Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Further Thoughts On Mystere's Failed Attempt To D0x Me & MysteЯe Being G@y

As I recounted in a previous commentary, the tRump loving blogger Mystere attempted to d0x me by revealing my "true identity and address" on his blog. According to this pea-brain, my "real" first name isn't Dervish, it's "Anthony". Also, I am a 71-year-old juvenile court judge who works in Waverly TN.

As it turns out, Mystere is wrong about my "true identity". Thank goodness. This fact does not stop him from being 100 percent convinced he is right, however. It also does not change the fact that the a-hole TRIED to dox me. Which isn't a polite thing to do. And why I decided to return the favor and d0x him, revealing his true name and address. As well as his true sexual orientation.

Mystere is a closeted g@y man with serious mental problems. Apparently (in his delusions) "Mystere" is g@y while "Edw@rd En*do" is a macho straight dude who hot chicks find irresistible. LOL! This is why he keeps his marriage (to WWE wrestler Rikishi) a secret from his family. Especially his mother. Mystere is terrified that his bigoted "Christian" mother will find out. From a young age Mystere's mother told him (over and over) that homosexuality is "vile in God's eyes".

This explains why Mystere hates g@y people (including himself). Although it's "Edw@rd En*do" who hates g@y people. And might commit a hate crime if he ever encountered "Mystere". Especially if Mystere suggested that he lick Edw@rd's butthole while Edw2rd farted (something Mystere is really into).

Does this mean Mystere has a split personality? Not being a psychologist or a psychiatrist, I can't say. I can say that Mystere is definitely nuts. Also definitely in denial regarding his being a g@y man. Which is his business. If he wants to remain in the closet, that is. I wouldn't have outed him on this blog except for his hypocrisy. And his hate. That's what really did it for me.

It's one thing to be g@y and and want to remain closeted. That is nobody's business. But when Mystere spreads his hate for g@y people and votes for a president who seeks to roll back rights for g@y and trans people? That is another matter. You say tRump isn't a homophobe? Well, you are wrong. And the definitive proof is who he selected as his Vice President.

Mike Pence is an undeniable homophobe. Dotard sent a message to the homophobe Right by selecting Mike Pence. Mystere can deny it, but that the homophobe Pence is tRump's VP is a major reason why he voted tRump/Pence. Not that, as a Conservative, Mystere would have considered voting for Hillary Clinton. Or even staying home. There are many other reasons why Mystere loves tRump.

But it was the homophobia (amplified big league by putting Pence on the ticket) that convinced Mystere in a bigly way that tRump was "selected by God". As the false prophet Fireman Mark Taylor has "prophesied". Being a phony Christian who looks for reasons to hate his fellow man, Mystere was impressed with the blatant homophobia of the tRump/Pence ticket.

"This is a really Godly duo", Mystere said to himself. This he knew because tRump and Pence hate all the people God tells Mystere to hate. So, YES, I think that this kind of hypocrisy deserves to be outed. You seriously need HELP, Mystere. But he will never seek it. Because Satan has a strong grip on Mystere's heart. And his tiny pea-brain.

Which is why Mystere will never admit he is g@y. Or, Edw@rd En*do will never admit it. Although Mystere, while being totally gay, denies it as well. Even when he is having sex with his husband (then writing about it on his blog). In Mystere's mind he "gave in to temptation" and sinned. But God is forgiving. So Mystere promises God that he'll never have g@y s3x again and asks for forgiveness (a process he repeats on a daily basis).

By the way, further evidence that Mystere is g@y is the fact that "Mystere" is a totally g@y name. Mystere says that on other social media platforms he goes by "myfoxmystere" because "Mystere" was already taken. I believe this. And I think the other "Mystere" almost certainly selected this alias because he is also g@y (though probably not in the closet).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. wym123.

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