

  5. Given mystere's repeated return to this weblog in the face of constant belittlement it is all too clear that mystere is trying to develop a lasting bromance with you Dervish.

